Your country

>Your country
>Is it legal to call someone "nigger" in your country?

1. Flag
2. No, you will go to prison for calling someone nigger.

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Yes, I do it to my friends all the time; it's just banter, lad.

>Yes, but highly socially frowned upon

You're lucky to have freedom, lad. Here we don't even have freedom of speech, unfortunately.

1 jp
2 idk but probably no. some uneducated teens here don't even know what N-word is

Equivalent of nigga is " zenci " here and you can say that legally

There's no such a word in Portuguese but believe or not you can go to jail for call someone ''preto'' (black) instead of ''negro''.

2. no idea, but everyone calls niggers "nigger" as that's the legit word for them here, calling them black is actually more offensive.

Also negr nigger nigra wow cool names.

A Lot of people have lose their business and jobs for that and somo can face charges of hate speech, at least i have see that on tv

Here no you can call anyone negro de mierda and nothing would happen even our president did black face kek


freedom of speech here protects you from the government and thats it


Yes but you can get fired for it

Yes absolutely legal. But honestly really not that well received in any layer society. Humanity kinda always comes first, and so on. Feels.

Actual systematic defamation and hate crime are of course in different league. But just calling someone nigga doesn't yet cut it as crime.

>not you can go to jail for call someone ''preto'' (black) instead of ''negro''.
Stop lying

>litetally 90% of people use the word nigger. You wont get punished for it unless you say it to the face of a feminist. Actually even the only nigger I know calls himself a nigger in company of finns and we laugh at nigger jokes

In finland ethnic agitation is punishable with a fine or up to 2 years in prison, or 4 months to 4 years if aggravated.

>Actually even the only nigger I know calls himself a nigger in company of finns

lol what a cuck.

>let me tell you about your country
What the fuck are you talking about? Word "nigger" isnt ethnic agitation. You dont get punished for it. Only if youre some politician the sjw's will lynch you

Yeah, but our definition of that is that you need to be telling people to hurt some group of people. You can go on television and say nigger a million times and it's legal but if you say that niggers should be killed/beaten up/etc. then it's illegal.

Yep, nobody gives a fuck about 20k niggers here.
In russian we have one wonderful word - "Книгa" (book), it pronounced like "knigah" / nigga. So if the nigga word is will be banned one day we can call them as kniggas lul.

>moya knigga

Ok then.

Here you can go to prison for calling someone nigger, simple as that. It's ridiculous.

Here, article about someone who was imprisoned for calling a doorman for a nightclub "nigger".

I'm sure some people would want ethnic slurs to be illegal here, but as long as 99.99% of the population calls Russians "ryssä" or Swedes "hurri" etc. it won't happen.

Well statistically speaking the average white person life is worth something like 8 millions $ and the average african life about 1000$

So to answer their question, yes.

what if i called someone a kurd?

Are there many niggers or muslims in norway? My image about norway is it is least cucked nordic country

About 3.5% muslims. It's less than Denmark and Sweden. I still feel like it's way too much tho.

Holy shit. We have about 1.2% muslims. Stop right now norway

2.Nobody gives a shit...

wtf I hate norway now

>1.2% muslims

1. Estonia
2. Yes, it is legal to call things by their actual names.


60k muslims. 5.5 million people live in finland. count yourself

yes sure and supposedly we only have 7% muslims
of course it is much more, those are lies, don't believe it for a single second you fools

Your country and most european countries being flooded by muslims doesnt mean there arent countries that doesnt have so many muslims

uh huh sure whatever

>in some countries you're not allowed to use a word that our liberal media uses

Loving every laugh

yeah "negro" is just a nickname like "el enano" (the midget), "el menonita" (the Mennonite), "el gordo" (the fatty), "el güero" (the whitey), and such and such.
Is just a skin color, it's a shame they think is a bad thing.

What % of France do you think is Muslim?

i'd say 30%

You really Are genuinely bitter, aren't you.

1. Flag
2. Legal but very racists. However "negro" is widely accepted for some reason, not kidding they say it on television.

