mexican couisine edition
Mexican couisine edition
Wow. You had one job edition.
I just wanna see a hot nickel ball on a pussy
this is Russia's metro map
Molten or what? What are you on about.
Do you know where Cara will stay in summer?
The fuck is that
that pic is disgusting
Good afternoon!
its morning
magical corn with fungus with specail properties
for you
its evening
It's 2 PM eastern time
Why do you faggots always put the worst pics for the thread image?
Good afternoon, Quebec.
It's relative.
What is that?
corn with fungus that has special properties
How is your day going along, Baja?
I remember a jap having this trip?
is this /cum/?
This is a trip I used to use back when I browsed Sup Forums a lot.
And you're likely the German that called me white trash for being born into rotten circumstances. If you're sincere you are a perverted animal.
Are you trying to summon my autism?
>he doesn't want to see a hot nickel ball on a pussy
Pretty nice desu.
looks very tasty user, can you coock something of this?
All there looks tasty except for bottom right which looks like some form of mussel out of shell.
I am no sadist. I wouldn't take pleasure watching molten nickel burn through a woman's pelvis.
it's not molten, just red hot.
Pedantic ass.
Also, Huitlacoche is breddy good OP. Even if it doesn't look like it.
Some of them are very easy, and I can cook some of the others if I have my Mexican cuisine book with me, but I am too lazy to actually do it most of the times.
>he doesn't like rajas con crema
real cum here
OP isnt even NA member
it doesnt even say /cum/ in the subjetct
chile not allowed to post op and the image its offensive
>mfw looking at the tokyo metro map
Ugh, don't use French words if you can't
Drink molten lead.
Looks like my vaginal warts desu
Good morning /cum/
gurofags are dangerous
go away