>mfw I was born in the right time to see my country rise and become a superpower
Mfw I was born in the right time to see my country rise and become a superpower
I was expecting the Macedonian flag tbqh
Why is it that indians are always horny?
Empire of shit
Yeah the British empire truly was
Define horniness
Literally who
I was, in fact, not talking about the British empire. I was actually talking about the future Indian superpower which only resource will be human shit
Poo poo in loo loo
But that's a very important resource
Yes, you may finally learn to poo in the loo.
Why is that flag retarded
>Indians will one day all poo in one giant supertoilet
The future is a strange and exciting time
Nepal. Coolest flag ever.
What happened to your flag China?
why are indians and indonesians the embodiment of cancer on the net
Horey sheet when did Brazil became the master banter?
What makes you think so?
Bharata über alles
Indians bring the goodness of Sup Forums-tier banter on normie websites like Facebook.
How is that bad?
Dear diary: Today I saw a funny Canadian post
obnoxious comments on any famous page on facebook
id writing stale jokes from 5yrs ago on post unrelated to them is Sup Forums-tier banter
then Sup Forums is shitier then it was
What makes you think so?
More like a Pooper power
don't listen to that gypsy brehs
arranged marriages
> China is going to tolerate that
you do know that gypsies are indian?
You should make muslim sterilization mandatory honestly before they become too many and rip your country apart from the inside.
Should of nuked you street shitters, still time tho
Them bitches AINT gonna do shit.
No country as big as India will be a superpower under a Democratic government.
Just pls tell your people not to poop in public
id never seen one which obnoxious, but Indonesian comment usually nice?
Any sort of SEA poster tend to have that same HUEHUE brazilian mentality where they show up in massive groups and leave comments like "you are sexy you make my pennies hard come make wife" under everything.
>655,525,263 habitants per medal
where for instance? i often meet those, but hardly come from us or asean, but mostly old white dude.
This, but Filipinos are the worst. Indonesians tend to be 50/50, I remember some days ago seeing in a comment section how a group of Indonesians got triggered because this happens all the time and they can't do shit without people expecting them to act like this any second
rare mountain poos
Just any major website, especially one that allows facebook-linked comment. Youtube and twitter as well.
I guess you just need to come accross something that SEA are interested in, like j-pop idol groups.
Same OP xD
>so many white servants
Any year now, India will put a man on the Loo.
The only thing that can stop India to be a superpower
Shit for brains
It's true, I think you'll get a permanent seat on the UN security council during my lifetime.
When you finally got Facebook back in 2008-2009, I saw about 500 friend requests from brown people with unpronounceable names.
I left the next day
On what basis?
Pic related
>yes I am baiting
i just found it, on major website
We're still BFFs right India? Trump promised to install a bidet on every street corner for Indians!
Modi has more facial hair than trumps head kek
when lying, make it sounds real and convincing next time
>the future of Indian space travel
favorite flag.
>born in time to see mine decline
I can hope that at least I can die tragically fighting for a doomed cause.