Why are all other countries shit? No other countries come close to France, the UK...

Why are all other countries shit? No other countries come close to France, the UK, or the US in terms of cultural and scientific achievements, historical significance, and economic and political hegemony.

>what is africa

Your ancestral homeland?

shut up Yank

What is the Arabic Golden Age ?

my ancestors :)


'sheed enters

Long gone.

Hmmm ahh yes, fiction
*walks away and talks to someone less brown*


culturally spanish

culturally muslim

culturally bangladeshi

>'sheed enters

t. Jose Al-bin Patel

Vikings discovered 90% percent of the world and were the first ones to reach the moon (which was proven by the discovery of a longship in one of the moon's craters)


>American air force roundel on plane in top left of pic


wtf they are not black enough

fucking whitey baka

We are the combination of the three therefore we are the best cunt-tree on earth

Based vikings

>You now remember Louisiana

*fucks a camel*
so u be implyin
*steals everything from Indians*
arabic golden age
*invades Europe*
did not

>historical significance
>the US


Hey they also stole from Greeks and Persians. Get it right.

USA doesn't have a history.
>Zach Zacheria catching the Superbowl after a homerun is considered """"""historical significance"""""""

>taking on the British empire
>building a continent sized country
>helping save the world in WW2
>standing against the commies in the Cold War

I'd say we have more historical significance than Sri Lanka


Hey, your English ancestors stole things from us...!

You're not allowed to speak about history if your country isn't at least 500 years old.

>and economic and political hegemony.

This is THE ONLY reason why France and Britain declared war on Germany.

Also, Germany no scientific achievements?
>what is the moon landing

>taking on the britsh empire

Not the one that mattered

Well, sure, though so did Australia

Those are relatively modern events to talk about historical significance

Other than a minor textile industry, what have you contributed?

Save the world from being Aryan?
Thanks Jamal I really appreciate your negreoid influence.

>helping save the world in WW2
Fought the ones fighting the commies
>standing against the commies in the Cold War
Yeah, defeated Germany (who actually wanted to be friends with the UK and the US) to prevent them from "taking over Europe".... then gives away half of Europe to the commies

Germany is about the same as the UK and France when it comes to modern science achievements. German philosophers are pretty famous too.

Exactly my codfish dealer.

N psychologists too.

Germany is about the same as France and the UK in pretty much every aspect aside maybe from the colonial empires (however let's not forget German still is the most spoken language within Europe so in the end they did manage to spread a bit.)

That's only because Germany has the biggest population. The most widely understood language in Europe is English.

I'm aware of that.

The Acts of Union was only ratified in 1707 so...

ummm England is still a country sweetie ... look it up xo

England was invented by king Æthelstan in 927 lad

>what is the moon landing
That's not a German flag, is it?
>B-But muh German advances in rocketry
Yeah, and Jules Verne once wrote a novel about launching a man to the moon. I guess the moonlanding is French now.

Perhaps the Germans could have sent a man to the moon if they didn't get their shit pushed in, but there's that pesky little word: "could". France did things, Britain did things, Germany only had potential it failed to deliver on. That's what happens when you declare war on fucking everybody 30 years after the formation of your country.


Top kek

fantastic post

I'd buy you a burger if I could. Great post.

>That's what happens when you declare war on fucking everybody

Germany declared war? I seem to remember that Britain declared war on Germany in both world wars...

Europe is always most peaceful when Germany is divided and cucked
>German princes unify under Austrian rule
Starts a religious war that kills millions
>Germany becomes 1 in the 1800's
Two world wars, tens of millions dead
>Germany reunited after being divided for 50 some years
Refugee crises, terror attacks that have so far killed hundreds of innocent people in Europe and thousands abroad.

When are we to permanently deal with the German menace?

>being this disingenuous


>Germany can invade whoever she pleases without consequences

Nice fucking try, Harry Hun

>I'd buy you a burger

Burger is a German invention

>a piece of meat between to pieces of bread

Germans sure are brilliant "inventors"



They invaded western European countries only after Britain and France declared war...

As for Poland... they did the exact same thing that Russia did in Crimea.



Germany pushed for Austria to invade Serbia and joined it. Russia guaranteed Serbia and was therefore obliged to join the war (Italy opts out because the Triple Alliance was a defensive alliance only and not an offensive one), so far so good.

Germany then declares war on France (an ally of Britain) and Britain still doesn't join the war. Germany then invades Belgium, with the German diplomatic delegation dismissing the Treaty of London (in which the UK guaranteed Belgian independence) as a "chiffron de papier" (notice that they didn't use a German term, really makes you think). Only then did Britain declare war on Germany.

You mean after the British tolerated the annexation of both Austria and Czechoslovakia, even though both violated the Versailles Treaty as well as the conventions of the League of Nations.

