/lang/ - Language Learning thread

>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!

>Language learning resources:
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

>Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Duolingo offers all its language courses free of charge.

>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30+ languages.

>Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages.

>Drill based courses with text and audio.The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the United States federal government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community.These courses are all in public domain and free to download.Site may go down sometimes but you can search for fsi on google and easily find a mirror.

>Free resource to learn vocabulary, nice flash cards.

>It's kinda like Clozemaster in the sense that you get a sentence and have to fill in the missing word, also has nice statistics about your progress, grammar tips and more information about a word (noun gender, verb aspects for Russian, etc.)

>A flash card program

>Clozemaster is language learning gamification through mass exposure to vocabulary in context.Can be a great supplementary tool, not recommended for absolute beginners.

>Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations with over 300 hundred languages to chose from.

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who learning through vidya games here. im too lazy to study german, but this sort of works for understanding the language.

Have recently been going on a campaign to brainwash all the cute Chinese girls I have been meeting into hating foreigners.

Been doing this through using Pavlov's Dog psychology experimental methods.

Whenever they sense a foreigner, I introduce negative reinforcement such as electrical shocks to their vagina. I am hoping that this will slowly cause them to form an aversion habit to anything that is not Chinese. But the few masochistic ones that I will surely come across, I am going to have to reverse the positive and negative reinforcements since their neurological wiring is different.

Then, when anything Chinese is introduced to their sensory perception, I provide positive reinforcement like giving them food, vaginal massage, and buttplugging.

I am hoping that all this psychological trauma will do what I intend it do. Will post the results of my science experiment here on Sup Forums later.

I need to overcome depression otherwise I won't learn anything, help


I'm trying to decide between Russian and Spanish.
I know Spanish is much easier but I really want to learn Russian and I'm pretty fluent in languages so it's not a problem.
What I want to know is whether Russian will be beneficial to me. I think eastern languages such as arabic, russian and chinese will be getting more beneficial in the future but I would love if anyone can give me some advice.

Also anyone here learning/having learned Russian?

The new wolfenstein games were great with all the notes, newspapers and letters in both english and german.
I'm not studying it through games though. I'm at B2 now.

learn to overcome depression, reading help me alot to focus and push aways the bad thought. Also learning, even vocabulary is rewarding, the brain release dopamine when you learn something.

1. Poland
2. Spenspek
3. A2


>>What language are you learning?
B2 in English, B2 in Spanish, A1 in German, planning to start French someday

Anyone who has done DELE please tell me how it was and what did you use.

Judging by your location, I would say Russian, but it really depends on why do you want to learn such languages.

If you're learning it for fun, pick the one that seems most fun to you.

Just started learning Italian, since I'm visiting it this summer. Anyone have any films/books/music they recommend?

>since I'm visiting it
>visiting Italian
I can't even into English, it seems

>I know Spanish is much easier
>this flag

Any Finns ever hear a foreigner use proper Finnish grammar? I can't imagine anybody getting Suomi grammar right unless they grew up speaking/reading it.

after i finish the introduction what's next?
should i watch some sort of news or media?

duolingo German club we just created: pls only regulars and certified retards: EJ3VNS

Any Russian clubs? :^)

You probably can make sentences that sound unnatural but are grammatically correct and easy to make.

2000 of them

What do you do in those clubs, just chatting?

actually the chatting is pretty limited. There's a leaderboard and you can see everyone's progress in real time. I guess it's meant to increase a sense of competition or accomplishment through negative and positive reinforcement?

I'm only on a German and a Welsh club, but there are club codes for most languages on the duolingo forums and reddit. I thought there'd be some here too

what's the deal with french eh?

Eh, what do I even do with that EJ3VNS

Is Duolingo grading painfully slow for anyone else?

I dropped it and started using Lingvist instead about a month ago. I'd like to use both now but it's practically unusable.

By the way, I highly recommend Lingvist if your desired language is available.

Yeah, I've given up on duolingo because of this. Tell me more about this Lingvist, user.

Yes, but only for the last couple of days

Slow as all hell

Apparently it's from all the new years resolution plebs using it

In my experiences it's like Duolingo but less 'basic'. It teaches much more useful vocab in my opinion. Also it tells you exactly how much time you've spent studying and how many cards you answered which is a nice motivator. It's a nice replacement to Duolingo but as I said, it only offers a few languages, which are French, Spanish, German and Russian off the top of my head.

Luckily enough I want to learn German, French and improve my Spanish. Although I think it would be better to learn French and Spanish from Portuguese instead of English, but I'll give it a try with German

That's interesting!

Yeah they're having a traffic crisis as of late

Clubs are only on mobile apps so far, so not on the web app. You'd go to the clubs tab and enter the code

Do you think you're gonna learn all these languages simultaneously? Do you think you're gonna reach an intermediary level in one of them even?
My son, if you wanna go past knowing how to say hi and goodbye you've gotta stick with one language at a time. Unless you're learning Esperanto.
You know, people like you are extremely annoying. And for some reason the usual thing around these language related environments is to encounter folks like you. Unbelievable.

>heh, just got back from my german course, now i'm gonna learn some french and then, during evening, some spanish XD
>who knows, even improve my engrish a little bit too XDDDD teee heee

Not that I want to discourage anyone here, but people with an absolute lack of focus and methodology make me mad. I'm mad now.

When did I say the word "simultaneously"? These are languages I intend to learn/improve. Haven't said when.

Nah I think two is possible. Three might be too much.

This lingvist thing is pretty fuckin' good

Great being a NEET and schedule Duolingo during the day and then switch to Lingvist/Memerise in the afternoon when all the new year wagies crash the site

I think it's perfectly reasonable to be learning two if they're in different families. Personally I'd have trouble finding sufficient time to learn any more than that though.

