What is cp? Pic not related

What is cp? Pic not related

Other urls found in this thread:


cerebral palsy

Celery plant

cheese pizza

Cattle prod

Common Potion

OP is a summerfag

Civil protection

Canned peas

Creative Products

Copy paste

Chinese pandas

Cherry poison

Crappy posts, like yours.

Congratulations, you posted cp. Enjoy your b&.

Clown Pestilence

combat points

Christian pee

Combat power nigga

Child's play

Copy pasta

Can you use it in a sentence please?

cerebral power

Common people

Celestial Party

Child Porn

Child protection

Callous Penis
A terrible diseases

oh shit you going jail now

you're fucked up. why would you even say something like that dude. jesus

Dude no that's fucked up

... really nigga?

When I see a post like this I feel like my entire body is tingly.Some sheeple just need to die.

culled pests


I want to sleep with common people.

sick fuck

enjoy your b&

cat pictures

i want to live like common people do

What the fuck dude!

Corrupted police

friend's, shows ownership
friends is just plural or friend

underage edgy fagg pls kys

Crispy Phoenix

AHAH, very funny

congrats please.



Get on my level nigga

checked posters

crushing porn

You'll never fail like common people



Cool pill

Definitely using pc tools to get ahead so you don't matter

Creepy Pasta

Nah, I live by a what used-to-be dratini nest... I don't use PC tools, I just have no life

This game is shit and you should feel bad playing it.
Regards, Sup Forums

I honestly have no clue

This is part of "a life"

as the owner of a brain I can confirm that

Social life... Should have specified I guess

I don't have social life either... Wanna be internet buds? No homo

Clean Pajamas

No-one on this website does... That's why we're here isn't it?



That's pepperoni you liar