Spanish conquistadors found this attractive

>Spanish conquistadors found this attractive

Why were the Brits so averse to raping the natives in the US and Canada while the Spanish raped them?

Other urls found in this thread:é_de_las_Casasórdoba

Not like the natives were super pretty or anything but you are posting old women.

Spanish conquistadores found aged women bent down by a life of hard labor and minimla medical care attractive?

>ameriminds think that the conquistadors went for the old women well over the breeding age
I'd advice you to stop drinking that Premium™ american® tap water but I think it might be too late

the pretty one were all raped and they have since become latinas
the indian women that are left are precisely the ugly ones no one wnnated

The Brits didn't do that though. Maybe they had higher standards

>aged women bent down by a life of hard labor and minimla medical care

We just call them Mexicans

>implying cute natives dont exist

North American natives were way more aggressive and the European migration there was way larger, so the early mixing was bred out.

You might have a point there, we don't send our best

Maybe they were more interested in colonies than catholic mercantile enterprises, and they brought women with them and, as permanent settlers, were less interested in garnering support of local tribes or access to trade routes through Indian intermarriage.

lies, racemixing in North America wasn't a thing until the 60's my friend

Most of what people consider attractive in Mexico aren't native nor have native features though.

Most people who claim to be Native American nowadays look no different than other white people

meh, we certainly don't send those either


That's not true in Canada we have the metis.

that's what OP was saying
averse means "disgusted" or just "unattracted to"

nevermind, thought you were answering to OP (me:)

Did you ever thought user, that they raped the pretty ones and turned into latinas and the ugly ones continued being "pure"?

Then why didn't the Brits do the same thing?

Ah yes, they certainly didn't breed out the native.

Less native population, many more died at war than in the south.

too busy shooting them coz scared

Genetic deficiencies were hip and trendy in Britain for the past few centuries.

Look at their most famous breed of dog, the English bulldog

Tell us about Polish colonial policies, Janek

She looks mixed t b h

The population density was very different, Spain conquered the Andes and Mesoameirca rather than settled it. It would have been impossible to exterminate and replace the population with Spaniards.

In the places with less population density and more "savage" natives like Argentina or South US colonization was closer to what happened in North America.


>tfw no bolivian fighter gf to protect me from the school bullies

That's beacuse "white" features in Mexica are Spanish. Amerindian features are still more beautiful than ugly brits and Germans.

Ukraine is the effect of our colonial policies on ruthenian lands.

We mixed

>Prefers ugly ass natives

Checks out

What are you talking about? Northern Europeans are usually universally considered to be the most beautiful people in the world.

>northern europeans

nordic autism in full display haha the best part is you probably arent even memeing

Every other German girl I saw in Germany was attractive. Same in Britain.

Why the fuck would anyone from there would fuck a native?

I'm talking about the early settling, the anti-race mixing as part of culture was something that came later.

Because they were heavily mixed with whites.

The UK was way more populated then Spain/Portugal and had more people willing to leave.

half brit here, by the Queen, may thou shalt stop right there you criminal scum ?!
We are very much like yourselves for your people have cometh to our humble kingdom a long time ago

Only Scandinavians are considered atractive among northern europeans, and that is mostly an American meme.

We nordics are descent at best, and the rest of you are downright hideous.

AFAIK brits brought their wives with them. spaniards didn't
the other explanation would be that they're gay

lel autism xD

The Brits conquered a whole lot of the world, but never really engaged in any mixing with the natives anywhere.

>Self hating Swede

Checks out

They didn't.

And that's why true blue Bolivians still exist and true blue Colombians don't.

>judgmental canadian
can I listen to your accent for reasons?

I'm in a lecture, otherwise I'd record a vocaroo for your listening pleasure

its not a meme you guys are

actually im socially awkward as fuck and even i find the average nordic a fucking autist

Why didn't the Spanish just exterminate them?

They bred with many indians and created little halfcastes.

ok, that prooves you are a good willing citizen of the canadian British dominion.
It matters not if you don't vocaroo, it's the intention that counts

Thank you for your time and effort, and have a good lecture my friend

This is true, the only reason we have not been conquered and exterminated yet is beacuse of our remote location. Well it is happening now anyhow.

>Well it is happening now anyhow
no shit... not even by fighting as well

Nah, it is a meme. Most people are normies even here

Yes but your normies have an autistic fedora feel if that makes sense

Nobody find Bolivians attractive, that's why they still look like that


please do not bully bolivia

All of our good genes went abroad with the germanic migrations and the vikings. There is nothing good left, only trash.

It doesn't. With fedora you mean that most people are irreligious? That much is true.

those fields and mines wouldn't work themselves

>old women are not attractive

Wow... you have completely blown my mind, now I see things differently...

No, I mean they are """""very smart""""" if that makes sense.


We had an exchange student from Finland and she managed to be even more autistic than me and I'm a seasoned autist

Scandinavian countries are as sanctimonious as they are intellectually dishonest. Their high average human capital has not had an especially good effect on their society

The British colonist were religious fanatical seperatists who were too autistic for cuckolotism. Spaniards also had a history of already being mixed with muslims and north africans

Historically it was women in France, Italy and Spain whose beauty was most celebrated, (Lucrezia Borgia, the duchess of Polignac) and this is reflected in literature as well (Ivanhoe, The Hunchback of Notre Dame) the women from the Caucasus (Circassian beauties) were regarded as so beautiful that the term "caucasian" as a racial clasification originated in the belief the better specimens of the race Europeans belonged to were found there.

