What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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He started directing.

he got cocky after LOTR

He popped Elijah Wood's cherry.

He was given three and a half years of pre-production for LotR

He was given four months of pre-production for The Hobbit, a movie that he didn't even want to make but had to because he was the only one with enough clout to not get jerked around by the execs


Big budgets? Dead Alive and Heavenly Creatures, his two best, are both small-budgeted films. Starting with The Frighteners the access to too much money for special effects ruined him.
Disclaimer: I haven't seen anything since the Frighteners.

that youtube clip explains everything.

op is a newfag


wow producers are dicks

King Kong was excellent

Peter Jackson went from a handsome fatman to an annoying looking skinny guy. Much like Pikachu. Sometimes being a fatass makes people look better

Del Toro worked on that movie for TWO YEARS. He moved his entire family to New Zealand. He was dying for it but the producers stalled and pulled funding and fucked with him and finally told him he was gonna have to give them six year of his life if he wanted it to happen despite the fact that pre-production was almost finished and he was promised three years at the start. They did it on purpose.

Aesthetically speeking though, slimchu is bestchu.

Why didnt you save me Sup Forums?

he got fat again during the hobbit though, but i must agree it fits him better for some reason.

I like Chubbychu

More like the studio.

The producers were Hackson, his wife, the assistant director and the other writer

Pleas Christopher, if you somehow can hear my prayer, give Jackson another shot. Please let him make The Children of Húrin, i know he can do it right.

What? Fat Pikachu is the only Pikachu that matters. The organic feel is what made the first Pokemon so good

I almost threw up reading this

Pikachu is basically Ricky Gervais?
