The girl in the middle is the 2017 miss Helsinki. Tell me your frank impression


i honestly think that nips are smelly skinny manlets neets weeaboos

Would put my dick in that nose.

Why can't Europe look at us and realize that being nice to black people is a nothing but a massive fucking mistake. It's just, it's just totally not worth it. Just make them all go away.

Also I see more black/jap couples than white/jap.

t. On vacation

Looks like a tranny

only thing that surprised me was that none of them wore hijabs tbqh

same person different colors


people only post their faces, what if you post their bodies

So there are full of muslims in Finaland




It has only begun



Finland confirmed for being niggers.
Or maybe just call them dark alves lel

A reminder that you will never be Finnish

I think it's no problem if they aren't muslims

>Also I see more black/jap couples than white/jap.


>Indian-Japanese, Priyanka Yoshikawa has been chosen as Japan's 2016 Miss World representative

We're finally coming down to your level :^)

Does she have big titties lad? Thats the only thing japanese women lack in general.

>Ariana Miyamoto, Japan's 2015 Miss Universe representative

another day in the office

>big titties
I don't think so senpai

literally ape in heels

She's legit ugly.

This one is cute.
The other looks like a tranny.

that nose, for fucks sake. finland yes!

Helsinki is full of muslims. Not the whole country

t. expert on Helsinki based on ylilauta and hommaforum

just gonna leave this here

There is a Miss Helsinki contest?