Guy saves your life

>guy saves your life
>takes you in after the apocalypse
>provides free food, water, shelter and safety to last for years
>is kind to you even after you crack him the head with a bottle
>start suspecting him over circumstantial evidence
>begin plotting shit behind is his back
>burn him alive and blow up his up his entire bunker so you can go hang out with aliens

Women don't know how to appreciate shit.

in reality the women would be too emotional to have smooth body movements and thus just awkwardly embarrassing herself over and over.

Missed the part where he was gonna turn her into a sex slave

he abducted and murdered someone else who was forced to wear his daughter's clothes

michelle was abducted and forced to wear his daughter's clothes


Thanks for spoilering it to me, faggot

she's gonna get old and ugly soon

>reading an entire post about a movie you've never seen


MEW will age gracefully

white women never do.

If that was true he wouldn't have given her free movement in his bunker and would've kept her chained

It's easier if you have a willing slave

why were people upset with the ending? it's hilariously ironic and pretty good action.


>heard the "cloverfield" part was a fakeout
>heard more like Misery
>literally finished watching this movie for the first time a few minutes ago.
Holy. Shit.

I'm still trying to process what I just saw in the last 15 mins of the movie.

I just don't....

yea I just watched it too

I think it's a great ending


>muh strong independant feminist who don't need no man to fite aliens

Also she blew up an entire spaceship with a bottle of wine

>he forgot the scene where goodman spiked her food and she woke to find her self chained and him doing his deed

alright so what was that about the daughter and the other girl? that basically confirms the fatty was a psycho. also how cold-bloodedly he killed the beta autist

why didnt she willingly do it?

I liked it as well dubs guy. But it was such a huge turn of events.

I actually started talking to my computer screen: "What?", "WHAT!?". I'm also pretty sure I had to rewind a couple of times to let it soak in.


Say what?

wait, what movie is this?

I did not get that. Why did we lose against fucking aliens. We are pretty good at making hazmat suits and our weapons sure as shit do more than a molotov.

I think he had a wife and girl that left him after he was caught diddling her and he has issues with women now. He did keep that girl hostage and killed her.

How is it a turn of events? What else would have explained the woman freaking out begging to be let in?

>tfw you just want to keep Stacy safe in your bunker
>tfw Chad gets in and instead of killing him immediately you show him undue hospitality
>tfw Stacy decides she wants Chad's dick and wants to listen to him instead of appreciating your generosity

get fucked back to

a small price to pay for your health and safety wouldn't you say?


Because he's fat and ugly. And if history has taught us anything, it's that women would rather get raped to death by aliens than willingly have sex with a fat ugly guy

I wonder if she's wearing anything underneath

The guy killed a little girl.
She had the right to be paranoid.

>little girl

Pretty sure she was a grown woman

Feet: The Kino

My femcock was throbbing and wet by the end of this. The ending was trash tho, like a crappy Dean Koontz story or something.

>guy saves your life
>you don't even reward him be strangling him with your thighs

ungrateful ape

>my femcock

I'll let you suck me if my falcon likes you.

>literally retarded
>or ~le reddit humor

OP, just end your life, you have nothing to contribute to the world anyway

Well... I don't remember much about how the movie ended, but I think it's some kind of War of the Worlds, where Tom Cruise character destroys one of the alien weapon-thingy with a couple of granades by getting a weak spot in their design. Only that movie was centered in the actual invasion and figh against the aliens.
I think it was kinda retarded, but it wasn't THAT bad...

Welp time to put the gun in my mouth

Feminist propaganda.

I want to have passionate sex with MEW

Found the retarded cuck

>you will never lock her in your sex dungeon

post her feet

I mean he's also a psycho who was trying to literally use her as a replacement for the last girl he kidnapped (who was already being used as a replacement for his daughter). He also killed Emmett because he didn't fit in the fantasy with him and his "daughter" and then tried to dissolve his body in a fucking barrel of acid

Surprisingly none of that put her in the mood

Is this a movie virgins will never understand?


You JUST know

this is lewd, and I don't even know if it involves biting

feels goodman ;-DDD

not really, what's easier than humping someone who can't move?


>Women don't know how to appreciate shit.
very fucking true

its a message about life, you can do anything for a woman but if youre fat and ugly she finds you hideous and thinks the worst of you

id rather kiss and lick them


Imagine them doing it

Jesus, she's tall

>tfw no long gf

>who was already being used as a replacement for his daughter

When was this ever implied?

It's a "Sup Forums user is too fucking retarded to make a thread without copying someone else's" episode.

Millennials just keep getting dumber and dumber.

I guess the Eiffel Tower shirt? With all said in the ARG too, that seems what he was after.

The last 15 min it decides it wanted to be war of the worlds

The whole fucking movie

Yeah, the last fifteen minutes is what everyone has an issue with. It feels like lazy writing

>nobody posted her feet yet

Holy fuck, sure is summer in here.

In the picture the "run away" girl was wearing it. He was just lying to her.

Not even once. Rather, it was more like he wanted MEW to replace his daughter so they could play house. Not rape her



im going to start AND finish just to this photo

Mother of Christ


All that fucken meat.


What the fuck was she thinking?

>those strings pressing against her booty


my ACTUAL dick

That she's a strong independent woman now and she don't need no man

He should have tied her up like that




damn thats the most qt pic i've seen of her

fuck waifu bots I just want a clone of her

this is so goddamn lewd how did she agree to this photo

>a small price to pay for your health and safety wouldn't you say?

You might say that.

Some may prefer to take their own chances and maybe die rather than live as a (sex) slave. I mean history is literally full of people who'd rather die for their freedom


And this is the most fucked thing about the film, I think. Knowing that Goodman did what he did, but then realizing he was also right all along. It makes the viewer feel uncomfortable with the whole thing really, so I think that's something they did well. I liked the ending, but a lot of people shit on it. I think this movie is in the same vein as the Twilight Zone. It felt like a horror movie for a while there and then takes a couple big turns, the last one being a big twist. I mean it has Cloverfield in the name, did people think there wasn't gonna be a monster in it?

>that reflection

sweet jesus, this picture deserves all these replies


MEW looks like she'd be a real bitch irl

delete this

No one had a problem with the fucking monsters. It's just how the entire monster scene was handled. If it had just ended with a giant monster approaching her and ended there it would have been fine. But the whole "gurl power" thing was atrocious.

Why is she always looking to her left?


thats where im standing usually


hottest woman?

>Trusting John Goodman
>In 2016

He's always a bad guy you cunt.

Also he abducted a highschool girl and probably raped her, before killing her and he had issues with seeing women as little girls so it was only a matter of time before he snapped.

yes, ive done the math