Eu pensei que amigos pode chama uns aos outros de "preto"

>The humanity même

When will it end ?

Because negro means the cloud black in Spanish dimwit.
Nigger (a mispronunciation of the word negro by Anglos who butcher the sound of any foreign sounding word) is something else entirely.

It simply means a black person with African features here.
People who find this offensive should make the word ''slav'' offensive too.It's origin is quite similar if i am not mistaken.

People are stupid and get offended by all kind of stupid things.Instead of working together to make the world a better place lets sue one another for a single word.

Do you have a word for African or a nationality?

Here there's even a stygma to call them 'noirs' (which means black in french)
so they call them 'black'

fucking jews pushed so much for this kind of things
creating fake ass associations against racism to create a sense of guilt in the white population

I see Sweden is in the same kind of boat too
check this barbara spencer bitch saying that diversity is indeed wanted by jews

They get mad. Not memeing. k*rd is equal of nigger.

If you call a k*rd,k*rd they get mad.

kurds will beat you up in a sec

But it is rarely used and it means someone from the continent.It is simply not as accurate of word when describing someone.

>so they call them 'black'
Black, like, in English?

That's weird.

Yeah that's fucked up

1. Flag
2. Yes, it`s a term. It doesn`t have slavery context.

Not illegal afaik, some older people still call them that way. Not long ago they'd be called niggers on TV and magazines as well. But it's a bit frowned upon amongst younger people.

Just a warning, lads. Op is a notorious shitposter who we call cucked-Henrik. He's an actual autist who spends all day false flagging as right or occasionally leftist extremist. Start by posting reasonable stuff but slowly grows extreme in opinions to make whatever political side look bad. He likes to think he's a master manipulator who is aggravating sides against each other. Even uses sock puppet trips.


1. wendish empire
2. no idea, everyone does it anyway, it's not like we have any niggers

(I'm Flemish)
Yes, "neger" is a common word we use here right in front of blacks and nobody cares. And if they get offended, it doesn't matter. They can't fill in a police report anyway because they have no hands.

It's also such a non-French thing to do.

Neger is niet racistisch. Ik had een neger vriend op unief en als het over huidskleur ging, zei die zelf ook altijd gewoon dat hij een neger was.

2. Yep, there is no law for these type of things here, also it's completely okay to refer to blacks as "néger"

we didn't have slavery here
i'm sorry for that??!!

Do you live in the Belgian enclave in the Netherlands?

It depends on the context. It can be just a nickname, but it can also be used as an insult.

>autistic sperglord is butt mad because he can't spaz out in public by screaming nigger at random people walking around and thinks this is some gross violation of his rights

Kill yourself.

Nee, ik woon tegen de grens in de kempen en blijf vaak in het huis van moeder logeren dat net over de grens ligt.

When I was younger I called a black kid a nigger and he threatened to call the police lmao
never been so scared in my life

Yes but on the other hand you can't say that jews control the media or jews control the government because that's offensive, but unlike calling people niggers there's a point to doing this and politically i thik it's totally defendible and a legitimate thing to say, yes ?

this also we can add all sorts of things to "negro" like "tú callate pinche negro apetoso", we also can use any kind of stereotypes as, lets say "black humor":

Entre amigos isso é bem normal na verdade


Yes, it's legal and we say it all the time. By the way, I'm talking about Argentina, not Japan.

>that feel when you stayed in Quebec with a friend and her dad jokingly called you his little nigger

is that charlie murphy?

Did your friend say anything?

Yeah it can get you in a lot of shit. Not to the point of being arrested, but you can get your ass kicked by people around you for being a cunt.

Unfortunately, yes.

she just laughed about it and was the one to translate it

No cause we have freedom of speech unlike you.



The only thing you can suffer here for that are the social consequences. Other than that, nothing happens.

I have some white friends, but I have never seen black people in my life……


>HER dad
Did you invade her with your BBC?


We use negro (nigga) because they are part of the negroid race, they are ok with this

Nothing wrong about admiring superior men m8

You're a faggot.