On February 3, 2016, the European Union recognized the persecution of Christians by Islamic State in Syria as genocide...

>On February 3, 2016, the European Union recognized the persecution of Christians by Islamic State in Syria as genocide.[15][16][17][18] The vote was unanimous. The United States followed suit on March 15, 2016, in declaring these atrocities as genocide.[19] The vote was unanimous.[20] On April 20, 2016, British Parliament voted unanimously to denounce the actions as genocide.[21] A similar motion however failed in Canada when it was opposed by the majority of PM Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party.[22]

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Of course he did. I can't wait for Trump to lean on this weasel.


> recognise the Armenian "genocide"
> don't recognise the systematic targeting and destruction of an ethnic or religious group as genocide
Leafs are weird.

>Leafs are weird.


fix your country

I didn't vote for him

What exactly is the problem here?

I did muhahaha

Was it worth it? Shaking my head to be quite honest with you family

is it even legal?

I am curious, are you people for or against taking Christian refugees from Syria

I'm for taking any non-radical refugees tbqh.

I am for taking Christian and non-radical Muslim refugees from Syria, but sadly those are not the kind of refugees we get in Europe.

>is it even legal?



is Canada Sweden 2.0?

What's the difference?


>not recognizing genocide
The Labor Party's a shit.
t. liberal

Why? What was their argument?

I think it was for political reasons, they want to end their campaign against ISIS, recognizing that ISIS is committing a genocide would make it harder to pull out without significant backlash.


They are sandniggers and not Europeans.

But they are still in the campaign?

Not all of us are neo-Liberals or supporters of Trueaus Liberals. How he got into office was City dwelling millennial scum. His election was the lowest voter turn out ever. People are pissed at him right now, even his previous supporters feel he's useless and not committed to his promises.

That would be America

I guess it takes time to pull out, or they changed their mind, I don't know exactly what's going on, but it seems to be the only logical reason they would refuse to recognize it as a genocide.

antiochians and melkites are awesome(and whatever orientals are there). Druze and yazidi as well.
Of course, there are reports they are being thrown overboard because of it.


against, we shouldn't let in poor people of any religion/ethnicity unless it's on a work permit.

Think about it. Biggest producers of Interracial and cuckold porn on the planet and Europe is copying your melting pot ideology. A black muslim sympathizer was your president for the last eight years.

expected nothing less from a country that made the fucking turks look like the biggest humanitarian country during a famine.

that includes all the people fleeing your country

of course i support it

>Muh moral obligation.

There are greater virtues than compassion a nation state has than to care for the citizens of a foreign nation state.

>Biggest producers of Interracial and cuckold porn on the planet
May have something to do with our large population and significant number of minorities.
>Europe is copying your melting pot ideology
Because it's what helped turn us into a super power, and they're doing it wrong.
> A black muslim sympathizer was your president
A black "muslim sympathizer" who has done very little to limit bombings of Muslim countries or in any way lower U.S. support of Israel.

You think britbongistan is some favourite destination for our immigrants?
But yeah, drink the koolaid, don't forget, 350 million £ a week was going to those evil mainlanders, goy.

>May have something to do with our large population and significant number of minorities.

That and your cancerous cultural hegemony where you made blacks a downtrodden victim and fashion statement.

>Because it's what helped turn us into a super power, and they're doing it wrong.

How did making America a multi-ethnic meltingpot of shit turn you into a superpower? It wasn't because of that, it was in spite of that. For many reasons, namely geographic location, raw resources and the world wars.

>A black "muslim sympathizer" who has done very little to limit bombings of Muslim countries or in any way lower U.S. support of Israel.

Yeah the one who destabilized the middle east and told the west it was their moral obligation to open the flood gates.

never seen a romanian that works tbqhwy. all you do is see them milling around job centres during the daytime

Liberals, unless kept in check, always go full circle

It's because Trudeau roots for the underdog, and Christian civilians in ISIS territory are winning very hard by his metrics

They're still different culture which may cause problems, but at least they share some values with us AND actually face oppression over there.

better than stephen "i love yellow cocks" haper, and literal commies.

As opposed to Trudeaus Liberals who've Shirked on the forign buyers tax outside Vancouver while accepting millions of dollars from the Chinese communist party? What about his glowing Eulogy of the literal commie Fidel Castro?

I'm for up to 40,000 in total over the next 5 years, as long as they are taken directly from the refugee camps in Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon. Prioritise orphans, disabled, families. They should be fingerprinted and kept track of.

It is our Christian duty.

Also this applies to all religions, I believe eveyrone is open to Jesus in their hearts. My pastor has converted several Muslim families here.

Declaring it as such would compel us to get further tangled in America's mess. It was a prudent political move.

Since when does the Liberal government give two iotas of a fuck about entaganling themselves in Americas affairs? They've been talking shit about Trump being evil the whole election and on Trudeaus third day in office he went to Washington and called Americans stupid. Refusing to simply recognize the persecution and genocide going on by ISIS is prudent political acumen how? Prudent for Muslims maybe.

>They've been talking shit about Trump being evil the whole election

No, they haven't. In fact, Trudeau has made every effort to avoid it, even as liberal media have been constantly trying to bait him.

>No, they haven't.

The Liberal party most certainly has. The CBC is chock full of it and they are funded by the Liberal governemnt. Trudeau himself at the UN shit all over Trump while not exactly being subtle about it.


He even called him specifically a divisive fear monger.


Are you going to dismiss the other things I've said?


So, Trudeau saying he's against "politics of division, the politics of fear, the politics of intolerance" means he's directly attacking Trump?

The liberal media loves to stroke themselves over it, taking every opportunity to groom Trudeau as a force against Trump. Interesting that you agree with them.

When asked directly about Trump, he's been extremely diplomatic.

>So, Trudeau saying he's against "politics of division, the politics of fear, the politics of intolerance" means he's directly attacking Trump?

Yes, in context when asked about the prospect of trump he said "We need to work with the leader of our largest consumer nation, however.." and then went on a tangent about him being awful. He's calling him an intolerant, incompetent evil person. How is that not trashing Trump and how was that politically prudent? We are so fucked as a country in a couple months when Industry has no incentive to stay here thanks to Trudeau's carbon taxes and hatred of small business.

>The liberal media loves to stroke themselves over it, taking every opportunity to groom Trudeau as a force against Trump. Interesting that you agree with them.

The Liberal media being subsidized by Trudeaus government you mean? The same media platform the CBC that takes nearly Nine hundred Million dollars annually from the federal government? You really think I've implied Trudeau is a threat to Trump? No.

>When asked directly about Trump, he's been extremely diplomatic.

Except shitting all over him as I've shown you when asked about Trump as a prospect for POTUS. You can't be this naive.

what about the systemic genocide of CHRISTIANITY AND TRADITIONAL VALUES by the LIBERAL AGENDA here in the UNITED STATES????? sad!!!!
we can't even say CHRISTMAS anymore and THESE People are complaining they CAN'T get to EUROPE FOR FREE!!!