Finnish people are interesting race-wise

According to genetic studies Finnish people are 6-10% mongoloid, and this admixture is ancient, but apart from that they're mostly nordic, the purest of white ancestries. Those asian features however pop up in weird ways. Their language is not even indo-European but more similar to Japanese. Also they're extremely socially inhibited and non-neurotypical. It's amazing how such a small amount of asian admixture can have such big effects.
Only the trained eye can see the mongoloid influence in their looks.

I'm currently vacationing here and I can see the mongloid DNA in these people.

Other urls found in this thread:

Smart as asians
Handsome as nords
are finns ubermenschen?

>cold adaptation
>hereditary genetic defects

Both of those play a role in the "weird Finnish looks". Siberian admixture does too but I don't think it's a strong influence but a small one IMO.

>handsome as nords
Kek no they're not, they're uglier than the Irish

Mongol pride, worldwide

Is there any real evidence that Uralic languages are related to Japonic or Korean languages?

they all came from altay


(largely discredited)

where is the evidence tho

Finnish Khanate when??
braise dengri :DDdD

Funny how finnish topics are created only by finns.
Nobody gives a fuck about your DNA you autists.


According to social media studies Finnish people are 60-100% shitposters, and this feautures is ancient, but apart from that they're mostly autistic, the purest of asocial ancestries. Those shitpost features however pop up in weird ways. Their language is not even indo-European but more similar to internet-memes. Also they're extremely socially inhibited and non-neurotypical. It's amazing how such a big amount of shitpost admixture can have such a meaningless effects.
You no need to have a trained eye to see the autistic influence in their texts.

>Funny how finnish topics are created only by finns.
except they are not, it's either a proxy or a assburger on vacation.

Uralic is a language family not a genetic group.

now fugg off and gib tribude to khan

other way round, jealous anglo boy

return clay to bebins

You need to choose between Mongols and Turanism because they're directly opposite to each other, my friend :^)

i dont care gib tribudd stupid slav :DD

Nope. Identity first :^)

they're full of shitskins ad niggers nowadays - nothing interesting

Languages in the same family are said to have a genetic relationship. Like Mandarin and Cantonese have a gentic relationship because they're both descended from Old Chinese, but Mandarin and Standard Japanese do not despite sharing a lot of vocabulary because Standard Japanese is descended from Proto-Japonic

I'm sorry, I get angsty sometimes because cute Irish boys never notice me

>"small asian admixture"
>influences people's behaviour

Anglos are also celts

If Finnish "weird looks" were caused by Siberian admixture alone we should see a gradient from weird looking people to more normal looking but this doesn't exist. People in western Finland look pseudo-Asian as well to a mindblowing degree.

Compare North-East

to West

Almost the same really.

No, it's a meme, Japanese is austronesian.

>race of supreme gentlemen

Isn't that also a meme? I am pretty sure there's no strong evidence that Japanese is related to any other languages except Okinawan and shit

white = anglo-saxon

invent your own meme term

is there anything more autistic than to discuss genetics in a antarctician penguin nest collection forum

That is only invented by the jewish Han lobby to suppress the power of the Austronesian peoples.

Finns are just Mongols raped by Swedes

Of all the not white memes Finland is the one I struggle the most. There are some southern euros who are suspicious and some eastern euros as well so I get the meme. But Finland ? I've been there and it seemed the same as fucking Sweden, except whiter and with more binge drinking.

>Only the trained eye can see the mongoloid influence in their looks.

It's obvious as fuck. It makes you look like elves

>according to
thread discarded

As OP said, only a well trained eye can spot the mongloid features Finns have, all of us don't have slanty eyes

t. Mongol in denial

stupid virgins take these threads seriously
visit finland sometime and i bet you'd feel stupid

t. mongoloid

But it's true Finns look weird in comparison to other Europeans. That's not a meme. About 40% have slanted eyes too.


Maybe you just don't notice the eyes.
It's not just about the eyes either, it's face shape too that gives the Asian look.

>tfw you know prime qt Finn
>tfw you're also prime qt because of Finnish genes
Rakastan Suomi.


>but more similar to Japanese

>and this admixture is ancient

There were no mongoloids in where the "admixture" came from you retard

everytime i see these threads, it makes me laugh. what is so fun is nobody can judge whether its actually a meme or a real story with a conviction.

finns are fucked up in the funniest way

What is that supposed to mean?

>6-10% mongoloid
>purest of white ancestries
This delusion is something else desu.

Apparently mongols are white.

