Why Hate Ghostbusters?

SJ W at it again


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Maybe its the most disliked trailer in history because everyone and their mother wrote about how it was such a big controversy that people didn't like it, which drew in further attention, bandwagoning and infighting to the trailer? It has snowballed over the course of months and outlets see easy money in continuing to poke that particular bear.

Maybe it's because you're posting videos like this that the trailer continues to get people jumping on it.

You ask if you put out the same trailer with Channing Tatum etc, would it get as many dislikes? If they were spouting the same awful jokes, the same racial stereotypes, the same Haunted Mansion level CGI, the same abject disregard for any connection to the original, maybe it would. But hey, let me ask you this. Can you so easily explain away the dislikes of the new CoD trailer, the second most disliked video in Youtube history? Must have been their all female cast! Oh wait, no, it doesnt have that. People bandwagon, its what they do. CoDs trailer became a bandwagon, so did Ghostbusters and it was egged on by the media.

Where was the hate over Spy, or Fury Road? Hell why do we venerate Alien as one of if not the best sci-fi-horror of all time when its got a female lead? To claim that sexism is such a big part of the dislike of this video is to ignore how many films in the same genre have been adored by "nerd culture", which, at least according to the hack journalists online, is now the biggest hive of sexism scum and villainy this side of the known galaxy.

Why are people more riled up over Ghostbusters than they are over the Point Break remake? Do you even have to answer that question? One is one of the most venerated sci-fi/comedy franchises of all time in film and the other one is Point Break... Nobody cares about Point Break.

"Hey you should go see it and form your own opinion". Why should consumers be asked to hand over money to see something that they don't think is going to be very good, based on the footage the studio themselves put out? Isnt it the studios job to convince people to go and see it through trailers, not the consumers job to fork over their hard-earning money? It's easy to forget, regular people dont get free screenings of movies, they dont have the privilege of just "going and seeing it to make up their own mind", not without paying anyway. "Just go see it anyway!". Every movie deserves "a shot" you say. Sure, a message about not prejudging things is cool but movie tickets cost money. It's up to the studio to convince the consumer that their product is worth a shot. Obviously these guys haven't done that with this movie, at least for some people. Whose fault is that? No, some people have to work for a living and dont have money to just throw away like that. Have we forgotten that all of a sudden?

You talk about not doing the book report. It's not the consumers responsibility to do the book report, it's the critics responsibility. Consumers are completely entitled to write something off based on the only information they have (which are the trailers) and not spend their money on it. They're even entitled to throw some offhand remark about the movie sucking or leave a dislike (heaven forbid, a dislike!) on a video. That's not a critique. That's not a review. That's them taking 5 seconds of their life to say "nahh" and then move on. The dedicated trolls who just can't shut up about this are a tiny, tiny minority.

Were it not for every single media outlet including yours repeatedly covering it, throwing out ridiculous, blind accusations of sexism at anyone who dared dislike (credit to you, you brought it up but it didn't dominate your discussion unlike most) what looks to be a pretty awful remake (are we supposed to like Hollywood remakes now? I didnt get the memo), maybe this wouldn't have blown up as much as it did. But no, as much as I like your content, you along with every other media outlet saw a chance at a quick buck by fueling the fires of controversy and decided to just dive right in. There are times when people involved in an industry lose sight of what your everyday consumer is dealing with. You have dream jobs, I have a dream job, we get to work in an industry we love, we get all our shit for free, we get to go to lavish events, interact with stars. Regular joe doesn't get to do that and when we say things like "oh just give it a chance" his response is going to be "dude, what world do you live in where movie tickets are free?". Well, we do live in a world where movie tickets are free, but everyone else doesn't.

i'm not clicking this

Tell me there's more of this.



Even on his deathbed he's BTFOing everyone



I honestly don't think there's a single person in this world who dismisses this movie entirely on the basis of sexism.

