
Previous:Anyone who are Romanian or Moldovan or just know Romanian,join up for a random discussion,filled with good Florin Salam manele (gypsies music),some warm homemade sărmale (stuffed cabbage rolls) and why not,5 beri talpă (when you drink 5 beers in a row in one gulp).
Foreign guys can also join if you want to talk about your problems or about your country.
(Plz no politics,go bitch on Sup Forums)
If you have any suggestions for this thread (thread schedule,Romanian language courses or touristic tips),leave a post and I'll think about it. (not guaranteed cuz I can be a lazy cuck)

Other urls found in this thread:



Marş în morții mă-tii, ţigane

>fir ro
>vorbeste in engleza
>explica maymayuri in engleza

futut-ti mortii ma-tii de moldovean borat

lol a plecat

s-au prins aia din iasi ca moldovenia fura curent de la ei si le-au taiat cablu

vreu curent fratili meu di pesti prut
no ma dai drumu

I love Moldova and his brother [2]

ketamina in pula

a zis cineva ketamina'n pula?

muzica naste memeuri

E un thread român,moldovenii și românii sunt principalii vorbitori de română,nu?
Marș tu,cocalar împuțit.
Exist oameni care sunt interesați de tot ce are de-a face cu o limbă.(ex.memes,obiceiuri,diferite accenturi ale limbii)
Dacă poți să le oferi exemple sau explicații,vor înțelege mai bine despre țară decît la o lecție de limbă română pentru străini.
Am treburi. Dar revin din cînd în cînd.
Curentul să ți-l bagi în tine și celor de la Vaslui. Citește mai sus,orb drogat.
Hello,glad to hear that. Are you,by chance,the same person from the previous post?

woah cat text

bravo republica moldova

Ci faci fratili mieu di pieste Prut?

Tot bine,măi. Viața merge ca de obicei.
Prost și greu.

>E un thread român,moldovenii și românii sunt principalii vorbitori de română,nu?
pai stai asa

Ca toate lucrurile in Moldovenia de altfel

vine swans in martie in bucuresti si cluj

yea. No gym tonight so can post all night

Asta e tâmpenie totală. Limba moldovenească este cum numesc rușii sau gopnicii moldovenești sau transnistrieni,limba română. Chiar constituția RM spune că limba oficială a țării este "LIMBA ROMÂNĂ".

E adevărat. Și acum cu noul președinte socialist,cred că se va înrăutăți și mai tare.

What have you been doing,user?
Also I know where the T-Shirt is from. ;)

De nu vie ghine stiti voi ci sa faciti!

Not really anything all day, overslept though so came late for school

How about you, user?

Sunt ardelean
Poza din dreapta este falsificata

Dacă ar ieși Plahotniuc cu el la plimbare,100% sper să se întîmplă același lucru.
Ar scăpa țara de belea și de criză.

What school you at?

Still in gymnasium, dropped out like 2-3 times because i'm an idiot. Soon done tho, pretty nice



>moldavian thought he made a friend
>turns out it's literally a retard

Rood. School is just boring, working is more fun

>can't finish 8 grades
>is a weeb
I'm not trying to be rude, I'm sure you're a nice guy, you seem like one, but I'm also pretty sure you're mentally challanged.

Do you have a number of the class you in? I'm in the 9th,the last class of middle school and next autumn will start high school.
So I guess I'm doing well,to say the least.

>8th grade
Don't worry Rudemania, i still like you

either you guys are right and i'm retarded,or we're talking about different things. I'm fine with both possibilities desu

Iesti mienor si stei pi forsan? Grieja mari ca tampiesti la capsor aicisa.

Gymnasium mean 5th to 8th grade in romania.
Highschool is 9th to 12th grade

Good to know.Hope that's only so in Romania,otherwise i must've looked like a retard to those i spoke to during my balkan trip

On a side note; are Moldovan girls as qt as Smuglyanka implies?