Glad you like it.

Yeah, it would be like English->German and Portuguese->Spanish. I've been studying German for a year now, and I haven't studied Spanish since high school (> 6 years)

great stuff thanks for sharing

Oh wow, just tried it and it's amazing.
Thanks for sharing my friend, I love it.

Does anyone have trouble keeping their streak on Duolingo today ?

I'm past my goal yet no day was added to the counter, and I don't have the checkmark.

Glad you like it. Pic related is my progress in French after about 10 hours of learning over the past 3 weeks. Since so many English and French words are similar, and I've studied French in the past, my total vocab is probably larger but it's a nice tool to keep track with.

Nice. I'm actually starting French too.
Really enjoying their system, Duolingo always felt boring and somewhat finicky to me, I just love how simple and direct Lingvist is.

Lingvist looks really nice but has very limited languages right now.

me too

But surely they will eventually expand it, right?
Which language are you interested in and that they don't have yet?

Italian, and Russian from French

Possible to learn French and German at the same time? they're different families as everyone says they need to be, but is there anything between them two in particular that could cause problems?

Also my french is coming along nicely but German would be from scratch if that matters.

I don't see any problem

The site is probably just under heavy load. All the "my New Year resolution is to learn a new language" plebs are clogging up the site something fierce.

I'm learning French, Japanese, Russian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Focusing on Jap. atm though. Figure if I can get the hardest language down first I should be able to comprehend the rest easier.

Why do you consider Japanese harder than Russian? Not saying otherwise, just genuinely curious.

How long did it take you to get to B2 and how did you do it?

I've heard that they are each the hardest languages of each other from just information on other guide site and such but I expect Russian to be hard as well though not as hard because the characters seem not as foreign from English as japan's are.

¿Te gusta spen?
¿Te es fácil o difícil ?

Japan is only "difficult" in how much time you need to dedicate to learning at least the jouyou kanji.

Grammar is straightforward, it has very few exceptions to rules, no genders, and a fairly easy system for modifying words where you tack on the appropriate stem to the dictionary/plain form of a word. Speaking is pretty easy, too, since you don't have to fuck around with kanji and shitty handwriting.

Finally, you also have the benefit of there being a ton of resources out there to help you study.

With Russian you can figure out the characters in a few hours if you're slow, but the grammar rules and exceptions will take you longer to work out and perfect.

I see. the main thing I'm trying to do atm is find someone that's fluent or a native speaker that also knows English at least enough to where either I or we could both learn. It's difficult to find someone like that and be able to speak with them.
I've realized that'd it's be easier to just learn how to speak it instead on learning to read and write it should make it a lot easier like you said.
Grammar in any language is probably going to be the biggest bitch.

As you mentioned, Japanese is much easier in speaking than writing because of kanji.
There should be someone who's willing to do language exchange.
Good luck for both of you :^)

>eklernis Esperanton antaŭ kelkaj jaroj
>iom malrapide ekforgesas kiel uzi ĝin

What do you guys use to learn new vocabulary?

Memrise isn't too bad. It isn't that great either but one thing it does have is ample variety and coverage

Italian, don't mind if it's from English

What is this application?
Also seconding learning all the common-use kanji.
That shit is invaluable and there is no reason aside from cowardice not to start early.

That's Memrise.

>Free resource to learn vocabulary, nice flash cards.

Was thinking of learning Vietnamese. Is it worth it?

Depends on how interested and motivated you are.

Gotta have some sort of drive or determination to stick with it once you hit a rough patch and have to slog through it.

I'd shoot myself in the face before making myself listen to that language.

yes helo yes
yes i lik

How do you guys actively practice the languages you're learning?

Right now I don't have time for for weekly tandem meetups and most of the online courses don't really seem to do it for me.

chat with sluts on hellotalk

You need to build a routine and discipline. I usually do my flashcards and duolingo 2-3 times a day, at different times when I know I'll be free.

Hey is it just me or are Germans dickheads about other people trying to learn their language?

Guess why
Captcha: steel sage

All my online friends are German, really useful for practice.

Strange, my friends haven't been. They just sort of seem disgusted that somebody is speaking their language in a less than absolutely perfect and native level.

Find better friends then. All this will only make you feel insecure and self-conscious and will limit your learning process

Third declension best declension

Fetti was geht?

Just crappy people, stay away from generalizations and keep looking.


I'd just like to refer people to flipword.co/

Chrome extension which changes a few words on every page you load online to a different language, and you translate it correctly to earn points. I've been using it with French for a few months. It's good for vocabulary but not much else. The quizzes in particular are good. Supports quite a few languages.

ho w to russian cases?
this stupid language is so hard but i want to learn it ;_;

> Will a vietnamese qt love me if I learn vietnamese?


It's not that hard, just practice.
Use this, it really helped me, and if you want you can just see the tables with the endings of each case.

Also, cases may be hard, but at least russian has few tenses and their conjugations are incredibly easy.

Are there any good Youtube channels of someone learning a language?

I don't want that polyglot nigger either
no niggers allowed

Caould anybody translate from German what jury is talking in 4:20-4:10 and 2:45-2:40

You wasting time with Russian.
when they learn ....

What do you mean?
Present tense:

Past tense:


And then there are the perfective and imperfective affixes.

*And the perfective affixes.

Why are you even watching this crap?
>"Uuuhm, that was...out of all the candidates you were the worst one so far. Your song's shit, you can't sing,... "

>"We're just extras, he wants to be heard and he's hoping for a record contract."