
foy edition

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fuck prince charles

everything should be privatised

good edition



extend it to potatoyanks too tho

contemplating an ol' 'cide

>Prince Charles is 2 years younger than Donald Trump

Good edition

Ameridebts not allowed itt



privatise the government and let us live in corporate states run by elon musk and peter thiel

Going to use the skill set I have acquired on the farm over here to move to Arkansas, buy a cheap plot of earth and live off the fat of the land

why are irish people so ugly?

Man English must be fucking stupid cause you're in all sorts of debt?

really gets the ol' noggin' twirlin'

if america is son and britain is its father,

then who is the mother?

Fedudal society of small dukedoms, communes and free-cities?





I thought you were one of the good ones lad

american genes


west africa

>Assange AMA
O-oh my

>55mbps internet
>2MB/s torrent

euthanise me

The Land of the Free (until the credit card companies ask for their money back)


you do not want to go to arkansas
it's a menage a trois with spain, france n england

also r u actually a nip


Africa and Spain

didn't open

as me dad says gotta spend money to make money

I'm going to start the Commune of Montreal

It's an island so we can blow the bridges to prevent a hostile takeover by capitalists

doesn't make sense, potato monkey

speaking of which it's time to hit the FOBTs, back in a few lads

Why, I'm a good country boy and land is cheap there


Okay so you're right up there with us and our economy is much larger and more important on a world scale.

Britons Never Will Be Slaves (except wage slaves)

if we don't have government who will put lead in the water

it's a proper shithole m8

Yeah me telling you to fuck off every time you respond to my posts indicated i was a good one.

Have you been?

If we don't have Ireland who will make insufferable posts that makes me wish there were more leafs about

Bonne post pêh

>you will never be 16 years old and living in California in 1993
why even live?

ya it was a joke...

lads what time does the paddy go away?

back when the girls were girls amirite

bit fucking rude

And black cock slaves.

I have, it's a shithole, even by yank standards.
For good country boy life try Maine, Alaska, or Wyoming

I-i dont think you understand what commune i meant, i meant a medieval commune. Those are capitalist (sort of, system of guilds-so i suppose worker lead corporatist), basically less independent and smaller free-cities

>be american
>wake up in the morning, get out of your financed bed
>open the door and leave your mortgaged house
>get in your financed car and go to mcdonalds
>order a big mac with your credit card
>get shot after you pay for not tipping
>go to the hospital, tip the ambulance driver with your credit card
>have to pay for breathing the hospital's air
>have to pay 10 million dollars before they let you leave the hospital

land of the free and the home of the debt


>be yank
>lose credit card
>become homeless

Pay up piggies


Or just let my mom pay for everything.

Rule Brittania ('s caliphate)




drinking mango and peach flavoured wine


Don't forget when they douche their ass out for black men.

I thought you were talking about the Paris commune

vintage slag

FACT: 100% of terrible leaf posts are made by butthurt quebecers

umm, a bit fucking rude

drinking mandingo flavoured milk

let's see if Trump will reply to THIS


alri Chang

I think the worst are the other leafs who've convinced themselves they're anything but snow yanks

FACT: 100% of excellent leaf posts are made by godtier quebecers et maritimers



stop spamming dickhead

>australian calling someone else chang

Yeah but who sucked more black cocks?

As a businessman of his size, 6 bankruptcies is pretty good.
Why does everyone act as if he's running some small business in the town centre market?

t. yank sympathiser


It makes you someone willing to take business risks which is the backbone of capitalist innovation.


got called a bellend in RiteAid

doing a listen

I think the worst are the other aussies who've convinced themselves they're anything but desert yanks
This tee bee haych


>be yank
>be fat




fuck everyone in this thread

England is pretty fat as well.

>6 bankruptcies is pretty good
you have no idea what you're talking about you spastic

There are at least one or two Brits who will agree when we say we're more British than yanks

Have yet to see one Brit say Canadians aren't just yanks yet still you autists continue with your delusions