What the fuck is up with Russians?

What the fuck is up with Russians?
Every time they appear in the news, the media, or even in entertainment, they're assholes and douches.
They're never shown being cool or kind.
What's up with that?

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That is more of a problem with Americans.

Russians are the designated bad guy for western media lad

>Every time they appear in the news, the media, or even in entertainment, they're assholes and douches.

That's because your media does that on purpouse to shed Russia in a bad light.

>What the fuck is up with Americans?
Every time they appear in the news, the media, or even in entertainment, they're assholes and douches.
They're never shown being cool or kind.
What's up with that?

based Rashka

>What's up with that?
Funny thing in my country it the same but only about Americans and NATO, hmm... Really makes you think huh m8?

Only irl experience I had with Russians was going to a Russian dentist in high school. They lied and said I had like a dozen cavities and filled them all without telling my mom, then overcharged for it

Worse than niggers ime

How does the Russian media portray Trump?

Because they stole our technology and because of it, nearly destroyed the entire planet. Why can't people just NOT attack us?

Japan have no right to judge other for more than thousand years. So opinion of Japan it doesn't matter.

Mostly neutral, but sometimes they portray him something like he's the last stand of 'old conservative christian america' being constantly attacked by 'evil liberal democrats'.

Talk shit get hit Kenji, we all know what Japan did to glorious China

>Aus flag defends China
The memes write themselves

Just a reminder, Russian TV channels are mostly controlled by our govt, but the (((opposition))) and pro-hohols continue shits him in every case as a "Kremlin's puppet" - you can see them right here, they hate this state, they hate everything about this country etc.

What parties make up most of the opposition? The Communist Party?

>The Communist Party?
Nah, Commie and LDPR (google it) is completely our guys (I mean pro-putin parties).
Russian opposition it's a meme, they are bunch of fags and clowns.
I can't describe this because of my language barrier, but you can read about Russian P.Parties on Wiki.
Remember that Russia haven't a radical difference between right and left-wingers.
National-liberal-commie party, meanwhile in Russia.

What the fuck is up with muricans?
Every time they appear in the news, the media, or even in entertainment, they're cool and kind.
Irl they're assholes and douches.
What's up with that?


oh lel

The shilling has gone too far

>our technology

wtf I hate Russia now