I rly hate russia 2bh

i rly hate russia 2bh

Wow same

Wtf! I hate russia now!


Russian men > European men
Deal with it

I wish Russia would stop meddling in international politics and elections. Also, give back Crimea.

nice to see we have so much in common friend
my thoughts exactly pal

Hehehe fanni Joke

You can wish rub your own anus dog!

There is literally nothing wrong with meddling in others elections and politics or annexing Crimea.

люблю poccию
caмaя лyчшaя cтpaнa

You fools will plunder the world into another bloody war because you can't keep your filthy, meddling, slavic fingers to yourselves.
Russians are the fucking worst, together with the Saudis.

we love ivan tho

I am from Crimea, currently in Moscow, and I want to ask you, why do you want Crimea to be "given back"? If we don't won't to go back, in our majority, why the fuck should we return to even shitier country than Russia?

Americans are the worst.


You can have Crimea and Donbass in exchange for letting the rest of Ukraine join NATO

What's wrong you do not want to share a number one place? heh

You see, those RUSSIANS are hacking our democracy! They're rigging our election! I'm trying to break the glass ceiling for millions of young american girls here and that MISOGYNIST Putin is preventing that!

How dare he expose the fact that I'm involved in a Satanic cult. How dare he expose my plan for a Western Hemisphere open borders state. How dare he expose those emails I received as Secretary of State which I hid from judicial process using a program called BleachBit in order to eliminate the evidence that I was utilizing my political powers for foreign tyrants in exchange for generous "speaking fees" and donations which went into my Clinton Foundation.

As soon as I become President, I promise to eliminate the wage gap and end the russian problem once and for all! I want you to join me in this effort. Help me build this campaign and make it your own. Talk to your friends, your family, your neighbors. Text “JOIN” J-O-I-N to 4-7-2-4-6.

I don't give the slightest fuck about Ukraine, Crimea is full of Russians such as myself, and almost nobody wants to return under the rule of Ukraine.

Because it belongs to Ukraine, period.
I mean, if you really want to be part of a better country, ask for the finns, dutch or even the fucking americans to make you their pet.

Actually it belongs to Russia, the soldiers and tanks there say so.

Hahahaha sick cunt


Ukraine belongs to Russia. Just like Belarus and Kazakhstan.

>Monkey tells slavs what to do
We really appreciate your relevant opinion (no).


>How dare he expose the fact that I'm involved in a Satanic cult.

more info pls

Just a meme desu

saying it is just a meme is not going to change the election results, hilary

Aren't you a very good goyim?

Yes, hate Russia, Russia are evil hackers who hate democracy.

Support NATO! War may be necessary to stop the ebil rushuns


Igor please...

USA is fucking you with the sanctions, don't you see how shitty is your economy?

Keep spending money in soviet garbage, while your country is a poor icehole.

I'm suprised,

Americans on Sup Forums are usually huge russiaboo's.

>Brazilian living across the world thinks he knows Russia better then actual Russian citizens living there

Russian live standards are Ecuador tier...

PS: I'm not that brazilian.

He is one those ignorant Brazilians who thinks Brazil is a first world superpower and that it gives him the right to criticize other countries bar the USA.