>living on a spectrum where people can only really love or really hate a movie
Other urls found in this thread:
Ghostbusters 2 is pretty awful. Probably not as awful as Ghostbusters 3 is gonna be, but yeah, no, let's not pretend it isn't a shit movie.
Haven't seen Ghostbusters 2, (or the original) but it can't be that bad
Home Alone 2 is one of the best sequels ever made and it's literally the same movie as the first
Saw ghostbusters 2 in the theater as a kid. it was awesome. you jelly mad bitch ass millennials can SUCK DEEZ NUTS
Ghostbusters isn't sacred. It's a shit franchise from the 80's.
You all need to stop this shit and care about something that matters, for a change.
James "I don't give a fuck" Rolfe
>he's not even talking about the drama
To be fair, it's incredibly obvious that the two videos were shot at the same time and he just divided them.
If you go look up the end of the first video, he straight up says what he's gonna talk about next.
I would like it if he never touched on the drama, though.
no shit, that video was flmed the same day as his last one. also it would be dumb to talk about it. thats what everyone wants.
i like ghostbusters 2.its comfy.
Same here bro, I remember walking out of the Newport Odeon and it felt like I was in downtown New Yoik
>Ghostbusters 2 is pretty awful.
Indeed. Venkman becomes a literal cuckold.
>the internet shits itself over his Ghostbusters video
>he makes a second one
James is alpha as fuck.
and ends it is
"So, stop seeing it".
Anyone who calls James a cuck at this point is a dumb fuck.
>Sigerrrrney Weaver
just WOW
the underlying cryptomisogyny in this video ius ASTOUNDING. How can you Trump sheeple fail to notice social engineering when you see it? Give me 100 new social progpaganda sequels that are at least FRANK about their goals but keep this white passive aggressive sarcasm away from me please.
I like Ghostbusters II. It's not as good as the first one, no, but I can enjoy it all the same.
James and Mike Alpha as fuck
He probably doesn't care. You never see him responding to drama when it's happening. I am pretty sure he doesn't even read it or anything so he's totally oblivious.
Hell all the cuck meme and stuff about his wife is way more personal and he doesn't do shit and he acts the same, same thing with Mike and the big cock, they just don't give a fuck.
holy shit
Going to watch Ghostbusters for the first time now thanks to James
This is kind of admirable. Also, James has been doing this for at least 10 years, he has a thick skin by now.
>Just because it's not as good does that mean it's bad?
You can see where this is going, right?
go back to the kitchen
Welcome home, James
Nice try, shill
What is the sauce on that girl?
the avgn movie retard
Guys it's gonna be great, trust me
it's the girl from the avgn movie, dummie
thats the redhed girl from their movie. mike used to date her in 2009. dude has a massive wang
>the first AVGN was in 2004
hi leddit
Fuck this fat fuck.
GamerGate was right.
We fucking told you so.
Suck it, Sup Forums
I deleted all his cuck pics.
I really just don't understand this. It has to be the most manufactured outrage I have ever witnessed.
There are thousands of people on Twitter right fucking now e-screaming because a guy saw a trailer, thought it looked bad, and decided not to waste money on it.
I love that James didn't respond and just uploaded the second part like normal. I think it's not only because he's been doing it forever and has tough skin, but if I were in his position, I can't imagine finding it anything other than astoundingly hilarious.
Also, fuck Oswalt. Just last year he said shit about not being PC and censoring opinions but now he's acting like any other cuck. As a fucking comedian he should know better.
wut? There are people that would fuck any of the cast members of Ghostbusters (2015)?
great vid
i had no idea of all the shit that went behind the screens.
gonna watch the playthough of ghostbuster (the video game)
stay strong avgn
stay strong
Devin Faraci goes after AVGN fans instead of AVGN:
It's funny, the reason he says what was wrong with Ghostbusters II is that they played it safe and did a lot of the same stuff
You guys remember Siskel and Ebert?
Within 10 seconds of their review, Siskel calls Ghostbusters II a massive disappointment and pretty much tear into the movie and call it a lame rehash.
Of course, looking back now, it's a really great movie, even if it's not as good as the first. But back then, right when it aired, I could see people being disappointed with it.
Remember, this was in an era were it wasn't uncommon to immediately follow up a new movie with a lesser sequel. Remember Robocop 3?
He's just another of the infinite supply of fairweather liberals. Being un-PC and fighting the Man with your uncouth opinions is cool and righteous and hip when your opinion isn't in vogue.
As soon as it appears as though they're in charge though, either line up or be shot. Compare pretty much any comedian that's still active from ~2005-2008 and look at their opinions now. Virtually all of them are fighting for Safe Spaces and against those evil people that disagree with them.
You needed gamergate to let you know the media has a bias?
Sup Forumstards
Mike actually makes ton of big dick jokes on the cinemassacre tumblr
So? Ghostbusters 2 is not a bad movie.
I posted these videos in a thread last night. I don't want to spam these links too much, but they're a really great rundown of the behind the scenes shenanigans of the remake. These videos pick up almost directly where James leaves off on the production timeline.
