Let's talk about mental illness. I have OCD

Let's talk about mental illness. I have OCD

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what exactly?

Just in general. Talk about what we have and what it is like.

well me to i dress a girl

Bipolar Disorder II

No, how does your OCD show? Is it actually affecting your daily life or do you just have to lock your door three times?

Do you have a vagina?

No thats because its mental illnes

install openoffice

I have suicidal ideation half the time. I think about and research ways to kill myself about 80% of the time, but realize I should utilize resources because it's related to illness. Then the other half I'm blowing money and irritated at everybody and everything and I don't sleep

OCD Anxiety and depression. With tourettes. Not the fun kind. Either way its way more manageable now.

Everyone has this thoughts.

>tfw when you are depressed and hate talking to People but have a Job where you have to speak all the time and get like 80phone calls a day..

OP here.
I was 4 when I was diagnosed with a OCD. It has been pretty bad at some points

ASPD/ ADHD checking in.

Has anyone of you ever seen a doctor or are you all self diagnosed?

I'm moderately like that.

I have a hard time sleeping/going to sleep. I am intolerant of those around me but I don't show it whatsoever. I tend to just pull myself away from people as soon as possible and maintain that unless I need something from them. I am not an autismo sperg either, because I can effectively work/communicate with people. I just don't like too.

My free time consists of working out or daydreaming about how I could just die. I am far too much of a pussy to actually do it though.

What OCD symptoms Sup Forumsbrother? Mine are making sure doors are closed. Taking 10 sips of water before bed and a few others.

Adhd, agoraphobia...just trying to support myself right now I'm living off my credit card.

Tourettes/OCD fag here all diagnosed and prescribed.

What meds are you guys taking if any?


I have to have a path from my door to bed. I have to lock the top and bottom lock. Then twist handle 4 times. I count steps wjen its bad. I have to make all labels face out. And make the paper all even. I hate odd numbers so much.

Marijuana...it makes me feel better but then I get bummed out about drug testing. Or depressed at the fact I'm a meet stoner.

I'm not. It was at lot worse when I was little. My parents helped.

Mild depression since 15 y/o, now I'm 21. Can't function normally without antidepressants.
I'm probably going to kill myself as soon as I graduate college. Fucking hate "adult life" and all the responsibilities. What can I do, I'm a failure lol


Antidepressants.Trippin on salvia on my free time

I don't know what mine is really. Depression? I've been like this since I was a kid but I'm very poor in social situations and I hate most people I talk to. I also want to die most of the time and feel weak, stupid, and helpless.

About 15 years ago I went on this "self improvement" campaign. Worked out, lost weight, kept all of my self hatred to myself. I was still very miserable but I stopped talking about it and practiced smiling in the mirror and talked to people at work about whatever dumb shit people were into at the time to practice. This landed me a career a wife and two kids. None of this shit made me happy. Listening to my wife's inane shit every day was a chore that I have endured for 15 fucking years. My kids were cool until they grew up. When they were all into SpongeBob, eating cereal, and playing video games I could relate to them. Now they are teenagers. They listen to shitty music and talk about the stupidest shit I've ever heard. They are so fucking annoying. My career paid well but I hated it as well. Waking up to an alarm clock every fucking day just to scrape the beard off of my face and crawl to work where I had to pretend to like people that I wished were dead was soul crushing.

I went to a shrink who told me that I have autism. I'm 39 years old mind you. He prescribed my a bunch of pills and sent me to a therapist. They just talked about shit for an hour then told me to get out and handed me a huge bill.

I recently lost it and quit my job. My wife has be trying to support the family but money is running out. I've decided I'm probably going to eat a bullet within the next couple of weeks.

So whatever all of that is... that I what mental illness I have.

Does it come in cycles? Every couple of weeks you're irritable and don't sleep, and the next few weeks you sleep a lot/depressed?

I like furries.

I have diabetes type 1

Social anxiety and depression caused by a traumatic childhood

OCD. It took me 8 hours to take a shit yesterday.

