Russian schools

>russian schools

jesus christ how is russia not officially listed as a third world country?

I mean, JUST LOOK AT THOSE FUCKING CHAIRS, africans have better seats than this

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I see boobs what you talking about roo?

>School system is based on a random high school accomodation

In every school schould be a neat school uniform

>sits are more important than education
Gosh typical westerners
No wonder why all of you are so stupid

Schools here actually have furnishing standards supplied by the government

You can go into a school here in the middle of bumfuck abo nowhere and it'll have the same top-tier furnishings as an upper-class city school

I only see russian boobs.

They're not much different from what I had at school

those walls look pretty trash desu


>by the government

Russia is a federation, probably every federal state provides their own school furniture

>implying it's in russia

where da proofs!

this 2bh

the furniture is actually relatively modern

it's the floor that was put together with soviet love and care

Those tables...urgh....disgusting....

Literally just scraps of metal welded together and glued to some planks of rotten wood

They look pretty okay. When I was in elementary school, there were 60 students in my classroom and my teacher was 80 years old or so, I could hardly understand her way of speaking. And she was giving all the lectures as an elementary school teacher.

The russian flag and the cyrillic in the background

>bydlo face
>cheap bydlo clothes
>bags under the eyes, probably because of excessive alcohol consumption
>walls are like it's an afghanistan hospital 30 years ago
>same shit about furniture
>and after all this shit they expect us to believe in patriotic bullshit written on the banners with tricolor
Omg literally north korea tier

>russia not officially listed as a third world country
We are second world, something like Latin America. What's wrong? Are you waiting for luxury in a school in a poor country?
Also looking at American schools in movies, their tables look shitty, especially those connected with chair. Very small, you can't even sleep on them.
Also Russian schools seem to be way more nice than American ones in terms of behavior. I mean, in school we did weird shit, like smoking in a school corridor, drinking beer under the stairs, once we made one guy to smell his own boot, we had teachers who throwed our bags from a window for a bad behavior, teachers calling us jerks, etc. But we has no bullying like it's shown in western movies, our school class consisted of a few groups of people conversating in each own, without these groups hanging out together. Inside the group we all were friends. In American schools class seems to be based on hierarchy and shit. I actually liked school. Not the studying, obviously, but just going there, hanging out with friends, smoking shit, etc.

Regional budgets of the poor as a fuck. Moscow takes the majority of taxes, leaving small part. We are a colony of Moscow.

Stop replying to Straya, he makes this thread every other week since he's severely autistic

Why can't russians take a fucking joke? Jesus christ

t. Parasite

Australia is a federation too, education is funded by states. Other user was spewing shit.

The floor looks good though.

Actually his pic shows a standard class, I had the same chairs and tables.
Do you need something else from the table?
Uniform is uncomfortable shit. They made it mandatory in my school but I still didn't wear it as well as my class because it was uncomfortable. I preferred going to school wearing jeans and t-shirt, not a fucking shoes, tie and suit. Teachers were angry about it sometimes, but I ignored them. What's the point in having uniform in school? It's not a fucking army or police.

Moscow produces only shit and propaganda. If the corporation will pay tax where it is produced and the production of Moscow will turn into shithole.


Moscow produce money like london or new york
Regions except oil ones produce nothing except wheat and shit

Not fucking mange that's what

Public schools are funded by both state/territory and federal governments lad, something like 60%/40% state/federal. It's the reverse for private schools which receive most of its public funding from the federal government

How bad can i be im just building economy.

Yeah, we're all looking at chairs, r-right..

Go fuck kremlinshills. Siberia will be free again!

Who cares about the chairs, those girls would be extremely distracting. How can anyone focus on schoolwork there?

dem tig ol bitties amirite :) ?? lmao damn imaging sucking on them om nom nom amirite haha? :)

im moving Russia

We have a special sense of humor, based mostly on a black humor, jokes about fags, prison, sarcasm and irony.
>smoking in a school corridor
Kek, classic. Have you jerked off in a lesson under the table? Few dudes had been doing it in my class, then cleaning the cum with a teachers journal, lol. Another funny thing was using snuff tobacco imagining it was coke.

Lol good luck killing each other yakut bydlo

Because it's not funny, Johnny, jesus just figure out something else.

Why do western countries think that Russia is a developed country? It is literally poorer than Estonia

What's the point of focusing on a schoolwork in a school? Are you a geek? You go to school to get socialized in a first place, to find friends. Education is based mostly on a homework.

My friends and I used to put lines of citric acid on the tables and snort it like cocaine hahaha

Shit was so fucking painful and it'd make us all look like we'd just been crying our eyes out


Nobody thinks so, that Australian is just retarded. People generally acknowledges we are Latin American country which is in other continent by a mistake.
Btw I wonder, do Uzbek schools remind Russian ones? I've heard Uzbekistan is even more soviet style now than Russia so I guess yes? In my uni there was a guy from Tashkent who told me they smoked weed in a school a lot.

>What's the point in having uniform in school?
It's actually pretty comfy, you don't have to break your head thinking about what to wear every day, you could easily make do for a week with one pair of pants and 2 t-shirts, avoids the problem of rich kids having rich clothes and poor kids having poor clothes, whenever you go on excursion makes everyone easily recognizable.
When i started university i really missed using uniform.
>not a fucking shoes, tie and suit
Shoes are ok, tie and suit are indeed to much. Uniform should be shirt + pants + shoes and a jacket, maybe different pants and shoes for PE and that's it. Buying everything shouldn't be more than 100-130 usd.