Mongols ARE white

He's overestimating it. It's more like 4-7%
Besides, Finns lack Mediterranean admixture and Mediterraneans aren't white so that partially makes up for the Siber.

You ARE the mongoloid

VERY dubious claim

i always bump finish threads

>a tribe from Denmark

Is it the mongol blood that made me into an anime weeb and made learning Japanese easy?

>implying Britain is fully Anglo



Fake info.

Not an argument

This. The reason Finns and other Nords look weird is because they don't have the ancient Neolithic farmer admixture from the Levant and Asia Minor, unlike most continental Europeans today. The marjority of Europeans are part shitskin

It's based on speculation and not science. One can speculate their life away, it doesn't make it true.

Most "Anglos" are Anglo Celtic, a med-Germanic hybrid people. There's hardly any pure Anglos or Celts left in England. Ur a mongrel

It is based on science though, most Finnish men have a shared lineage with Sibirid Yakuts.

Most Poles have a 'shared lineage' with most Kirghiz. What's the difference?

And 1/4 europeans have Genghis khan's dna. Your point?

Kirghizes are part Iranid (origin of their R1a), most N1c carriers are Mongoloids or Europo-Mongoloids.

Most carriers of the Euro-Specific subclade of N1c are European.
Yakuts whose paternal ancestors came from Europe happen to belong to it, but they are numerically so few in comparison to the tens of millions of European N1c men.

We are talking about so ancient subclade that separated so long ago it's pure idiocy to call it mongoloidic and if your serious your only doing harm to genealogy as a science. This is btw your average "mongoloid"


You can clearly see the median fold of the first man, indicative of his ancient Mongoloid roots
N1c originated in the Sayan Mountains in East Asia, therefore in all probability its original carriers were Mongoloid, which is reflected in the phenotypes of modern Finns despite millenia of mixing with Europid women.

>median fold of the first man
Aaaand in the trash it goes. Median folds mean genetically nothing, they are apparent in some african population and were apparent in native american populations. I mean, you're obviously memeing but the question is how long do you wanna keep going?

Indeed it originated in Super Sayan mountains from where it came from possibly Mongolia or N. China
Khakassians are the closest relatives of European N1c originated 10000 years ago.
We don't know when N1c penetrated into Europe other than that it happened before 7500 years ago.
Most likely European N1c was carried by populations of indigenous European type for those thousands of years. Hard to imagine anything else.


On the first page on today. It's Finnish national news, fo those who don't know.

Note the clearly mongoloid features.

Median folds don't always signify admixture, but in many cases they do. In Finns that is the case more often than not.
It is now an European haploshit for sure, but its origins lie in Asia.

Holy shit you're daft.

Nope, pretty sure Cheek for example has some Mongolid in him.

Finnish/European N1c has no connection with the autosomal Siberian admixture though as it's European.

Siberian admix in Finns came from more recent Arctic migrants from NE Siberia who had mitochondrial haplogroup D5 which is unknown at the Volga and the rest of Europe.

Proto-Saami men had sex with their women and Proto-Finnic men had sex with Proto-Saami women. I think Finns would be pretty much the same as Balts/Swedes if not for this migratory event from NE Siberia.

Yeah extremely little. As it stands this thread is still just huge nitpicking, cherrypicking and overexaggarating to force your own memes more. If you wanna force mongol memes atleast do them on Russians or Sami they have more of that.

A fine Finnish specimen.

"Nordic" is still not an ethnicity.

>Finnish/European N1c has no connection with the autosomal Siberian admixture though as it's European
97% of our mtDNA is fully European, such widespread admixture probably can't be attributed to such a few number of D5 women (presuming they even exist as I've never heard of them).

ive wondered why these finns know so much about their genes and something like that

Not quite. Haplogroup U4 is also quite common in Arctic Siberia and there's also Z in Saami and Finns.
Haplogroup frequencies aren't that meaningful anyway since there's founder effects and all.

Balts are heavily descended from European Hunter-Gatherers but don't have their mitochondrial DNA much, go figure how they got their genes. You just can't rely on frequencies.

When you have to combat memes you gotta know the basics.

Fine swedish specimen.


about 10% here in the metropolitan area
i feel sorry for you being a sami reindeer fucker, no need to pass it on us

These memes suck ass. Visit Finland sometime and you'll feel retarded for believing in all of the memes we produce.

This largely depends on what is your threshold for non-European looking, people like Cheek aren't uncommon at all in Helsinki.

In other news, Finnish find themselves interesting. More updates later

> implying all white people aren't socially inhibited