Previous: too shame to post because nobody gave a shiet
irc: Rizon #/KSG-1/
Previous: too shame to post because nobody gave a shiet
irc: Rizon #/KSG-1/
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Lying in front of you is a eternal abyss.
Great post m8 Great post
응 니애미
I am monitoring this thread
wtf i love pland now
Too bad these threads never take off.
I'd join
니 애미!!
do you lads watch meokbangs
I find them very relaxing
add me on kakaotalk and teach me korean please
This time is different. I am here
i could never see the appeal of those
오늘 자폐증 큐브가 도착했는데
ㅈ나 쓰레기 같아. 동영상처럼 작동이 않됀다고
망했어 시발
male or female?
>fidgeting culture
capitalism should die already
male unfortunatly
>$6,465,690 pledged of $15,000 goal
I hope everyone involved dies before the end of the year.
아니예요. 저는 스타그래브드 Streamers 봐요.
I don't get the watching people eat or talk into the camera. It is so boring.
저는 외국인이에요
지금 저는 한국말을 배우고 있어요. 한국말을 어렵지만 재미있어 ;-;
I used to be attracted to gook girls. I held them on this high pedestal
Now they just seem so plastic and fake. fake nose and fake eyes. plastic freaks. also, they are too dramatic and emotional. fucking double digit IQ retards
Kakao talk a shit
who /goin/
OP, can you change the pastebin link next thread? The "DJT" in the URL is the name of the Japanese Thread.
Have a bump.
Why are Koreans able to adopt Sup Forums culture yet japs won't?
Is it that 2ch has too much influence or is it that Koreans are more liberal and japs more conservative?
What happened to this child?
Japs get butthurt easily than korean. That's why Japs can not adopt memes like koreans.
lain best waifu
Someone help me learn, I'm making some progress on my own but not enough
Learn mandarin or japanese instead.
korean is future language
get a korean teacher on skype or something. penpal works too if you're decent enough
여기서 글쓰는 한국인들 보면 참 서러움
왠지 모르겠어.