Siberian division destroy Sodom is "Moscow". it is literally dream of all Russians.

+15 pidarash

Yes there are a lot of commie blocks in Tashkent. The chairs in OP pic are the same with my school chairs. I never smoked weed at school but we used to put nasvay under lips during lessons

Snuff tobacco at least have some good feeling effects, dizzy head and so.
2bh in a high school some people switched on a real amphetamines. We also have shit in a drugstores called Trigan D, it's actually a drug for a stomach diseases, but it was very popular in school, it gives very realistic hallucinations and changing your cognitive skills. For example, one guy in my school used it in a lesson and then talked to his friend who was actually absent at the moment. School was a funny place, no one cared about health and did weird things with drugs and alcohol.

>the RIDF thanks you for cooperation!

+15 putin shill

That guy looked okay until he shaved his hair and started looking full churka. Now I avoid porn with him in it.

Meh, chewing tobacco is very harmful, especially nasvay, oн жe блять c извecтью.
>don't have to break your head thinking about what to wear every day
Are you girl? Post tits pls.
>rich kids having rich clothes and poor kids having poor clothes
Idk about modern school, but we didn't care about clothes at all, people start caring about brands in uni.

how does one obtain a qt russian gf and save her from the barbarous russian men and their underfunded school system


just grab her like a piece of meat. russian women like it

>Russian """"education""""

We had to sit on stools in my school, square wooden stools from the 1970s

I would love to have an actual chair

>That one guy legit trying to study even with a broken desk
>Feels bad man.


We had actual chairs, but those with a frame made out a single pipe. It was pretty common to fall backwards if you leaned on them.

The more I learn about the outside world the more I realise Australia is the only first world country left

In Russia, you need to wear "removable shoes" because street shoes covered with mud after the way to school. Indoor converted into mud and dust flying through the air. Shoes no place to leave, no cubicles for storing things. It is necessary to wear a "removable shoes" with him every day.

Did you just learn a fresh meme or something? Your shitposting is not even funny or related to discussion

пиздeц. твoй инглиш дaжe нe нa ypoвнe гyгл пepeвoдчикa, a кaк бyдтo ты cпeциaльнo нecкoлькo paз пepeвёл eгo тyдa и oбpaтнo, чтoбы выглядeть пoлным дeбилoм.

You guys are just a small country. You are with only 6 million more people than us, making it easier to supply schools with good equipment. Here they cut a lot of school budgets to keep it affordable (only college/university isn't free, and those are

can you be my Russian language learning buddy

Cлoвнo в paшкe yчaт aнглийcкoмy нa ypoвнe лyчшe чeм ФAК Ю

i used to wear removable shoes mostly because i felt hot when i wore winter shoes at school

I went to an ex-grammar school in white working (read: Not dole-scum) England, so the government ignored us.

Went to Manchester for a football tournament and saw the Nig-Nogs got a brand new school with 21st century facilities and a private bus for school trips.

Good, what a nostalgic pics :3
>removable shoes
Never wore it 2bh, just ignored the teacher.

B paшкe yчaт вceмy чeмy хoчeшь и нa любoм ypoвнe, былo бы y вac дoлбoeбoв жeлaниe yчитьcя.

Шкoльник-либepaшкa oбвинил "Paшкy".

this is typical furniture in italian primary and secondary schools


>removable shoes
Aren't all shoes removable?

In lots of schools in rural areas here, students sit on the floor.

they were being done away with just as I was leaving, it's all about whiteboards/"smart boards" now
>tfw born too late to enjoy the 21st century

нy oт чeгo жe тoгдa y тeбя нe былo жeлaния yчитьcя

Jopar les france

Russia is a sad country. Fat Oligarchs live in palaces made out of gold while Russians rot away in poverty.

just like this but with white boards instead

>australian school

I visited my elementary school few years ago. We used to have a single computer with win95 in the upper classes. Now they all have smart boards and tablets.
High school the same, only with XP in the last year, now all smart boards.

Pleb, i used slates when i was in school

I can. Give me your contacts John

Can a russian answer me this question?

Would you refer to butter as a "stick of butter" or a "pack of butter"?

>all fatties
>except the chink

You guys have perfect weather for being outside, how the fuck are the kids fat?

Go fuck kremlinshills

60-year typical russian "teacher" does not know how to use computer. In my school smart board used as clothes hanger.

Tfw we have smartboards since 2013

Nigger I used stone tablets and a chisel

My primary always had the tables in squares, 4 seats to a block with about 6 blocks

Wow South Africa, even in Brazil we have chairs.

Pack of butter. But usually just butter.

Yeah me too lad

>tfw seating arrangement

literally worst day of my live was walking into class one day and the teacher saying this shit

>call anyone kremlinshill
>so stupid can't even use computer
Is this our new opposition? Hahaha

This is how a good schools looks like.

"pack of butter"
"пaчкa мacлa"

K thanks

>Teacher dressed in casual clothes
>School uniform that does not involve ties
>That kid with monster stickers all over his laptop

No Bruce, you are the savages. Thats Africa tier

I can do this too faggot

>this is what an overage public school in Brazil looks like