Nigger hate thread with statistics and facts supporting that niggers are ruining the world

Nigger hate thread with statistics and facts supporting that niggers are ruining the world.

>Census Bureau data

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't need statistics to hate niggérs

Kill all negros my friends!

so true. Used to think they were just like everyone else until I noticed the statistics.

Sure not every black person but still be on your guard.


Quads never lie

that and how much BLM chimps out about white on black violence but not any other type.



please tell me that isn't real

fookin checked m8

Fucking idiot deserved it.









once again the nig nog can not make a good argument to defend his race and must use "you made white boy"?

>letting his ass hangout
that's so it's easier for their boyfriends to get into his pooper right?

I am a white boy and admit the superiority of the black man.

Even blacks dont like other blacks


>please tell me that isn't real

>white boi
found the nigger

anybody got that gif of the black guy in boxer briefs with a massive bulge that he pulls out and its like a 14 inch dick

yeah "whyte"


Start posting white on black
>Wite boi



Fuck off randy

>abortions per capita
jebus plz




The world feels sorry for you and your country user. But its not niggers, fags, spics, terrorism, religious zealots, corporate profit over safety/value, police brutality, etc that is making this modern world rome fall. It's the whole lot of it that boils together and potentiates into a soup of Fuckadelic bigger than the sum of its parts.

>Be community church having a mass over police brutality
>Police gets in and shoots everyone
Country's going down, no specifically ETA
If I were you, I'd move



What's with all the bestiality pics?


Don't forget to add obesity, I'm actually saving to move somewhere else


You white losers are so pathetic it's hilarious.

You know, a real white man wouldn't spend his time collecting this shit and bitching about it,
he'd be out succeeding using his talents and advantages.

If you're losing, it's your own god damn fault, and you know it.

pic related. it's you.

Serious question: Are all black people niggers or is it just the ones that do crime and fill in the stereotypes?

but youll always be a nigger

Nice quads bro.


my favorite.



black people are so disproportionately violent and criminal that it has become appropriate to refer to them as "nigger" until proven otherwise. It is a base status that can be improved upon with very little effort. That effort is so rarely given, however.

Are battle is not with black people, but the Jews who hold their leash. The Jews have been relentless in brainwashing our children to believe that black people are people and it's our sacred duty to inform the next generation that blacks are nothing more than dangerous animals that when not doing manual labor need to be caged appropriately.

there's a big difference between black people and niggers. there are black people who are intelligent, respected, productive members of society. the term nigger describes blacks that act like savages. imho.

Look at "Robs a store" and how many of the letters are exact copies of the letters above. Duh doi.

Double dick?

>Are battle

lol stupid negros

Sounds like somebody is mad.

In all honesty though its just for a good laugh for me and if I see a good joke making fun of white people I would collect that also but those are hard to find. Although facts can not be ignored.

Racial pride is a stupid concept anyway and thats the main concept I'm making fun of.

big fake dick and tiny nigger dick below

problem is there isn't a whole lot of intelligent blacks out there. the niggers out way the blacks like 10000/1

Around blacks, NEVER RELAX!

I'm mixed with black and mexican and I find these hate threads to be funny as hell. Grow up kid it's the fucking internet. Close your eyes, go outside, turn off the screen if you don't like what you see online.


looks like the average player in my D&D campaign

Anyone got the full pic? Remember seeing this years ago. Best fap I've ever had.

good thing you are intelligent then



damn right, i passed the first grade

You see this type of thing happening with niggers a lot.


I know they are more likely to chimp out, that is what I meant with facts can not be ignored.

Yeah I had just binged on that show.

Cool. Cool cool cool.

The autism in this thread is off the charts.

that chick has a yeast infection.

Screenshot from another user, greatest thing I've ever read



fuck off will yeah ?



ahah lost it, never trust niggers guys

empire of dust

youtube it.

A very boring documentary.

The only part that is good is that part.

that's fuckin priceless dude! holy shit that made my day!

What are you talking about? The entire thing is just a bunch of gooks complaining about how stupid and lazy and terrible the africans are. Docking them wages for missing sunglasses and rear view mirrors that magically turn up again.

It's fucking hilarious top to bottom, and justifies a lot of our so-called bigotry. Can't be bigotry if everyone agrees it's a fact

the part where they wanted to buy rocks but they were too lazy to do anything, then they ripped him off.


If only they were this cheap when the real things were being sold.

Repeal the 13th amendment.

This was a good day to be a officer...

Even better day



i kek for the filename

Biggie smalls?