Since you're OP, I'll assume "OCD" means "Overeager Cock Desire".

bipolar I taking 750mg lithium and 250mg seroquel.... had a manic/psychotic episode a couple months ago, still recovering from it... thought aliens were experimenting on me, the new world order was watching me... had an alien bacteria implanted into my brain...next phase of human evolution, eventually got incarcerated against my will for acting like a complete lunatic.

of course at this point though it's obvious what's real and what isn't...that month was all just an elaborate dream... it's still quite amazing how easy it is for your own mind to convince you that a dream is more real than anything else.

Psychosis is fucking messed, I don't recommend it

Actual autist here. Been diagnosed since I was young because I wouldn't listen to anything my parents told me and just acted abnormal in general like I didn't even properly react to pain and so on.

I didn't figure it out till I was like 13.

the way I figured it was actually somewhat funny, I've been going to this summer camp for years and one time I overhear a conversation about autism, I didn't even know what it meant. Turns out that was a summer camp specifically meant for people with autism.

Anyway it's actually not as bad as you might imagine, my eye for details is great and since I can only really think in a logic manner that also helped me out with justifying actions and understanding how my mind and body works. Though really the big downside to it all is that I really don't handle stress well. I even picked up an anxiety disorder in the process but in the end it's all about learning your limits.

Extreme Body Dysmorphia (that's fucked my life up to now the most)
That's brings in, anxiety, """"depression""", OCD and all other shit I've read that I experience the symptoms from.

I'm suprised the amount of chemical imbalance my brain has, that I have not snapped and gone clinically insane. Sometimes I wish I had, I kind of get like that when I get really drunk. Almost did get thrown into a local (pretty nice place) looney bin when got arrested for laying on roads.

Life's okay though. Got one main friend and a couple of family members.

This is exactly what I am afraid of. I am 28 years old now and I managed to handle life as normal as possible until now. But when I look forward I have no clue how this should go on. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself as an intelligent human being with average social skills, but I just hate to interact with people for a longer period of time. Everything they say just sounds stupid and irrelevant to me and I also just don't get it why the hell they are telling me this stuff. But somehow I just want to have a normal, succesfull life.

Describe your autism more. I want to believe

Diagnosed depression / anxiety.

Internet diagnosed off the charts bi-polar in every one i took. Like 5 tests...

15 year daily drinker / potatoe juice and beer. 25 hours clean... fml

No medication. Just over the counter advil pm to sleep through some of the chills and night sweats. Gonna push mow as much of my 4 acre lot as i can before dark, grab a shower and eat a bunch and try to pass out at like 9pm.

Suicidal af. Fuckibg hate my life and everything in it.

Just tryibg to stay bisy and positive and ahead of the bullet i so badly want to wreck my brains...

I have Adult Asperger's that has caused me to become depressed and have social anxiety. It has really ruined my life to the point where i have no money, no friends, no job....my rent is due tomorrow and honestly the only option i can think of is that i just fucking kill myself.

>go through anorexia nervousa (obsessed with exercise)
>get shredded to fuck as I was doing it and eventually ate more
>still a depressed anxiety ridden loser so all gains and my new chad body was never seen or showcased

life is cruel

I don't think I have autism. I think the doctor probably tells everyone who comes in there they have autism then sends them the bill.

If you feel that you are intelligent and have average social skills you are not in the same boat I am.




I have extremely severe OCD OP. After years of dealing with hell of earth i decided to try medication - started on 50g of Anafranil 2 months ago and it's been a godsend. My symptoms have reduced soooooo much, and when I up the dose in a few days, they're going to completely go away.

It's literally a godsend man, gave me a new life. Try it out. Only downside is that because it's so powerful it can have a ton of side effects - in my case, the only side effects I've experienced are a lack of appetite and a loss of libido. Sucks, but worth it.

Get a job socking shelves. Labels out dawn. Count tiles when u need to. Try and gtfo of your head in between.. profit?

