How do we fix this?

How do we fix this?

Give it to Greece?

>fix it


>implying you can


I liked Messina. Why is Sicily shit on?


>implying you can fix shitaly

What's wrong with Sicily?

somebody watched too much sopranos

You literally can't. Greeks,Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Italians, and god knows who else have tried.

that's our land. we had the last army that conquered Sicily.

Never watched Sopranos desu

lmao take it if you want to. But don't give it us back

i mean the people itt m8

Oh, that would explain quite a few things

Deport all the population somewhere else, replace it with [population you like]

that's right, we should let them handle their own shit. Maybe they would respect themselves and their island more, after a while

take away their autonomy, commissariate every city council AND the region's parliament, enforce an educational program heavily focused on civic education and loyalty towards the national institution.
Enact some special laws to allow for harsher law enforcement, and crack down every family of Cosa Nostra. Reward families and individual who turn their overlords in.
then do the same in Calabria and in the city of Naples.

make the etna erupt then start anew

If you give it to Greece it will look great in retrospect

>tfw i will have a sicilian gf in my lifetime

>implying anywhere is as shit as the south

the sopranos are about people who descended from Campania. They literally went to Naples in one episode.

>take away their autonomy
We have the autonomy because we're forced to stay in this country, we have fought against it two times in history

>commissariate every city council AND the region's parliament
>replace corruption with corruption
Every part of Italy and especially the Italian government is corrupted, it's just more evident in the South

>enforce an educational program heavily focused on civic education and loyalty towards the national institution
It's not our country, we're a colony

>Enact some special laws to allow for harsher law enforcement
It's not the laws that are missing, but the money to enforce them

>crack down every family of Cosa Nostra
Mafia was born with Italy, and has always been kept alive by the Italian politicians

First take back the Bulgarian criminals that you're sending here

Sei uno di quelli che crede che il sud era un paradiso sotto i borboni?

No, era peggio, ma dopo 6 rivolte era solo questione di tempo, i Borboni se ne sarebbero andati

convert to refugee storage space.

it kinda is already anyway