>now, let me defend it despite not seeing it yet either, you white male

Dan is usually on point, and I agree with him on some of the things he said, but the they're really missing the point of James video. James never said the movies sucked. He said it even could be good, he's just not gonna pay to see it because it LOOKS like shit

They are fucking delusional.

Hypothetically talking about a parallel universe where Tatum, Jonah Hill, Stiller, and Kevin Hart are in the new GB movie with THE SAME JOKES that it wouldn't be disliked this hard.

Ummm..yeah it fucking would, you retards. The jokes are complete female jokes with no punch line. So lets have Tatum wear a wig and hat and say "is it the hat, or is it the hair? It's the hair?" Or whatever stupid line it is. Or have Hill interrupt Stiller and have them awkwardly walk say something. Or Hart act like a nigger "awww hell no, the Devil is a LYYA!" "The Power of Marcus compels you!"

Oh men ive got to like/up vote that he BTFO these people. They are actually trying to make a buck out of the controversy they themselves created (not James) .



Top comment on the vid senpai

nu-male fucking shits

>awww hell no, the Devil is a LYYA!"

for a movie that's prides itself on its progressive values, they sure do lean on the comically loud and superstitious negro.

This, he clearly states that might be wrong and that the movie could turn up to be actually good (but based on the trailer alone they failed to sell it to HIM), he also never exhort his fanbase or other people to not watch it. The only mistake I could find in James statement is that he didn't specify something like "I'm NEVER gonna watch this movie, never ever" , of course it was implied that he wasn't gonna throw money to the studio's pocket. And that's it, maybe he will watch on netflix in a couple of months or will rent it , who knows,

Post your face when his wife catches wind of this and makes him see it.

Holy fuck I need a glass of water after all that heat.

Screen Junkies misted

What's TotalBiscuit's last name?



whats with their voices... are all three of them faggots

The guy hosting is a fag, isn't he?









The nose knows

this makes up for there being no podcast this week

Common symptom of the numale mental illness.

Way to use gender specific language and thereby excluding the majority of the worlds population

Screenjunkies are probably gonna delete the bideo after being BTFO this hard

Dan always seemed the most sensible guy on the show

Is he sensible here?

Somewhat. He clearly didn't get what James was saying in his video though

They're just testing out the water, a way of virtue signaling.
If they get enough positive responses they'll keep the video up, otherwise they'll pretend to change their mind to keep the jewbucks rolling in. These people literally don't have any opinions on their own.

I bet that most of the people on here spouting misogynistic and anti-misogynistic shit on here are both Sony PR people trying to stir up controversy.

not really

>These people literally don't have any opinions on their own.

They always flip flop with that shit. Gotta keep that clean image

Ironic that a man dying from cancer is better at fighting a different cancer


Any company that would employ Nick Mundy is

>it's a nu-male womansplains to you how you're a mysogynist if you don't spend your hard earned money on hollywood remakes episode

>it's a "virtue signaling nu-males" episode

This is great advertisement. Good Goys.

>TotalBiscuit loves commenting and criticizing other people's videos but disables comments on his own videos, because he's a little bitch that can't stand criticism. Jog off, you faggot.
>+MaicoMoon I can't imagine why I wouldnt want your cutting witticisms on my channel. I mean, we are missing out on so much intellectual insight from MaicoMoon, its a grave injustice that he doesn't get to leave comments.
>Nobody wants to hear your shit, I'm doing everyone a favour. There you go, you got a reply, most important day of your life, well done. Print it and frame it.

oh god that is the perfect image of a nu-male


He's not wrong

Totalbiscuit getting cancer just sapped any patience that man had and removed his based inhibitor.

≥are we out of touch?
>no, it's the consumers who are wrong

>it's a "the media still doesn't get that the SJW's are a vocal minority" episode


Ghostbusters was never good, manbabies just like to cry about MUH CHILDHOOD and I HATE WOMEN

You could see it as people disliking it because it has women in instead of men, but I think it's the women they chose, they do not seem like they fit into the role. However people jumping on a bandwagon to dislike it and take it this far, is very 'first world problems'. I wonder how many people on the bandwagon haven't even watched a Ghostbusters film all the way through, you know, like the Star Wars bandwagon.

