If you could cum like this, would you want to? Watch to the end to see the drawbacks

If you could cum like this, would you want to? Watch to the end to see the drawbacks.

That would be awesome to cum on your gfs face like that so yea would if I could.

for porn maybe, real life, its too messy (spray pattern is like a broken hose nozzle)

How do you think your gf would react if you did? Would she enjoy it?
True, it is pretty messy

Any non-webm versions?

i actually shot a load similar to this one yesterday

never seen that much cum coming out of my dick

Doesn't show distance quite as well but sure
What'd you think of it when it happened?

Just don't fap for a week, then go on a long session, and you can do that.

I could do it... One month without cuming and than cuming with my gf fingering my ass

I do this every day. If you could do it every day would you like it?

"this is the last time im fucking her in my life"
"wtf is this"

What do you mean by "wtf is this"?

Only for amusement of girls, but to fap on the bed or at work it would be awful

>or at work
Yea that would be pretty bad lol

Yea I'd love to cum on a towel.

Soy lethicin and zinc increases the amount of ejaculate you build up, increased ejaculate means longer orgasm. Messy but worth it.

i was shocked, kek

i think i emptied the whole tank back there.
never seen me cumming this much, and the orgasm was absolutely intense

she was plastered in cum-stripes from her V to her mouth

I've tried these before but they didn't do anything for me. I was so disappointed

Did she say anything?

I saw and increase to about 3x my normal amount. Also need to make sure your taking a high enough dosage and staying well hydrated.

The gifs posted in this thread are me to clarify. I would be thrilled if I came 3x as much as that lol

>Watch to the end to see the drawbacks.
Sign me up ya fuckin' cunt!

she looked schocked too and just said "wow"

Fuck, you might be at max capacity

lol, so even with the drawback you want to?
haha that is great

:( but I want to cum more!

That's a drawback?
What if I LIKE blasting jizz all over the place?

>haha that is great
well i assume my body knew that would be the last time, so it tried best to impregnate

also a good way to increase amount

lol I guess if you like accidentally jizzing on the wall on the other side of the room it isn't so bad
So that's the secret huh?

This, it's fucking annoying.

I cum like this guy, and it is not at all awesome, seriously. Almost everytime I cum, it ends everywhere on my keyboard and shit. If I take a kleenex up front, it just destroys the kleenex

I think it is both awesome and a pain in the ass

>So that's the secret huh?

how to achieve:
break up with gf
no contact for 3 months
miss her
get drunk
go to her place
fuck her, knowing she just wants your dick and will kick you out after, cuz she doesnt give two shits about you


Seems kind of rough

I do cum like that. It's annoying.

Some girls apparently like a strong orgasm like that, but my gf doesn't like how it comes out so fast. Won't let me cum in her mouth or on her face because of it

wouldnt recommend

but the sex, the orgasm, the cumshot was epic

Aw, sorry to hear. You get to cum on her body though, right? Would she be angry if you pulled out and accidentally came on her face from her pussy?
lol sounds like it

1. She likes when I come inside her (so do I, but I want to cum all over her lol)
2. I've pulled out before but she just complains about the mess (she's not very "wild")

i shoot that far most of the time. usually a bit less in the volume department though. it can get pretty annoying, but my girl loves cum, so she gets to go on a scavenger hunt for it.

I guess cumming inside probably does feel better, and it is definitely messy

You are living the dream my friend


i suppose, she's fairly vanilla in the bedroom other than that. only girl ive ever known that WANTS me to finish in her mouth

Sounds like the ideal woman to me. I'd love a girl that is absolutely cum hungry

Cum slutting is a major fetish of mine. I wish my gf craved my cum.... she's very...dutiful.

My dream is to have my girl begging for me to cum for her

That would be hot

According to her, it Makes her mouth and throat tingle. She likes the taste too, but shes after the tingly feeling.

Either way, its pretty much a guarantee i'm getting head everytime we fuck.


fuck OP i'd love to cum like that. Any tips other than eating zinc and keep one self hydrated?

I remember a girl I was dating a while ago... She loved to drink my cum EVERY.SINGLE.TIME... Still wondering what was I thinking when I stopped fucking her.

I do cum like that sometimes.. actually more. It takes a long time working it up but I've had like 40 seconds of ropes before

I still remember that shit I felt euphoric for like half an hour afterwords when I was with her...

My ex girlfriend used to make me cum like that. I've been single for over 6 years.

yeah, I'm the post above you.. we just went through the same emotional rollercoaster

Sounds amazing man, definitely jealous
Edge? Aside from that, I dunno lol. What were you thinking anyway!?
You should record it some time!
Can't make yourself cum like that?

Only when I fap for over 12 hours after being amped up

Shut up applefag

That's a long time!
Poor apple users :(

i cum like this when i suck my sister's feet at night

Well... that is interesting


Well, you don't really feel shit when amped and also you lose your erection half the time. Also it kind of just hurts to cum after so long

Post pictures

Ah I see. Well that sucks.

>if you like accidentally jizzing on the wall on the other side of the room it isn't so bad
I would very much like that, yes.

lol, I guess you'd probably enjoy it then

You'll be really fucking popular with hotel cleaning staff?
Personally pay for the college tuition of the local dry cleaner?
Invest in whatever company it is that make Luminol?

I will never bring luminol to any hotel room. Ignorance is bliss.

>You'll be really fucking popular with hotel cleaning staff?
>implying he lives in a hotel?

I'm a big shooter too. gf loves it

>high five brother

I honestly wonder if any sort of procedure has ever been attempted to increase the volume and pressure of and on the seminal vesicles..
Because I would totally get something like that done. Don't care if it costs a thousand times some other form of plastic surgery.
Especially since my gf has a little bit of a cum fetish and I would kill to be able to accommodate as many of her kinks as I can, I really love seeing her satisfied.. Sadly it feels like that face normalizes after a while no matter what gifts you're endowed with naturally.

Wait, I don't get it? Where's the drawback? I thought his dick was gonna spill some blood at the end or something

whats the point, its super watered down

The 'drawback' is simply that it's messy, and for some people I imagine it actually could get annoying after a while if they're not comfortable with being surrounded by their cum all the time.

Hmm, could be a possibility
I guess I consider it a drawback to hit the wall 10 feet away

How do I make my bf cum like this? Anything specific to eat, techniques to use?

Exercise and cock kegals

well shit nigger

Pineapple (although I think this mostly just helps it taste nice)

And eating properly also really helps cum volume, particularly the nutrient zinc. I cum like 4-5 huge streams when I'm well over my zinc RDA :)

Edge him.


Pineapple is just for taste I think


why i gotta watch this faggo cum?

You don't