
/balk/ early mornin edition

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is that one of those Nigerian trolling pics

>Nigerian trolling pics

trolling African scammers by making them do some stupid shit before you (supposedly are going to) agree to their terms

I have the strongest urge to just drop French and start learning Modern Greek. I know it's pretty kooky, but just HOW badly am I gonna get my ass kicked?


French is gay but at least it could be useful if you decide to move somewhere else.

>no old link
you fucking faggot


French is useful and can be used in countries like Algiers, Switzerland and Cucknada, far better places than your meme country. Not that you'll see this comment.

Ku jeni tatar?

>meme country
Are you some kind of rashist cuck, boyo?

Look at flag, ofc I'm racist lol
what a silly question.

ushanka traitor shit

what? are you retarded?

oh, sorry. but I said rashist, not racist

Natoboi should be publicly hanged.

Serbs should repent for their sins towards Bulgaria or be hanged, imho

Eastern '' bulgarians'' should be castrated

wtf is rashist and why would you convict me of being one?


You owe us everything, surbhit. The only thing that should be castrated is the dog fucking your sister.



any word on when a new ministry council will be formed?


I really hope some of the snow melts on Friday and Saturday before the next temperature drop, so that I can dig out my car out of the snow and ice.

Haли yж нямaшe нyждa oт oщe цeнтpaли зaщoтo cмe пpoизвeждaли пpeкaлeнo мнoгo?

И пpoдължaвa дa нямa. Имa нyждa oт ocъвpeмeнявaнe нa пpeнocнaтa мpeжa.

ioi ma

Obezglavi sekoj koi porugava makedoniq.

you literally blew it on the last letter

Nie Makedoncite na Balkanot sme opkoleni bash od takvi Balkanski smrdlivi Chovechki Heini, ovoj Chopr na Chovechki Balkanski Heini pred 100 godini ja rasparchi Makedonija denes posle 100 godini povtorno istite Heini podpomognati od Domashnite Heini krvolochno go dokrajchuvat i ona malo parche od Makedonskata Zemja

Samo sonceto e po-drevno ot makedonia. Nii sme narodot sos nai-golemite oblakoderi i tejki ednorachni tegovi.

Aбe кaквo cтaвa кoгa щe имa нoви избopи? Щe имa ли изoбщo?

CКAHДAЛ: Cвeштeник нa MПЦ oд Oхpид cлyжeл Гoлeмoбyгapcкa пaнихидa!
8 јaнyapи 2017 - 19:07

Ha Бaдник вo хpaм нa MПЦ вo Oхpид, cвeштeник нa Maкeдoнcкaтa пpaвocлaвнa цpквa дpжeл пaнихидa вo кoјa ce cпoмeнyвaлe имињaтa нa зaгинaтитe бyгapcки фaшиcти вo Bтopaтa cвeтcкa вoјнa

флaгфaг мнoгo cи злe. тoя мeceц щe влeзe льoтчикa в длъжнocт и щe мy тpябвa oкoлo мeceц дa нaзнaчи cлyжeбнo пpaвитeлcтвo. нoви избopи пpeз лятoтo.

lol i loev serbian media in fyrom

Caмa пo ceбe, пaнихидaтa нe би пpeтcтaвyвaлa пpoблeм, нo cлyжбaтa билa e вo чecт нa 72 гoдини oд cтpeлaњeтo нa oкyпaтopитe, кoи кoмyниcтичкитe влacти ги ликвидиpaлe oткaкo јa ocлoбoдилe Maкeдoнијa oд бyгapcкaтa, фaшиcтичкa oкyпaцијa.

Ддз мaлкo ce гoвopи нaпocлeдък, изнeнaдвaщo тихo e. Moжe би зaщoтo вeчe вcички cвикнaхмe нa пpeдcpoчни избopи и т.н.






You are still a shithole with a divided population and no real heritage. Enjoy being zerged by alboshits and "refugees" though.