Yeah. Exactly.

I refuse to take any medication also. I am not fucking stupid. The shit that gets prescribed to people is dangerous and rewrites your chemical chemistry for life. I normally just utilize healthy avenues to relieve my shit, but it isn't enough.

I have numerous friends that are on SSRI's and meds to make you sleep. It has ruined them.

tbh man, you just sound like a loser

I'm gonna claim insomnia even though thats probably bullshit.

It takes me hours to get to sleep even when tired. And like many other people, I just can't hold a bedtime. Its 7am and I have uni later today. Someone knock me out please.

PTSD and anxiety brought on by bad drug reactions and a bad accident I was in involving fire. Never really been diagnosed though so I cant say for sure

schizo here.

Yeah fuck that pharma bullshit in general, but SSRIs are so bad it's criminal.

you're complaining about your brain chemistry being wrong but also refuse to take a drug that rewires it. to me it seems like you just enjoy playing victim, you don't actually want it to get better.

Yeah pretty much what I figured as well. In any kind of natural life I would have been weeded out a long time ago.

speak for yourself man. medication changed my life. don't care for your tinfoil hat, fuck the man, bullshit

I am the happiest paranoid skizophrenic you'll ever meet.

Enemy of humanity confirmed

Diagnosed with major depressive disorder with suicidal tendencies. Spent a week in a psych ward because of it.

yeah, you sound like a prime target for darwinism. luckily for you, in 2016, we have beaten most of darwinism

If it wasn't for the meds I wouldn't be functional. You have to find the right meds that compliment your brain chemistry.

I was able to finish school at the highest level without any effort and I can disguise in society. That is basically what I mean. My main problem is, that I just can't find a way to genuinely fit in. Although I don't want to really fit in, I think it might be pretty necessary to survive since living alone on farm and having everything you need only exists in movies.


Could have BPD like me. There are other types of antidepressants than SSRIs. You'd probably also need a mood stabilizer. Sometimes coping mechanisms aren't enough. I took them because it gets so bad, just to improve my quality of life.

i'm an adult and after going 20 years just thinking i'm just a really weird person, i think i might actually be on the spectrum.

how can i tell if i'm an adult autist?

>inb4 uses Sup Forums
>inb4 retarded joke

compliment is praise

The word you're looking for is complement

Shrink diagnosed depression and anxiety.

Got kinda bad a couple years ago. Took a job where i work by myself. If my wife is busy ill got 5 days or more without any human contact and then get suoer irritated when i have to talk to someone.

Best friend an hero in march and i was dry humping the line for getting locked up really fucking hard.

Only thing that saved me was telling everyone i was fine but if they lock me up and i loose my job ill eat a fucking bullet too.

Lied and said i was fine but would drink so much vodka i actually thought i was dying a few times.

Went like 4 days no water or food. Just vodka.

Its one thing to joke about this shit but to actually experience it... it's fucked.

On top of that one of my best friends is so far up my ass im thinking of getting a pfa and never talking to him again. Uo my as about being a sad sack and how i meed to take charge of my life. Like im not trying... every day i wake up and dont jump in front of a train is a success. Far as i can tell anyway.

Shit is fucked up...

I'll look into it for sure.

Well unluckily since now I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. Would have been easier if I were killed by someone else or disease.

is it a good idea to take shrooms when you're mentally stable? (not a schizo or bipolar, just a very weird person)

i want to because a lot of sources say they can help, but i've also seen many warnings against this

Major depressive disorder, dysthymia, social phobia, generalized anxiety, and PTSD reporting in.

As you can imagine, my life fucking sucks.

do what you gotta do man, its your life

Is it any worse than what you currently have?

There is no perfect brain. I'd happily take some drug that changed me into Chad Thundercock.
A person changing doesn't mean the old them died. Nobody is the same person they were five or ten years ago. If you are worried about some sort of health risks, or mental issues worse than what you currently have than sure that's valid. But if you are simply tinfoiled about drugs fucking with your mind... thats kind of the point of them.

