>American armored brigade just arrived in Poland You mad, kacaps?
American armored brigade just arrived in Poland You mad, kacaps?
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So enjoying the occupation?
Only r*ssians and people getting paid to shill kremlins agenda get mad at americans posting soldiers in poland tbqh
Good, quality ad hominem there m8!
If needs must.
but i want the cute estonians
Poor latvia
not enough
>being this ignorant of the Canadian military and what they've done for the US-UK in Iraq/Afghanistan
Okay, Chang
>Pro EU and Nato
Should I?
I hope Trump just goes ahead and invites Putin to annex every single """neutral""" country left in Europe, since you're all such manly not-cucked men and you can obviously handle yourselves.
The word "cuck" has officially lost all meaning now that a fucking Swede thinks he can use it without the slightest hint of irony.
Eurocucks wants to enjoy a nuclear wasteland.
Yea and your country is totally not America's lapdog number one? Good goy die in the middle east.
It's americans favorite buzzword i thought you would like it.
ITT people unironically defending being invaded and occupied by america
Lets stop fucking about and get down to WWIII already.
after you igor
Serious question if your government made you go die in Nato shitholes like Albania and Turkey would you do it?
>only 67 strykers at our border
Why do you cunts understimate us so much
I don't really give a shit about your fantasy scenarios you neckbeard
haha le meme man
president putin will soon call them back :^)
why are we not in poland?
Lmao coming from the same fag that posted this:
no clue...
WW3 when?
>I hope
is not the same thing as
>if this impossible situation magically happened would you personally be happy with it? No? that means you need to break your all your countries alliances and pretend to be neutral while still benefitting from American protection anyway like us
you're just a retard
Fuck off cunt, the US is the only ally of ours, you are not worth shit.
Why would Poland need a weaker military than theirs to defend them?
Because your military is a fucking joke.
Will a third world war finally put us out of our misery ?
I'm not sure you know what ad hominem means you moron
What's the alternative?
fire the nukes already
kill them all, kill the women and children, kill the survivors with extreme prejudice, just do it
It really does work that way as well.
calm down hans the war hasn't started yet
I don't think it was mentioned in our news even once.
Poland can do whatever. Literally nobody cares about Poland, not even the bordering countries.
We East Prussia now
Maybe later dude
w-we are helping too
You had to be living under bear these few days. RT is all over this like a pedo over pizza.
zero cool americans soldiers in your cunt :((((
>tfw no CZ.75
NATO will attack Russia in 2019.
Poles and balts are willing to die for others interest
Don't be stupid! You already proposed polish help in attacking soviet union in 1934 to hitler, look how it turned out for you.
Don't you wanna live?
pls come back :(((
just fuk of you dirty russian mongoloid scum
>tfw no vacation time
t. A. Hitler
People in the US already think Trump is a Russian puppet. Unless he gets assassinated, which is entirely likely, I doubt the US would do anything until he left office.
Did our troops even get near Eastern Europe in that war?
>Yea and your country is totally not America's lapdog number one?
The UK and France are legitimate allies.
Implying you wouldn't just move aside so fighting doesn't take place on your soil.
Uh, no. Thermonuclear war is no fun. Le happy hybrid war is pretty fucking ebin desu.
You agitate the interwebz to succesfully forward an specific public state of mind in mentally weak cunts like Murrica and shitpost fake news about homosex cuckoldry and mass rapings in Germoney, and we fill up your borders with NATO bases and economic sanction the shit out of you until Russhka gets the GDP of Portugal.
Protip, Pidorusky; in the end we'll win both the Interwebz and the economoneys.
>he actually believes the US cares about his country
You goddamn right. Reaaly, you want 1939 again? Germany, germany newer change.
Say it to my tank.
Its not invade. Its return of our property.
If you subhuman, i cant help you.
Who sucks US's balls the most?
Poland, Japan, Germany or Colombia?
No one. It's called being in an alliance.
Does Brazil even have any allies?
Able Archer 2.0 when?
we can sacrifice eastern eurocucks if it means we destroy russian scum.
Only Argentina i guess. France maybe too?
Idk desu.
yeah.. but most of its land is a freezing shit hole, like Canada.
Nah i don't care
>tfw Yuropoor and Burgerland are afraid of 3-rd world shithole and bunch of gooks-cheapo-crap-manufacturers
Why is Lithuania brown, Balts are more European than slavs
>NATO will attack Russia in 2019.
thnks m8, you gave me the hope
We have nothing to lost, but they do, Ivan. They lived without any troubles for a long time now, Ivan. Too long if you know what I mean :^)
The number of battalions seem weird.
How many tanks are per battalion in NATO? In IDF it's around 30-40
Why don't we just build a wall and make Russia pay for it?
The first time in years that our army is in eastern europe and noone's upset.
please invade, ill collaborate, just want to see western scum suffer
It's not like they're on their own and have gone there without anyone's permission.
>western scum suffer
kek nato won't allow russia reach the western part of europe anyway. the most you will get to see is the eastern part of poland being invaded and it would last only a few weeks at best. after that russia will be destroyed from all directions (don't forget about that huge american aircraft carrier we have to the south-east of our borders. russia is weak and poor as hell. we can only hope america won't decide to destroy us. so if anything only russians would suffer in case of war.
Can we not have a WW3 or at least can we start is somewhere else?
Maybe in Alaska or something?
>start is
*start it
fuck off we're full.
I know
thanks bud
beep beep
Last time i was in Ādaži base i saw some of your lads there, the funniest accent ive ever heard
>oi captain we gun get sum fookin food nau, rait?
Met 101th usa div. yesterday
No survivors tho