Be Ukraine

>be Ukraine
>lose 10 million people between 1993 and 2016

>be ukraine
>lose existence between 2016 and 2020


plz stop
d-dont bully ukraine you little piece of pole

we are bullying Ukraine on the internet, you are killing 'em irl


>you are killing 'em irl
As something bad

>tfw never killed a hohol
Why live?

really makes me think

>be ukraine
>be a 5/10 country


thanks for (You)

yeah I just hope all orthodox trash rus people will just kill each other

one of the main problems of europe would be finally solved

Thank you Poland for solving water tube problems!

The other problem should be solved by us, I mean muslims, we should take 10 euros for each muslim and send them to the camping site.

>be ukraine
>be a bigger shithole than moldova

I remember the Ukrainian flag being as common as Poland not even 3 years ago. Now it's unironically rarer than Belarus. Kinda sad.


>be Ukraine



nothing wrong with muslims

With Tatars no, but with those savages who come to Europe now, yes


What did he mean by this?

>you can almost see the poland's eastern border


t. frozen swamp mongol

Mccain should be hanged and his head has to be chopped off

>be pooland
