The difference between celebrities who support Trump and celebrities who vote on Hillary

The difference between celebrities who support Trump and celebrities who vote on Hillary

I clearly saw him trip her

If he did I will buy everything he's ever put out for real.



kanye as constanza with the

>that look of uncertainty and apathy in Kanye's face


I like how Kanye moved himself into the background there.

He knew she wouldn't win even back in 2015.

amy schumer is so unfunny it's sad


>What's goin' on, big guy?

I hate when people sound dramatic but I watched an episode of her show and it was like literal "non humour"

People's reaction to this pic was so fucking cringe inducing.
>waa waa that poor fat girl trippin ova
>waa waa Kanye's not le real gentleman liek me

You don't have to even know who Schumer is to know that she did it on purpose. I mean look around at the people laughing.

All observational comedy is non-humor. What makes it even worse in her case is the slapstick facet and the obsession with perversity that makes every punchline vaguely sex-related.

It's even worse than anti-humor.

>All observational comedy is non-humor

shut up you don't know what the fuck you're talking

Retard alert.

>People's reaction to this pic was so fucking cringe inducing
SJWs hate her so who threw a huge tantrum?

most women aren't finny. that includes amy schumer

I caught a bit of one of her standup shows and people weren't lying, her material is devoid of anything even approaching wit

Kanye's haters

The difference between black people and whites