They go into detail about the Sony leaks, Paul Feigs hiring, Amy Pascal being fucking crazy, and how the script itself seems to stem from a completely unrelated project called Glass Ceiling.
This is probably old news to most of you, but some might find this shit interesting. Plus it's always fun to pause the video and read other random crazy Pascal bullshit.
Wow, what a twat.
SJWs are going to hell
reminder that not engaging with these sjw people and not reading their articles is the best thing you can do
wtf I'm blocked?
I don't even know the guy.
imo the problem is that both sjws and non sjws earn their money complaining online, that's all they have to do, they have no interest in defeating the other side because they'd both lose that sweet money
>that article
a collection of whiteknights and estrogen warriors
>my screencaps are on there
I have started the fire
It's not great, but there are some good positives. There are some good lines in there, Vigo is an awesome villain, the effects are still good, and the chemistry between the four is still great.
Absolute madman. How can one man be that based?
>muh sexism
>muh soggy knee
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''social''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''justice''''''''''''''''''''''''''''warriors''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ladies and gens
It was obviously made already, he just released it today
The fire rises
Who is writing all of these articles? Jesus christ
I didn't follow him in the last years, oh my god, I almost cried...this is not a joke, I remember him making me so happy so many times, this story just... I need a minute.
>so desperate they need to blame us
True about Oswalt butI think only the most popular comedians are like that. I just can't take the fucking hypocracy of the man.
Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky are two comedians I listen to all the time and they're about as un-PC as it gets. I think they've been active since around that time.
Tom did this just a week or so ago.
I don't get why sjw think that James is a professional reviewer or his day to day job at a company.
He is all in an Independent movie maker who happened to be passionate for movies and video games. And btw he is the boss of cinemassacre so he can do what the fuck he wants.
The whole video is his just telling his fans that he will not see it and the reasons why, so that his fans won't have to spam him with "Did you see this movie what are your thoughts about it?.
And he is right: "Don't like it don't watch it".
Fucking sjws.
about time we got a shout-out
>And btw he is the boss of cinemassacre so he can do what the fuck he wants.
sure kid in the meantime I sent his REAL boss a very angry e-mail asking him to fire James
Total 60fps Biscuit is throwing down the gauntlet
>Pascal constantly went against Reitman's ideas for GB3, eventually pushing him out
>Didn't invite him to the main party for the movie
>Didn't even tell him there as a party for the movie
>Sent the email saying not to tell him to the wrong person.
As if I couldn't dislike a person more.
Really? Instantly going for insults?
Wow what an asshole.
Yeah I heard his REAL boss was a cat.
Well, one thing they can probably blame us for is making fun of Oswalt's dead wife.
But we were doing that since day of.
I am curious which is more tasteless, cracking jokes at a man who lost his wife or a man who uses some bullshit drama, fairly unrelated to his dead wife, over a remake in order to gather internet talking heads to his side.
this guy is a fucking idiot who takes the word of Faraci seriously and basically reads word for word article you could just read for yourself if you wernt so lazy. Unless you're shilling, so go fuck yourself.
I liked some stuff Devin wrote before, but really, he put forth a bad argument.
Who do you think?
Someone tweet this video to that piece of human garbage Devin Faraci
60fps man has started purging left and right.
Anyone got a screencap of him completely BTFOing that Screen Junkies retarded ''huur duuur give it a chance first'' video?
the guys being a saint.
he's a genuinely honest to earth good guy
fuck these haters
faraci is going to burn in hell, no need to
The best Sequel ever made is probably Terminator 2.
>Yeah I heard his REAL boss was a cat.
why did the world go to shit?
seriously - fuck liberals
>This is a major example of a studio sitting on a propriety and not knowing what to do with it. They let it build up, it got constipated and now they took an exlax and are shitting out the nastiest fucking shit you can ever take.
hes right
>James was finally un-JUSTed
Max Landis summed him up well, he's a masochist, he likes being a cunt because he likes (any) feedback from the universe and he thinks that it makes him interesting and noteworthy. Why else would and obese old man make impotence jokes? He wants hate.
Agreed. Empire Strikes Back is a close second.
and right to the trash with that dirty little meme
In terms of making something bigger and or better Mad Max 2 wins.
it was always good. just not as good as the first one.
>The best Sequel ever made is probably Terminator 2.
I would disagree with that. On repeat watchings T2 was less watchable. Having seen it recently (in the last few years) it hasn't aged well and the story mostly sucks.
I have opinions.
Just a reminder Screen Junkies associates itself with this person:
Damn, at the cut in the middle you just know he lost it hard. Hard thing to happen to your kid.
lol screenjunkies just released a video on ghostbusters
who the fuck is paying all this defenders?
>it hasn't aged well
For a movie that is now 25 years old it has aged amazingly well
Story is subjective so that's your opinion
>>who the fuck is paying all this defenders?
duh sony pictures ofc
oh my goodness