I wonder how much did Sony and feminist corp pay them to defend it so much.

Why is that hairy ass arm guy have such a big nose though?

Thought the top post was about the AVGN movie at first

Quit casting Kevin fucking Hart in your fantasy GB movie. Nobody likes him.


Bullshit, Ghostbusters was a fantastic movie. Ghostbusters 2 is a textbook example of sequelitis, though. My main problem with this movie isn't the female leads, I think there is plenty that could be done with that. My problem is that the first trailer made it look like a 90 to 120 minute SNL skit staring the female equivalent to Kevin James. I don't mind if Ghostbusters does something new and different but I don't find Melissa McCarthy particularly funny. My mom does, so she will probably love this movie. I'm just disappointed that it probably won't be very good for me.

Why do you faggots keep talking about this? Literally no one who's paycheck doesn't ride on clicks, or doesn't live in their mom's basement actually fucking cares, but you shill homo ratfucking bastards just keep instigating this controversy instead of just ignoring it completely.

I shitpost it to see you faggots get triggered as usual. I could care less about this "controversy" but a screenshot and a captcha away and I get fucking anti sjw cuck content for the rest of my evening.

oh I dunno
because we like movies, I guess?

>plaid shirt
stopped watching right there

But you're not talking about a movie, you're fucking circle jerking over people who are reviewing a fucking trailer for a movie literally no one wanted.

You're fucking pleb trash cancer, and literally are they reason they make these fucking shit-show films. End your fucking life mate, you're continued existence only makes everything worse for everybody everywhere all the time, for ever.

>all of a sudden

Suddenly. The term is suddenly.

>muh idiom

So, throw out grammar to do what you want? Okay.

Its the epitome of nu-male

Dude its a youtube comment

ok dude
let me know when you've figured out that I was joking


Wtf, his head is HUGE.

>That's not a critque. That's not a review. That's them taking 5 seconds of their life to say "nahh" and then move on.

Holy shit this so much

Why are THEY?

They keep making videos about this fake made up "controversy".

Why can't people call them out on their shit?

>Suddenly. The term is suddenly.
they're both correct actually.

>Why are THEY?

Stop it, you're the fucking problem. Or do you think the internet is going to fall apart if you personally don't set some faggot in the comment section of a faggot youtube reviewer's website.

You're incapable of not taking the bait. You're just as bad as the god damned SJW's you endlessly cry about. The only silver lining of this whole thing is knowing that you're diseased inferior genes wont spread past you.

>Those 3 numales on screen

ugh, numales are the worst class of modern male after neckbeards

How could a homophobe actually make friends with someone that gay?

I don't click on it though. but you're right. playing people like a fiddle.

No, but you're bumping a thread and the next dipshit newfriend that stumbles across the thread WILL. All it does is validate their whole muhsoggyknee argument.

They deleted his comment too

no way

I'm not surprised, but it's pretty low.

>They deleted his comment too
Next they'll delete those 5,000+ dislikes, I'm sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if they delete the video

what do you expect from a bunch of disgusting kikes


They did

This guys is savage. Why have I not heard of him before?

he's literally the critic now

The worst part about this nu-male shit is how they're ironically so quick to judge people.

I have friends with shitty opinions, just like I have shitty opinions, I don't take selfies of myself looking like a cock sleeve to seem 'progressive'.

All of a suddenly? Are you ill?

He looks like a garden gnome.

his body is small and frail

Deep down, liberals despise niggers

If this is what pass as a man today on the land of the free, no wonder why your race is on extinction. You guys are human pandas

Using twitter as a replacement of marketing research and surveys have fucked up the entertainment industry beyond repair

>I wonder how much did Sony and feminist corp pay them to defend it so much.
Nothing. These nu males are so stupid I bet they do it for free

Do you think he or someone else will repost it there?