Come pay homage to the film that granted us Sheevposting
11 years old today
Come pay homage to the film that granted us Sheevposting
11 years old today
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Only good scene in the prequels
I liked Episode III desu
I remember that my expectations where so low when I watched this piece of shit I felt relief and thought it was an awesome movie.
Until I decided to rewatch the original trilogy, then I realized I was tricked into liking this piece of garbage.
Better than VII.
It really sucks to say, but VII makes the prequels look good in comparison.
Admit it, Sup Forums
If you're even remotely a fan of Star Wars you got chills the first time you saw this scene
It's treason, then.
The only correct ranking
V ≥ IV > VI ≥ III > VII > I >> II
**VI > III ≥ VII**
i've only watch this movie once in the theater
i laughed the whole time
so much cringe dialogue
so much powerpoint slide transitions
when emo darth vader noooooooooooos i was rofl
i havn't been able to get through a second viewing