I took the chance and took shrooms whenever I wasn't mentally stable. It made emotions simpler and everything was mellow. The comedown was bad

Yeah. Okay. I'll remember that.

ADD here lol

I am not going to put something foreign in my body pal. I'll die before I do that.

But still actively choose to ignore the advice though, i assume? i find it pathetic how so many people like you are incapable of actually accomplishing things, so use shit like this as a means of getting attention without having to work for it. Easily fixable with drugs and therapy, but that would cost you your free attention, so you actively avoid them.

I'll do anything that doesn't require a prescription or drugs of any kind.

I've only been diagnosed with depression. But I fee like there is something else. I don't have friends and I don't want any, I don't care about anyone, I don't really feel empathy towards anyone like if someone is standing In front of me crying about the death of a loved I just stand there with a blank look and don't know how to respond to them. I've felt like this for a long time. I'm 25 now and thought I would grow out of it, but nope I still don't give a fuck.

What is dysthymia?

Take your god complex and go preach to someone else you fucklord. I'm not taking medication , and your "advice" is shit.

Best of luck.

Just research medication more. You sound like one of those GMO weirdos. It's there to help specifically for your issues. Why not try something that could even have a slight possibility of making everything better? You could always stop it.

idiots like you are why darwinism exists. please keep believing in your retarded pseudoscientific bullshit, hopefully shit will get bad enough that you'll do us all a favour and remove yourself from the gene pool for us.

Nah. Not gonna do.

Thanks though.

the sooner you kill yourself the better off the world will be

I know someone that hoardes. But im pretty sure she does it for attention. Not sure why

Sensory processing disorder.
Can't stand people touching me, can only wear soft clothing, don't like wind (like from fans) blowing on me.
The nice thing is vibrations from music are very pleasant.

Hi, I have PTSD, GAD, and OCD

You should try the natural route (therapy, massive lifestyle changes, the list goes on) at least a few years. You need to find a professional who focuses on SOLVING problems instead of listening to them, and if the first one doesnt work go to a different one.

You need to ACTUALLY change your diet, you need to ACTUALLY work out and break out of your bad habits that are only perpetuating your illness.

Do these things, and if you still cannot find satisfaction in your life you need to get very informed on medication available and give it a try because that is when it is for you.

Also, find a passion if you don't want to shoot yourself in the face. Find something healthy you can pour your heart and soul into until things pass. It helps.

Bipolar Disorder

same reason fucks like refuse to take medication. why actually solve the issues when they provide such an easy source of pity and attention? god forbid they actually spend their lives doing something impressive and genuinely attention worthy

sounds like autism bro

Nobody said you had to. You're still better than most with you being able to be functional and not bitch and moan and be self destructive about your situation. Just saying how it has helped me, and you shouldn't have to suffer if there's something that could make life mildly tolerable is all. But nobody is forcing you to take them.

Sorry, one last thing from me:

If your first strategy doesnt work, try a different one, and a different one, and another, until it works for you. You can control your mind, I swear to you.

I had to learn hundreds of techniques to deal with my anxiety so I could leave my fucking house again, eventually you will find something that works. Keep moving. Move or die

Doesn't autism have a lot to do with obsessive stuff? I'm not too familiar with it.
I can function just fine, that stuff is just skin crawlingly uncomfortable for me.

don't waste your time on him. you're trying to get him to give up something he enjoys.

AvPD. It is hard for me to even post in anonymous boards like this

no, i don't mean its autism, i literally meant it sounds like autism. a lot of the symptoms are very similar it seems.

Basically a chronic, low-grade depression that goes on for months. It's not as severe as MDD, but it's a lot harder to shake.

It also means that when an major depressive episode hits, you go from "meh life is a dull and pointless chore" to rock-fucking-bottom reeeeaaal fast.

It's called "double depression." Couple it with triplekill anxiety and you want to eat bullets daily, trust me.