ITT: We all make a wish that will come true. Other Anons give drawbacks/flaws to the wishes. I'll start

ITT: We all make a wish that will come true. Other Anons give drawbacks/flaws to the wishes. I'll start.
>I wish for my imagination to become reality

Other urls found in this thread:

I wish that I fall into a neverending coma

You dream about depression

i wish to be married to the love of my life

I wish my game would do well

very well, you know all of those bad things or situations you dream of as well? those are real too

nah, funnily I'm okay

But will you be the love of his/her life?

I wish for death.

I wish to see a hot redhead anime girl in a gangbang.

cant fault you

The love of your life is a car.

It gets shit reviews from everyone who bought it.

Same here

I wish to be lucky.
>producing a good result by chance : resulting from good luck.

i hope my wife stops being a bitch

TFW when I realize I went to school with that chick...

I wish that all wishes will never came true.

I wish 100000000000000000 wishes.

You'll be missed

Your crippling depression gets worse as the days go by; your luck can't fill the empty void in you.

She dies


But you get reincarnated as yourself

I wish to be fluent in all human languages.

All of the wishes get evenly divided among the entire global population.

Humans only speak out their ass

I wish that I can wish for anything with no drawbacks and/or consequences

Like groundhog day, or did you mean something else?

god i hope so

The day you wish that wish is opposite day.

I wish chose with who i will share my wishes.

You ran out of wishes to share.

You cause WWIII.

I wish for a second wish that has no drawbacks.
>System Broken

Opposite day. And you wasted a wish.

If you're the kind of person that suffers from anxiety your imagination could kill you.

I wish to be a millionaire.

all of your wishes have to pertain with the toilet

i wish to be normal

Now that's just wishing for too much.

You receive 1,000,000 zimbabwe dollars, worth roughly 92 cents in the United States.