I have a raid idea

I have a raid idea

1) create poster saying "Democrats welcome muslims"
2) Underneath put كان محمد الجنس مع الخنازير which means "Mohammed had sex with pigs" but idiot democrats think its just a translation of the original statement
3) mass share it on social media.
4) let thousands of libfags piss of many muslims

This will be a critical blow to libtards everywhere

Do it! This is extraordinary.
Get on photoshop

we attempted one last year, didnt get enoughmomentum but never give up is what they say

you saved the fucking thumbnail you mouth breather consider the following

>2) Underneath put كان محمد الجنس مع الخنازير
That's all grammatically wrong

Nice Google translate

Sure it's wrong but Muslims will think that is just a bunch of liberals using google translate or something.

oh who gives a shit?

Do you even read bro? I said it wont matter it would piss them off just the same. Honestly who gives a shit about you?



Ok user. Here's a draft. It's shit there's no denying that but this is a rough template of how it should read. Anyone who thinks they can do better, which i'm sure they can, please upload your designs

That's a stupid idea and not going to work. People are going to check what it means right away. You might get a few people on Twitter, but none of the media would fall for it.

Pretty much you're a publicly educated teenager who thinks the world is as dumb as you. Go try it. Go put it on Twitter. I'm not saying don't try. I'm saying it won't work because people aren't as dumb as you.

>implying mainstream media does research
>"the hacker known as Sup Forums"

This, if anybody has better designs, post them

This guy didn't think he'd go viral, guess what Sup Forums and Sup Forums fucked him over.

With translations they do. It's why none of the raids attempted ever worked before. Someone always translates it right away and its get shut down.

Yes. The media double checks translations before re-posting it.

Fucking publicly educated people, I swear.

But I IMPLORE you go try it. Because I want you to discover how stupid of a fucking idea it is.


See. OP. It's a stupid idea and no one agrees with you. You're also bad at this that you're waiting for others to even do it. Because you can't or have no idea how to do it yourself.

You overestimate the common person. The reason why so many internet hoaxes get spread so much is precisely because most people DON'T verify them. Hell some people don't even read before sharing. I actually spread something through my FB friends with the last sentence of the post being "my 13th grade science teacher wrote a dissertation on lunchmeats" You have no idea how many likes and reposts that thing got.... It was almost sickening and they were so pissed when they finally found out several days later.

Do you have a better idea?

This idea sucks. Lets do something against feminists they are actually stupid enough to fall for crap.

This, if people were that bothered about verifying trends on social media then 99% of hoaxes would hit the great filter and die before enough people fell for them. Even if the media do end up checking it, that doesn't mean the average moron on twitter will.

If I overestimate then why does no one agree with you and why aren't you and your fellow anons doing the raid?

The answer? Because its fucking stupid and people will figure it out right away. Yes, you'll get a few idiots to fall for it. But someone will right away point out what the translation means and it'll end just as quickly as you began.

Like I said, go try it. I'm gonna watch cuz it'll be amusing. But it's not going to work and as you can tell people agree with me. Because you have no help and no one is doing it.

Except people don't verify things like Japanese Blue Melons. Because its a stupid melon and they're like oh thats cool share it. Soon as something pops up in another language people instantly check it because they don't want caught up in exactly what you're trying to do.

Again. Go do it. Hit Twitter, Hit Facebook, even Hit Gawker Media.
It won't spread.

But you won't. You already know its a dumb idea. That's why you'd rather argue with me instead of actually trying it.

Why don't you just leave the fucking thread if you're so worked up you have to type 3 paragraphs about why it won't work

>Publicly educated
filthy Brit detected. Fuck off

You know typing isn't hard when most of us are able to type well above 60 wpm.

You are assuming I haven't done anything? Do you know my FB? My Twitter? My reddit account? No you don't so stop acting like you know everything dumbass.

Brilliant.....make it happen number 2



You have to be pretty fucktarded to believe democrats would ever fall for this. Admit it they're smarter than you. Remember the whole "liberal elite ivory tower" thing???

And you have to be particularly stupid to believe democrats everywhere are just dying to write "Democrats welcome muslims".

Special stupid piece of shit you are.

design a poster aimed at feminists then

>start raid but don't link to raid, herp da derp i'm raiding on my own
wow, just wow.

I'd actually rather do neither, I don't have the time/patience to continue this argument, and I don't want to do it myself because I'd rather watch the potential chaos unfurl, but if you'd rather think otherwise that's fine. I'm actually advocating this idea, if it takes of then congrats it'll be funny, if it doesn't then who really fugging cares, it just means somebody's going to have to go back to the drawing board. Either way it's worth a try.

Like I said to the other guy. How do you know I haven't done anything. You don't know my FB/Twitter/anything. You're just a blowhard idiot who is trying to make himself seem smarter than he is.

fuck off faggot

I never said I was doing it I said none of you even know if I was or not but you are assuming you do. That is just being a fucking idiot.

So wait. You had an idea, shared it, and wanted someone else to do all the work? Admitting you were asking for a personal army. This is what I mean by the publicly educate, there's no intellect.