Britain only made one mistake, and that was not allowing France to dismantle the shithole known as Germany after WW1.

so who's talking about sri lanka?
But if you must know

>The Pāli Canon was committed to writing during the Fourth Buddhist Council in Sri Lanka in 29 BCE, approximately 454 years after the death of Gautama Buddha.
>As a distinct sect, Theravada Buddhism developed in Sri Lanka and spread to the rest of Southeast Asia.

Not on our wach jean jack.

Cajuns came from Canada

> The eternal Portugalbion alliance

The Axis of Evil is still alive and we have to put an end to it.

your country has only existed since 1801. America is older by a few decades

Are you that British Hitlerboo who got demolished in /brit/ the other week?

Get fucked retard

you're too kind with them, pretending they were ever decisive in napoleon's downfall. lmao

>Britain only made one mistake, and that was not allowing France to dismantle the shithole known as Germany after WW1.

No, they made the mistake of giving away parts of Germany to Poland and cutting the country in two.

Also, trying to keep Germany down economically...


and Britain and France responded the same way that time too

The British century wouldn't have happened then though

Germany started it the first time and deserved so much worse than what they got for it.

they did nothing wrong in world war 2 though.

>No, they made the mistake of giving away parts of Germany to Poland
Those parts were majority Polish to begin with. Germany was incredibly lucky that they weren't given the Trianon treatment, which they should've.

>and Britain and France responded the same way that time too

world war 3?

>No other countries come close to France, the UK, or the US in terms of cultural and scientific achievements, historical significance, and economic and political hegemony.

Very true, and may I say very good thread.

>Germany started it the first time

They didn't start it...

No, no World War 3. Because unlike Germany, the Russians know not to risk everything they have for a tiny scrap of land. They know when to hold 'em and they know when to fold 'em.

Maybe that's why Russia's the largest country on earth and Germany is smaller than France despite having a significantly larger population (and one that is, unlike the most recent projections, growing. I wonder why...).

All three countries are classy as fuck, especially the UK.

top slag

ah yes quality slag

>invade multiple neutral countries in support of an internationally illegal invasion of Serbia

in what universe is that not starting it?

>Those parts were majority Polish to begin with

The main thing for Germany was (the free city of) Danzig which had 99% ethnic Germans who WANTED to reunite with Germany.

If Polish leaders had some sense back then there would never have been a world war (and Poland would have kept 99% of the Polish corridor).

Quebec is actually the bastard child of those three Countries.

French traditions, with English rules and American way of life.

what...what is this ?
I can't tell if she's a whore or a lady ?
She looks like a slut pretending to be a femme, how is it possible to appear trashy and classy at the same time ?

>Because unlike Germany, the Russians know not to risk everything they have for a tiny scrap of land

kek, because no one declared war on them...

>and Germany is smaller than France

I think you'll find that's a classy British lady.

>If Polish leaders had some sense back then
And rolled over? Yeah, just like how Belgium would've been spared in WW1 if they "had some sense"? Sense = pro-Germany?

>kek, because no one declared war on them...
Because they knew how to play the political field. Look at Germany before and after Bismarck was dismissed, look at their politics and it's no surprise that they found themselves isolated from anyone other than two dying empires desperate for some relevance. And even then they continued to provoke everyone and their mother, from the Morocco Crisis to the Daily Telegraph Scandal.

The Germans can't win wars.

I like how this thread is Americans trying to make fun of other countries to trying to bring up their own past achievement, while they themselves have nothing but achievements of the past as well.

What has America done in the last few decades? Buzzfeed? Vine? Trans bathrooms? woohoo.

>Germany only had potential it failed to deliver on
How many German scientists/mathematicians do I have to name before you shut up?

literally the internet

Now I understand why the French woman is such a meme in your country.

How many German wars and atrocities do I have to name before you do the same?

>What has America done in the last few decades?
About 90% of cultural, scientific and philosophical achievements? What has Canada done in that same period, other than hating half its population while at the same time declaring itself post-national?

he gets demolished on the reg every couple of weeks and slinks off back to where he came from

Martin Luther
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Adolf Hitler
Angela Merkel

>when the involuntary deportation hits

>he gets demolished on the reg every couple of weeks
Much like Germany itself.

>Look at Germany before and after Bismarck was dismissed
Fucking this
Had Germany not decided to annex Alsace-Lorraine, WW1 would have been way different

Like half the things you think of as American are probably Canadian or have Canada influences

Last "few" decades senpai, not 60 years ago, in your lifetime.

Plus every possibly first world country had a part in developing it since the 50s. ARPANET was American but the CERN and creation of the WWW was European.

>how is it possible to appear trashy and classy at the same time
it's called being british


Text messaging

Human Genome project

Smart phones

fuck off retard

human genome was mostly british sweetie x

but I get what you're saying and I agree, modern computers and smartphones are american inventions and are/have been completely revolutionising the world

>Based in America
>Headed by an American
>Largest financial contributor was an American institute
>4/5 universities that sequenced the majority of the human genome were American
>But one of them was British, 100% British project

Pierre, please.. the adults are talking