How do we get Pokemon Go removed from the google/apple app stores?

How do we get Pokemon Go removed from the google/apple app stores?

1. Buy Google and Apple
2. Decide that it should be removed
3. Profit


You don't. It's too big now, it can't be stopped. Godspeed user.

Also, why? It gets these fat fucking NEETs on they're feet, and walking.

The game is bad. And maybe Sup Forums can do the world some actual good.

Sounds like someone doesnt want to leave their basement

Can you even play anymore? Where's your next shitpost? 3 steps away?

The game is bad, but that doesn't mean take it off the market because it sucks. Don't like it? Don't download it. Pretty simple shit here, user.

Why not take it off the market?

Are you actually autistic? It isn't harming anyone. I don't like the game and I don't play it, simple really.

You're the one who wants to take it off the market, so you provide a reason that isn't "hurr durr I dont liek it".

>isn't harming anyone
What rock have you been living under?

buy all shares of NTDOY then get rid of the game directly

You don't bitch

If you mean the retarded faggots who are walking in to traffic then they deserve it and I have no sympathy for them.
It's not the game that harmed them, it's their lack of self awareness.
Should we get rid of phones altogether because of the accidents they cause? Any sense of 'danger' that accompanies Pokemon go can be said the same for pretty much phones in general and a bunch of other apps.

What about the game is actually good? Aside from your "friends" playing? And don't give me that "Hurr Durr it's making people go outside" If those people are fat they are still eating like shit and if those people are Autistic NEETs why would want those people outside walking around anyway?

I rather enjoy Pokemon go, it'll just fade away anyway.

I wouldn't know, I don't play the game. I just don't see a reason to get so butthurt by it that I want it removed from the app store.
It's probably the sense of randomness when it comes to the Pokemon that makes it addictive.


Because it's motivation to go outside and get some exercise for people who otherwise would just be sitting in their ass not doing anything.

>People too stupid to look up from their phones
>Texting, video calling, playing every game imaginable
>Pokemon GO hurts people!

When Pokemon games and anime became popular around the western world, the came right away with stories of how bad it is. A kid thought he was a pidgy, thought he could fly and jumped from the balcony to his death.
These stories are dumb. Each and every story about people getting hurt because of Pokemon GO is stupid, and could just as easily happened by using the phone for other purposes. It's only getting bad publicity because it's Pokemon and because it's popular.

The game doesn't change what they eat... Now you just have autistic land whales walking around.

Yeah but you're working off those pounds and that's the difference.

It's better than just sitting on your ass while eating all that shit.

tell google that the creators have donated to donald trump's campaign

Found em

It's a mobile game faggot. I don't know who is more autistic, the people who play it religiously, or you for expecting a mobile game to be good and getting all bent out of shape because it's not.

How PokemonGo is really being played

>b-but he's not playing Pokemon Go.

Kek i'm actually underweight.

You don't. It's like a tire fire. Just let it burn itself out and try to stay clear of the toxic smoke.


This, come next spring, I'll bet very few people will still be playing it. It'll crash just like every other hype.

I'm out of shape and eat like it too, but i'm 135 - 140 pounds.


>I'm not fat, I'm autistic!