>implying i'm OP

Are you taking the piss m7?

>asks how do you know im not raiding
Because raids involved multiple people. The thread was about starting the raid. And instead you're claiming you're raiding without the same thread you're posting in. Can you rub two brain cells together and figure out how moronic you sound?

Outstanding, the digital 45 in the background looks kinda like a swastika.

For the first time in 1600 years there will be 2 moons in the sky! This won't happen again for a other 200 years!
I don't know how many times that was shared but I saw it quite a few times before the date they used.
Half the mud slinging attack ads are now just shared on facebook. That can't turn out well, atleast before someone had to pay clear channel to spread misinformation about the other canidate.
And ofc gun control posts full of bs for either side of the argument.
I could go on...
Ooh I agree with someone else with likeminded view points, 'like and share'.

Op just do it, by the time anyone who matters attempts to translate those squiggles or whatever they will have already shared it.

You think it matters if you're OP or not? You're sitting in a raid thread claiming you're raiding without the other members of your raid thread. Come now you cannot be this stupid.

Where did I say I was raiding without anybody else? I never said I was raiding at all, I just said I supported the idea.

You'd be surprised at how stupid people are.

>itt we wait for a raid to start but figure it won't because everyone is realizing how stupid the idea is

>admitting to being OP after claiming wasn't OP

many people are stupid on fb user

I know how stupid people are, this thread is proof of it. The entire time I'm telling them to go do it. But they're not.

He never said he was raiding you fucking idiot he said no one knows what he is doing. lrn2read

Think we know who the Hillary shills are in this thread.

>being this retarded

hahahaha you think these idiots know how to put arabic into google translate?

So go try it. We'll wait. Summon will translate it right away. It always happens. This isn't the first time people have attempted this with other ideas. But please Go Try It.

Bump, why not


why aren't you and your fellow anons doing the raid?

You are assuming I haven't done anything?

Uh huh.

>Oh I don't trust this line of unreadable text to be the same as the line of readable text above it, lemme just go to the effort of typing that shit into google translate to be sure hurr hurr

Do it. We'll wait.

I'm not doing the raid because I don't care to but I'm smart enough to know how to read a simple sentence. Evidently you fuckers can't read for shit.

seriously, it's easier to put chinese into google translate than that shit, it's fucking tiny!

When this becomes famous (and it surely will) please include me in the Reddit version of Sup Forums

yet a muslim is incapable of giving the correct translation

>itt everyone makes excuses why they're not raiding while arguing that the raid will work

I find it odd no one on the anti-raid side has been smart enough to realize people who don't know Arabic won't know how to type that shit and you can't copy/paste from a fucking image. You people are certified shitlord idiots.


But we know he isn't, because he hasn't linked it in the thread.



Then go do it.
Stop trying to argue that it will work and prove to us it will work.

im implying that arabic-speaking muzzies would choke on their dicks for writing the correct translation

That also implies plenty of non-muslims cannot read arabic. Oddly enough someone right away pointed out that the grammar was wrong. Holy shit, this own thread proved how its not going to work!

alright, who's gonna hack hillary's account?

I dunno could be some college frat kid who is getting half of his drunk ass frat boys on summer break to help him so they get to claim all the glory for themselves. Honestly you still don't know shit you're just pissed off that you aren't part of it and you are too fucking coward to do it yourself. Me? I don't give a shit if this happens but the idiocy in this comment section is hilarious.

Now you're getting somewhere. Where is the hacker known as Sup Forums when you need her?

You guys are amateurs, seriously. Just mock up a poster detailing how sexist muslims are, and making the argument that an increase in muslim immigration is harming the feminist movement. Get it going on tumblr and watch them eat themselves alive.


>i don't give a shit
>but everyone else must give a shit
Public education at it's finest.

I'm not arguing that it will work I'm saying all your reasons for it supposedly not working wont matter. If it fails it's going to be for a completely different reason than what you idiots keep saying. I don't give a shit if it works I'm just enjoying watching you idiots arguing over something when you aren't smart enough to bring a good debate in the first place.

fucking this

You're assuming he wasn't just bullshitting you. This is Sup Forums where the fuck have you been?

Grammar is raped L

For the legion to appear you have to have a good idea for a raid. As you can tell, it's not this.


Some people just want to watch the world burn. Know your place shitlord.

>publicly educated

This is what is shit with you britfags. You think whatever life you live is better without any actual evidence to support yourself. Its just a bunch of entitled faggotry and autism with you cunts.

It's not terrible. I would just make the text bigger.


How many times you going to say you don't care before you realize you do care?

> maximum overrustle

But I'm bored

There you are again. Thinking you're some special little chaotic bundle of mischief. Only you can do what it is that you do cuz you're the meme master himself. Everyone else is just sheeple for your ruses. It's only you. Troll on Lone Ranger, troll on.

Only thing he cares about is the fact you keep falling for his bait.

We're all bored, that's beside the point.

found the [spoiler]old[/spoiler]fag

someone needs to get on this

Yet you keep falling for his bait. Seems he is doing a smashing job of it.

> being this autistic

>falling for
Yes. That's exactly what's happening.