Moldavian girls are cute but most of them got disgusting personalities and are drunks/whores.


vorbim in romaneste sau in moldoveneasca? Cum ne vom putea intelege?

Funny how nearly every guy i chat with says that about their countrys' girls lol

Danish girls are like that too, or least in my area they are

Degeneracy has reached a all time high I guess.

I'm sure there are nice girls left tho

Yes, the low self-esteem ones are pretty common, generally nice and easy to manipulate.

Oh I get it,it's like High School.
In my country,we have 3 separate schools:Primary (6 or 7-10 or 11),Secondary or Middle School (10 or 11-16 or 17) (I'm in the last year of Middle School) and High School (till 18 or 19).
According to your country's education system,I'm in the last year of Primary School.

Thread-ul este în română și engleză dar denumirea specifică regiunea unde limba română este cel mai des vorbită.

Do people who don't speak romanian have a chance with em?

who's the retard now?

Yeah, if you got aesthetics or money.

They will go full interest mode if you have money.

It wasn't me,it was

Sounds like the average women, i'll give it a shot
fug,you're right

Also, be prepared to hear the worst possible accent when she will talk in English.
Not throwing shit at my own country, but a Romanian speaking English with his native accent sounds horrible.

I like foreign accents, so it's fine desu



Also lets not forget the most important thing that every girl wants...

The Benis!

Every (sane) girls weakness

eu in mijloc

The Benis bear will steal all the girls with his fedora skills and his huge Benis.

ain't letting myself get cucked

nu uitati de imegaboardu nostru national chaonon punct ro tiganilor

unification when


eu la dreapta

Is italianand romanian close?

somewhat, it's weird how it works
romanians have an easy time understanding and learning italian while the opposite isn't true
they're very similar, nearly identical at times but completely different other times
overall yes they are close, both being romance languages and so on but they're not nearly as close as other romance languages (italian-spanish are much more similar for example)

Nice, you're native Italian i would guess?

can imagine it's kinda like Dutch-German

>you're a native italian I would guess
sorry if you're being sarcastic and I'm not getting it
native italian posters are a dying species on Sup Forums
out of 20-25 usual posters in /ita/, at least 5 are romanians

Wasn't sarcastic, just wondered desu

ah, well no then, I'm not native italian
I'm """""italian""""" as in I have italian citizenship
italian flags posting in threads about romania are 99% romanians, there's over a milion of us here and lots of muh heritage going around

fratele meu alb

Roma(inia)n empire expanding once again. You guys are further north now than back in the day too

>Romans returning to Rome

Some day but it ain't soon.

fratele meu alb
yup, coincidentally I have a cousin in Sweden

Ciao,măi. Ce se mai petrece prin Italia?



Ciao fratelo
nimic interesant, e frig perioada asta dar nu destul cât să ningă aici la Roma, prin alte zone a nins și sunt gelos
îmi e dor de zăpadă



Și la noi a nins 4 zile la rînd după Anul Nou în prima săptămână pentru prima oară după o perioada lungă și caldă.
>și Trump spune că încălzirea globală e un mit creat de chinezi
Acum este frig tare și oamenii sunt prea leneși ca să iasă cu mașinile de curățat străzile așa că merg oamenii direct în omăt.



vroiam să postez melodia lu dani mocanu aia de mă mândresc că sunt țigan dar se pare că a șters-o
comfy af
mamă a trebuit să caut "omăt" pe dex să văd ce înseamnă

Are you the the dark Moldovan girl, Soviets promissed all partisans?



thanks for keeping our thread bumped to the top my fellow roman

Then please get captured by the Germans desu

voiam*, inteleg ca esti in italia dar macar nu uita romana

fate schifo


am zis vRoiam de când eram mic puradel și nu o să mă opresc acum


da-te gios omu paiangan

îmi plac memeurile românești

memeuri bazate


fmm andone

maluuu ba miloguleee


my ancestors :)