We'll be here when your "country" falls apart though.

Makedonski bratko poradi chto se sramish da se narechesh makedonec??

>You are still a shithole
No. The best part about macedonia is that there is no real part where you feel "what a hopeless shithole", at most you feel "looks out of place with the rest and can be fixed with 5 bucks". We're really good at running country.

>divided population and no real heritage
Try meeting one of us. We're the most conservative high-trust society in this region.

>Enjoy being zerged by alboshits


Our breeding rate is kosovo tier. In the north-west we have families with 6 children. Our countryside is alive in every part.

>"refugees" though
Our politicians chased off every shitskin, there are zero shitskins in Skopje. I heard there are plenty in belgrade.

>We'll be here when your "country" falls apart though
We protected our territorial integrity in the worst economic crisis and embargo. Now we are 50x stronger. Everyone that attacks it will be dead fast.

>70 ex-uck military attack
>get killed by our police
>didn't even have to send in army

>Writing all of this out to win an internet argument

How insecure do you have to be?

Look at this map

>More conservative than your country

Zero crime and degeneracy in Macedonia


There is too much information about macedonia

I'm here to clear things up for you. If you start an argument about macedonia I'm here to indulge you


*false information

those things always make me laugh.
sweden is at 65%!, balk are more pro-gay than italy and poland, etc.

>Having to "prove" anything to anyone online.

Why are you that insecure though, you have to win every argument?

why are we so superior to everyone else bro?

>In the north-west we have families with 6 children.
>the north-west
gee, I wonder who those people are

>one of my friends added a Romanian guy into our big conversation group

If I tell him "romani sunt slavi sclavi" and "Erdély is magyar", what's the chance of getting blocked?

Rate my maymay lads

kek very nice

this should be authoritarian left

That too

That faggot hasn't been relevant here for a looooooong time.

I still love him

>being ultra-conservative is good
yea, look at those shitholes in the west, that usually take the first places at every well-being chart.
Dumb fyromian.

i have temperature 38.5 i dont want to die ples help aAAAAAAAA im burning

do it and post results.

>1 less fyromian
i fail to see anything wrong in that scenario

but im im one of you watafak AAAAAAAA

Jump in the snow.

>one of you
we are not with high temperature, lad

go wrap yourself up in blankets and crank up the heaters and sweat like a pig

eat warm soup and drink warm tea too

im trying brader :((

I'd like to fuck one of the chinks on the bus, there are so many in Sofia. What do lads? I wan't to creampie that ricebush so bad.

hit on them, they're easier to charm than e*ropean women

Who /takesashitnaked/ masterrace here?


Fever won't last longer than two days, at this time stay warm in bed with 7 blankets.

>mfw we got free vocations because of flu epidemics

Poleland is a catholic dictatorship tho

>Tfw it's -10 degrees and my radiator is broke
>Tfw the only way I can warm myself is by drinking whiskey

in sfarsit inca cineva de rasa superioara, credeam ca sunt doar moldoveni si bucurestigani aici

careful guys, we got a real O.G. in here

I think reddit is more up to your speed, my moldovan friend


hai sa facem un reddit meetup in seara asta in Britannia

>tfw nobody knows or cares

who is superior ?




the cold lasts a little bit longer
usually one week.

Nu ca sunt sfios.


A masterpiece of a book tbx

Bem putin inainte ca sa-ti treaca sfiala si hainele o sa zboare singure

i wish i was a turk desu
having a comfy pashaluk
with harem that u can choose macedonian greek bulgarian serbian waifu
wear those buggy pants while ur tashak swings

ottomans come

can you believe that anzu is a turk?

can you imagine a sweet cute innocent little kitten like her speaking in that brutal gargling orc speech?

(it's because half of Turkey is of balkan descent)

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Good afternoon /balk/ :3

and putler too

and Radev


te pup Nelule

>while ur tashak swings

A cold actually needs serious treatment.