Trips decides what to do

Trips decides what to do.

shit on her belly

fuck her mouth


Chop off your right nut.

write my name on her tits (Matt)

Say: "All that and a bag of chips, amirite?" And then hit her in the vagina with your back-hand

punch her in the face

record a video as you punch her in the face and post in here

roll 1

Rape her

roll 2
Witness me!

T-bag her!

roll 3
please let my shite roll win

roll 4
Devils trips?

roll 5

penis in mouth

roll 6


Calm down nigger

roll 7

tell her about this thread

Marry her and life a wonderful life together.

Tell him "can i clean your asshole with my tongue"

roll 8

i am calm - just waiting for dinner to cook

Get "her" a nose job


roll 9

Fuck her asshole with your fist


roll 10


fuck her

slap her face with your dick and scream "you're not my mother, bitch!"

roll 11
Cant stop me now boys


Treat her to a nice dinner and confess your romantic feelings for her.

Rape her

go up, start kissing her inner thigh and when she pulls away just tell her to go with it and enjoy it


ask her to marry u

roll 12
the shittiest roll must winrar


Move in for feet pics.

suck her toes

Beat the shit out of her!

roll 13
Please lord, guide me

die pls

lick her feet

Smash an egg on her head.

Broke his phone

Strip her and show pic

Screamin "heil hitler" and call her a dirty kike and you will gas her. Then fart on her face


roll 14
i think

roll 15

pour a bucket of water on her, take pics

Stumble over to her, trip, shit your pants, then start sobbing uncontrollably.

its my bed time soon,
just fuck her so i can jerk over you guys and get to bed.

Punch her in the face

roll 16


i bump for this

say "i love u princess"

Murder her, post pics on Sup Forums of her dead carcass in a fucking hole.


roll 17
I will prevail

555 get

break her phone

So close...

Eat your dick in front of her


shave her head

slit her throat


Throw a cup of milk on her and scream "Let's go see Life of Pets!"


roll 18
my supper is almost ready - i hope i have a loyal base of followers now to carry out this legacy and get this timestampless google image to do what I say

Cut her hair


reroll 1

Ask if she wants to pose for some very classy nudes to better your photography skills


Rape her until she bleeds


Offer to take her out to see the new star trek movie since the person you were going with bailed. Take her to a 7pm ish showing, pay for the tickets and snacks.

Get up to go to the bathroom 20 minutes in, but never go back in. just leave.


fuck off Turkey
Biji Kurdistan

>bed time
Rolling for you two to have a chill session where you both watch a movie

roll 19
I touched dicks with my best friend when I was 12

you faggot. that's a horrible get.

nice quads, not trips tho

quads have spoken



Checked and wasted quads

Such a feels fag



Stay mad faggots

Funk her

6 more mins left, i gotta goto work. so lets see if someone can get trips, nice quads tho