Sup Forums Student Discussion

>what are you studying? or what did you study? and why?
>how is life as a student in your country?
>are you optimistic about your future career? or if you finished studying - are things working out as you'd hoped from your career?

>Ing in telematics
>Boring, I personally don't think of myself as a model student, but I ain't bad either, average grades n shit
>Yes I have some hope

cool, I'm doing electrical engineering with emphasis on telecommunications, I bet we have some overlapping courses.

I'm also bored and depressed and sick of studying all the time.

i rike computer science and math yet they hate me.
japan's future is dark yet mine is shining

All of my friends study that lol, maybe, right now Im taking mostly math and programming courses
Circuits, signals and computer architecture will come later

Electronic and communication but my grades so far in the first three semester have been shit (60-65%) but I plan to step it up this time.
I think if I manage to get DR1 two or three times I might be able to improve my average to 80%.
And even if TI organises internships at my college I wont be able to apply.
In short Im fucked if I dont turn out to be a procastinating genius who just woke up.

>what are you studying? or what did you study? and why?
I'm studying low. If I approve the entrance examinations (don't know whether is the proper translation of "examenes de ingreso") I enter in the career.
I'm studying law because I like all related to politics, history, law, geography, etc.
>how is life as a student in your country?
Since university education is free here ( unless you pretend to go to a private university) , students usually don't have too economic problems. You go to your school (facultad) and then you go home.
>are you optimistic about your future career? or if you finished studying - are things working out as you'd hoped from your career?
Yes, I'm not 100% optimistic but I try.
I hope once, once I finish, work in a company or in the government

im a 28 yo neet

>Admission exams
GL m8

why do all 3rd worlders do electrical engineering or something

are you all that smart

>what are you studying? or what did you study? and why?
materials engineering because I was accepted here and now it's too late to change that shit
>how is life as a student in your country?
good I guess
>are you optimistic about your future career? or if you finished studying - are things working out as you'd hoped from your career?
idk, i'll probably be unemployed

Almost guaranteed a career over gender studies which most students in the west do.

Studied engineering, lived on benefits for 5 years

now working as engineer. no debts, hired within one month despite no experience

I live alone in a 4 room apartment though because our housing situation fucking sucks and all one and two roomers are handed to refugees and social destitutes

Thanks bro

>now working as engineer. no debts, hired within one month despite no experience
fuck y ouuuuuuu

I'm not even a very social person

People here complain about STEM being a meme too, but anyone not getting a job after applying themselves even slightly (like typing up your resume in LaTeX and not MS Paint, not wearing your spaghetti stained favorite sweatshirt to the interviews, etc.) must be full-on retards

With so many first worlders graduating in gender studies and the number of manufacturing plants its the best option to get a good job with decent pay or get a chance abroad

>must be full-on retards
maybe they just want to get government bux :^)

not really, these people are actively complaining on forumes equivalent to Sup Forums in spergness

besides, working your 6-hour day (reported as 8 hours :^)) in front of your work computer is less tiresome than being NEET all day in front of your home computer

Studied physics cause it seemed really interesting. Couldn't finish it though because I'm a lazy fuck.
Still, even with 3/4 of it and no degree and no proper work experience, I managed to find a job in 2 months in IT, laughing at my philosophy major m8s who're doleing it out.

>are you optimistic about your future career?
Yeah, the wage is good even just starting out, the work is relatively fun and after a few years I'm probably guaranteed employment anywhere in the country and abroad as well.

>how is life as a student in your country?
The country and the capital are almost literally organised around providing the best possible experience to being a student. Everything is subsidised, study, student work, food, there's special "student work", the slovene culture is based around parents providing for the "dilligent" student and there's always something going on, from cultural events, parties with loads of qt, etc. and everything to do with higher education is being administered by a student mafialike organisation who pander to students at the expense of everyone else.

Also, ebin gommie zdudendz :D:DDD


>what are you studying? or what did you study? and why?

Studying comp sci because im a nerd that spends his days in front of a computer so might as well understand how to program and how they work
>how is life as a student in your country?

Im studying in Scotland because tuition is free for EU students and their education is a lot better than here. Life is amazing there to be frank. Except for the weather it sucks

>are you optimistic about your future career? or if you finished studying - are things working out as you'd hoped from your career?

Yeah. I always hear how programmers are in demand so it shouldnt be too hard to get a job if I do some internships before I finish uni

Physics is such a mindfuck for me

Like, I can solve problems using the equations for electromagnetism and all that stuff, but actually trying to take in wtf is going on just doesn't work in my head.

>but actually trying to take in wtf is going on

No, that's not the point, the point is just to master calculus, linear algebra and fourier analysis. Maybe play with lazors a bit.

studying SAT
wake me up inside

Sound nice, Are you interested in a lot of Colombian immigrants?

only if they're adherents of south american communism :^)

also, I think non-EUans have a much harder time with all the benefits.

>what are you studying? or what did you study? and why?
Studying pharmacology because I wanted to take advantage of the ever growing pharmaceutical corps in Ireland and make that $$$
>how is life as a student in your country?
Great. Drinking, eating shit food, and spending any free time with your head in a book.
>are you optimistic about your future career? or if you finished studying - are things working out as you'd hoped from your career?
If my pharma job doesn't work out, but I still get my degree - I've got loads of options. I can go on and further study to get a masters or PhD. But my real plan B is to work for the drug analysis lab. It's where they analyse seized products from customs and the GardaĆ­. But at the end of the day, I'm still getting that degree.

>what are you studying? or what did you study? and why?
Economics and Ancient Civilization. AC because it interested and Econ to make money
>how is life as a student in your country?
For me it's not great, rather be left alone or with close friends but others love it
>are you optimistic about your future career? or if you finished studying - are things working out as you'd hoped from your career?
I have no clue what the hell I'll do once I leave here lmao

>what are you studying? or what did you study? and why?
Electrical Engineering
>how is life as a student in your country?
tight on money and full work and study
>are you optimistic about your future career? or if you finished studying - are things working out as you'd hoped from your career?
yes, the state I live (Santa Catarina, south of Brazil) is growning economically and we also have the WEG, a huge company in my field