Bernie voters get in here. If you're voting for anyone else fuck off

Bernie voters get in here. If you're voting for anyone else fuck off.

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Voting doesn't matter. Whoever pays voting machine manufacturers the most wins. End of story.

rip harambe

Doesn't it make more sense to vote for Jill Stein now that he isn't running? The green party has the closest platform as far as I know. If I am in error, please correct me.

I"ll definitely vote Jill Stein if i can actually vote for her in my state. If i can't then I'm voting Trump

fuck off

If you were a Bernie supporter then yes, voting for Dr. Stein makes the most sense.

are you of the belief that it will push the country to the left in reaction, or the "bern it down" crowd? Either way, I support you in this decision. If not sanders or stein, I'm just not voting.

*If you're a Bernie supporter who doesn't mind Trump winning

Yeah, I did phone banking and donating for Mr. Berns. I was originally planning on voting for him even after he lost the nomination, but more and more I think I'm going to vote for Jill Stein. Check her out OP

I'd rather see WW3 than have no change at all, but that's just me

Even a loss with a lot of votes would help legitimize the green party and hopefully we can bolster it and pit it against the republican/democrat fucking machine.

If you're more worried about that, you weren't much of a Bernie supporter to begin with (assuming you were, not sure), but rather a Democratic party supporter. For what it's worth, Bernie ended his affiliation with the Dems a few days ago. If the Greens can get around 15 percent of the vote they will be guaranteed ballot spots in the national election and debate invitation next election cycle.

It's a worthwhile goal to pursue, given the support Bernie received. The Greens may not have this much momentum again for a long time.

>voting for anyone else fuck off.

He's not even on the fucking ballot, you fucking faggot! Vote Johnson!

might aswell watch the world burn if it turns to shit either way lmao

Anti Trump is not the Pro democratic party. Instead, acting on anti trump sentiment requires pro democratic party actions.

As such, you can be a strong Bernie supporter who strongly dislikes Trump, and so vote for Hillary.

Fuck voting, only one solution now.

>entire platform is changing the status quo
>endorses the most nakedly political candidate after he gets btfo by her

Bernie is such a fucking joke

>As such, you can be a strong Bernie supporter who strongly dislikes Trump, and so vote for Hillary.

The only problem is Billary is only looking to get rich from speeches. She's as much of a leach as those that vote for her. Fuck her!

Anything that splits the liberal vote and gives Trump a better chance of winning is cool in my book.

I think liberals should split their votes equally between Clinton, Stein, and Sanders. That will work out well for them.

Well, you won't get the change Bernie wanted voting Dem, we know that from this election. The planks he negotiated into the party platform will get lip-service at best. But vote by your beliefs, that's one freedom that makes this country great.

My belief is that Trump would be a terrible president. I'd rather vote for no change.

>Political idealists abandons all his basic principles in hopes he might get to watch a 'superior candidate' fuck Trump
>Mfw Bernie Sanders is by definition a political cuckold

Actually voting for that retarded meme man

That's why I started this thread. I wanted to see what kind of traction it would build. Turns out the only ones thinking about voting Bernie are Trump supporters who think they're sneaky.

Fuck the DNC, really. We need more parties in the US, so they can be held more accountable for what they do, or dont do. Voting for the DNC/Hillary is like cutting your left hand off because you dont want the right.

>mf shillary interns shilling every corner of the internet and it's still not working

there are no more Bernie voters.


Never vote Democrat ever again.



you get fucked in the ass by Big Black Niggers and you're calling others cuckolds ..LOL

I don't understand why a Bernie supporter would rather vote Hillary than Trump. Hillary is a Goldman Sachs, wallstreet shill. She stands to support exactly what Bernie was against.

Fuck Sellout Sanders.

Vote Green Party.

Thanks for the 250 million $$$ faggots !!!


>Bernie "Sellout" Sanders

Not to mention vote rigging and election fraud, condoned by the Deomocrats.






Not wanting a reality-star moron to be president is "selling out"

Lol Trump supporters want to see him fuck their fat Trailer Trash wives..

Trump should make another show called "How to trick the conservacucks into supporting an orange reality TV star"


Still better than the alternative




So, what does Bernie have to offer me?

You conservacucks are hilarious... spending so much time creating your useless captioned misleading pics ahahah

Do you like when your fat wife fucks Trump's little cock ?



▲ ▲

Someone on Sup Forums with an IQ higher than room temperature?

It's more likely than you think.


in what way? what is honestly wrong with the alternative? he is against tpp and is beholden to no corporate interests or big businesses. he will increase the tax rate on the wealthy, which will actually occur with him since he's a republican. if hillary tries it, the repubs in congress will just vote it down. he is less likely to use force than hillary, as their convention speeches indicate, where hillary just kept talkign about bombing bombing bombing. there really is nothing horrible about him.



Voting Stein, you paid Hillary shill.


fucking newfag



Nothing, so go be a good conservacuck and vote for your no policy, no experience candidate...

Hey fellow cucks, let's vote a reality TV star into the white house to lead our country through troubled times!



itt Trump supporters try extra hard to convert the Bernie supporters

learn to meme fuck boy





You can earn up to $200 daily with threads just like this one. Interested? Write for details, [email protected]

Wow everyone in this thread is fucking retarded as expected. Completely oblivious to the vital culture war being waged against the west. Not entirely unexpected.


You haven't convinced me to vote for your candidate. Do you think that this will help their numbers?

Holy shit you sure are stupid. Trump is a tax-dodging, taxpayer stealing trillionaire piece of shit. And so is Hilary, and whoever the fuck the "alternative" may be. (Protip, they're all working together. There is no alternative).

And they're both on the same team anyway. Whoever wins, we all lose.


>itt Trump supporters try extra hard to convert the Bernie supporters

itt Hill Shills try extra hard not to lose Bernie supporters to Jill, Johnson or Trump


lookin for job shillin need 'elp findin shill job

>Bernie ended his affiliation with the Dems a few days ago.
Say what?!





Hell they will drop a cool million just on this site. We need Trump and we need him to become Super Trump and destroy the wicked witch

I don't fucking get it though. These pieces of shit have literally all the god damn money in the world. Why more? How can they possibly benefit? What a bunch of retards.

The human species is heading for extinction, and it's all thanks to these living pieces of stool.

I had to google her. I thought she was Jennifer Lawrence.

So should we all leave cause he isn't a candidate

At the end of the day, kids only vote when they're excited. There's nothing exciting about Hillary, she ain't no Obama. Trump will likely win this one.

Bernie was an independent until he decided to run for president. He is independent again.


Trump will just steal more money from the common person. He's the same as her. What's the difference?


bernie supporter here, and i have been SILENCED BY THE DNC

ITT: People cry about candidates who have absolutely no chance of winning.

Don't forget these either.

Never vote Democrat again.

Stein 2016