Nordic and Germanic women were generally regarded as having generally uncouth features at a time when nobility stressed their connections to Latin peoples, "plump" and "ruddy" (complexion) are frequently used in English literature to describe them. The idea that >Northern Europeans are usually universally considered to be the most beautiful people

is fairly recent (20th century) and uniquely American, even the Nazi ideal of women was one of strenght not beauty.

métisse also were a thing in french colonies, which bordered those british ones


Germanic Anglo women are pretty disgusting

they fucked the pretty ones which are present day mestizos

Good writeup, northern european women are the worst in the world.

Because brits love inbreeding.

Implying any sane person wouldn't have a rapefest no matter if some are a bit ugly or not if he could.

There's plenty of beauty in Northen Europe, I'm making a point here on historical perceptions, the European standard has, at least since the renaissance, been more inclined towards Mediterranean types, eg what is now generally considered "classical beauty" as opposed to the big tits blonde in Playboy that's the American ideal.

Ah yes, epic buzzwords impossible to disprove based on nothing. Very intellectually honest.

How do you find our societies lacking?

It doesn't at all.

If you come here thinking 'autistic loner' is anything more than a meme I feel sorry for you.

Norwegians are a bit shy, but they are very social and friendly people.

>people has generally shilled for their own ethnicities regarding about everything
>the perception of beauty thus may change as the center of power does
amazing discovery

You'd be surprised how often really basic stuff has to be spelled out/established on this board

so, on autism funland > sweden > no(r)way ??? are there some breed of asians that can out-autism finns ?

Because you dummies live on memes.é_de_las_Casas

>Bartolomé de las Casas spent 50 years of his life actively fighting slavery and the violent colonial abuse of indigenous peoples, especially by trying to convince the Spanish court to adopt a more humane policy of colonization. And although he failed to save the indigenous peoples of the Western Indies, his efforts resulted in several improvements in the legal status of the natives, and in an increased colonial focus on the ethics of colonialism.
>Las Casas is often seen as one of the first advocates for universal conception of human dignity (later human rights).

>Montesinos preached against the enslavement and harsh treatment of the Indigenous peoples of the Islandórdoba

>Fundamental reason for the denunciations, consisted in the lack of acknowledgement of the human dignity of the Indians. And so, the questions: “Are these not persons? Do they not have rational souls?” The other arguments, like the need to evangelize the Indians and baptize them, presuppose the previous ones. It was the community of friars, therefore, who in the name of human dignity and Christian duty, could and must give the following sentence against the colonizers:

>All of you are in mortal sin; in it you live and in it you die.
>In the state you are, you cannot be saved, as your behavior is equal to a lack of faith in Jesus Christ, and you have no desire for it
>If you continue mistreating the Indians, know for sure that the sins you confess will not receive our absolution.

Anglo women were made for paki cock

By the way there are many cases of anglos marrying natives. Most sexual assault cases on reserves are perpetrated by "non-indians", and no its not blacks.

>be 16th century man
>sail to south america
>get fucked in the ass by the entire crew
>dont see a women for months
>arrive to the new land
>see the almost naked natives
>muh dick

Columbus described natives as being very beautiful people


Yeah that's why Latin America is now better than Anglo America, right?

That's why ex-British colonies are pretty much the best places on the planet.

Extermination might have been better

To be fair, Amy Schumer is half-Jewish.

Aside from having a very fake body, do you think "classical" Europeans would've found Kim Kardashian attractive?

>Ellos andan todos desnudos como su madre los parió, y también las mugeres, aunque no vide más de una harto moça. Y todos los que yo vi eran todos mancebos, que ninguno vide de edad de más de treinta años. Muy bien hechos, de muy fermosos cuerpos y muy buenas caras, los cabellos gruessos cuasi como sedas de cola de cavallo, y cortos.

nigga, you can read his diary

bolivians are one of the ugliest """""human""""" races on the planet, the only thing that comes remotely close are australian aboriginals

What was it about the Indians that inspired so much sympathy from many Spaniards? The same empathy was not given towards African slaves.

See my flag

You think I speak rapebaby?

Then why are Peruvians mixed?

>You think I speak rapebaby?

The ugliest Northern European is more attractive than the most attractive Native.

The Brits and Germans had the right idea.


>Why were the Brits so averse to raping the natives in the US and Canada

Because colonial brits/americans were waiting for African slaves to get their rape on.

Your flag grants that you can read mexican, Paco.

Afaik, spaniards barely had any affair with african kingdoms, so the slaves the portuguese sold to us just were seen as cattle.

Mixed peruvian girls are very beautiful desu

If you look at the different people accross the Americas, it's pretty obvious that some of them came from Eurasia via the Bering Strait and others came from Australians Aborigines who fell in the ocean after climbing up trees for coconuts, and there's a mix of both

There wasn't much mixing though.