What do you think of Coloring Book Sup Forums?

What do you think of Coloring Book Sup Forums?

It's fine.

not listened to it, don't intend to

First few songs were pretty good, then it just devolved in to generic boring shit

still better than TLOP and Blonde though

>Better than TLOP
It can't be

Then why would you reply to this thread?

Blonde is the best out of those three no competition

its ok, like a previous poster said it started off solid but ran out of steam pretty quickly

I can just use gospel sounding beats and everyone will just assume it's good - The Album


It absolutely is.

If you reduced it down to like 5 songs, it would have been an amazing EP.

>Summer Friends
>Same Drugs
>Finish Line / Drown

I thought Blonde was amazing

Coloring Book and TLOP were huge disappointments though

No, I don't believe it

Add How Great and I'd agree. Long intro, would've been a better opening track.
The rest of this is just boring; Coloring Book was sort of a train wreck with the high hopes after Acid Rap. I wish that would've gotten the attention this did. So much. Especially with how many young people use Apple Music and dug this album.

I think I'm the only one who liked All We Got (even tho the Kanye feature was quite shit)

Summer Friends is just an incredible song

Actually loved the album, felt like Chance matured in a way. Felt very well put together.

terrible mixing/10

WAOTY 2016

Lido did a good job on Angels and Same Drugs.

overrated, normies bandwagoning this dude, feels like im in 2013 again except this time his project is worse

The songs range from OK to good but nothing great or amazing about them

it's ruining the name of rap

it's good, but it's his worst out of the three mixtapes
the hype surrounding it is not justified, and most of it seems to be from basic white women on twitter going "omg this is so important"