>It's long been known that "X-Men: Apocalypse" marks the third and final film in the contracts signed by four of the franchise's lead actors: Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and Nicholas Hoult. There's been much discussion about whether or not the quartet will return for more mutant movies following "Apocalypse." Lawrence has alternated between certainty and uncertainty before, and a new interview with Entertainment Weekly adds a new wrinkle. >“Fassbender and McAvoy and I were all talking,” said Lawrence. “Like, ‘Will you come back?’ ‘I dunno.’ ‘I’ll come back, if you come back.’ Fox should be terrified because the deal we made was like if one of us doesn’t come back, none of us are.” The finer details of this all-or-nothing contract stipulation aren't known for sure, and it's also possible that the affable Lawrence is kidding around. comicbookresources.com/article/jennifer-lawrence-says-fox-should-be-terrified-her-x-men-contract
Will Fox want her to represent their franchise?
Noah Scott
Who cares about Jlaw in movies though, seriously?
I never got how such mediocre actors and actresses can have such inflated egos.
Kayden Bennett
it depends how the movie does, if it performs mediocre or less than expectation, than they could go a different way with the younger actors.
Liam Kelly
jennifer lawrence is a bad actress and she's not important to the xmen movies. anyone can play mystique. in fact, most other women would play her better because they wouldn't be a skinnyfat out of shape loser like her.
she's just trying to maintain her worth. she thinks if she causes a fuss, fox will pay her more money in a contract. she doesn't realize that she's irrelevant.
Hudson Bailey
Ms Lawrence is an alcoholic and promotes degeneracy. Please do not create threads about her
Luke Cook
Jennifer is one of the best actresses in Hollywood at the moment, she can be as cocky as she wants.
Angel Morris
I can't wait until Trump deports this bitch.
Camden Rivera
who cares Mystique sucks and I barely remember her from the comics
she should have been cast as Storm
Henry Russell
She's already considered box officer cancer now, her recent movies have all plummeted BUT the X-MEN movies It's a bluff because if they kick her out, it's over. Not to mention the bad press surrounding her about all the things she wouldn't do whilst shooting
Jose Rodriguez
Not when you represent a franchise film. If she wants some shitty independent film she can