Shitty Warcraft 8.1 IMDB???


Why do they allow imdb rating before the movie is out?

Its out in Kuwait tho

It isn't, it's just IMDB that is wrong

So theres chance this movie is actually good or this IMDB rating cant be trusted at all currently ?

Actually it is out in Kuwait apparently ,some people confirmed it even

It cant be trusted until about a month after the theatrical release.

Actually movie is out in Kuwait since today

>IMDB rating
>trusted the day it's first opened

I remember the first day of BvS it had 9.7 on IMDB

I am currently stationed in Kuwait and movie is being shown right now in our base , ask my away aynything u like regarding movie

Garona betrayal?
What does the draenei do or draenei mother does shes speak?
Who is the glenn close looking bitch in the new tv spots?
Do we see any more locations than whats been shown already?
What is the last boss?
Who is the green guy with horns? Illidan?
How does it end what is last scene?
Do they cut off both durotans arms so he cant hold his son?
Does guldans eyes ever change red?
Is the music good, any nice melodies?
Are there any epic scenes or slow motion shots?
Anything spine tinglingly good like the cinematics?

How much nuffin did the orcs dindu?

Uh, maybe it's actually good?

This movie will be the new Avatar in terms of global box-office sales. Not even kidding, let's just say I have a personal source that confirms this... Heh

Are Garona's scenes as bad as they seem?

because money

spamming tens to imdb is standard in every marketing package. Been that way for at least a decade.

Its cheap, its easy, and there are still people stupid enough to believe it.

>501 votes

you're retarded

IMDB rating is fucking retarded anyway.

Feel free to elaborate on the point you were attempting to make.

>365 people gave it a 10

>501 people

It's fanboys you dumb fuck
>le marketing shill
hehe mm

>people can't like a movie just because it comes from a video game
you contrarian faggots really are insufferable

>So theres chance this movie is actually good
>a video game movie

No, there's no chance. At all.

Fine. Name a good movie that came from a video game.

The fact that it only has an 8 1 is not a good sign.

>le it has never been done before so it can't possibly be done

this is how 10 year olds reason

>its only marketers if its over a certain number

>someone was paid to determine the threshold for spammed scores that people would believe

>it worked on this retard

every day just seems a punishment for not just killing myself

If it ends up being good I'll gladly eat my words.
But I'll be damned if I'm gonna get hyped for ANOTHER shitty vidya movie.

>video game stories take a massive back-seat to interactivity
>remove interactivity
>expect video game story to stand on it's own

see the problem here?



Postal was faithful to the source material

Probably forgetting something.

why does that fucking matter, this franchise has a ton of books behind its story, so why does it matter if there are games about the story?
stop being a contrarian faggot and at least point out the things that look bad about the movie without spouting your nonsense

You mean some videogames
Some videogames have well developed universes and stories like Elder Scrolls/Tamriel and Warcraft/Azeroth

Are you actually trying to say Mortal Kombat was anything besides a goofy movie to laugh at?
Its entertaining because its so bad, and is definitely not a good movie.

>this franchise has a ton of books behind its story

Its got a ton of commissioned ghostwritten garbage that came into existence only to make a quick buck off literal retards.

this. everyone knows the art hierarchy is

paintings > sculptures > books > music > video games > movies > television shows > graphic novels/manga

stands to reason that a decent movie could come from a higher medium

This. They are fucking video game books. The lowest of the low. Quick show me a good video game book. Protip you can't.

Naw nigga, just because the backstory is the best thing about warcraft/TES, doesn't mean a functional film narrative could be derived from them.

The dopamine high from accomplishment gets mixed up in the story progression, leading the player to believe its better than it is.

Why not? Seriously.
You guys keep saying it can't be done but I don't see any reason as to why not

>why not
I guess that second line went over your head.

Nope but it's just bullshit and not relevant at all to the discussion
Name one reason as to why the Warcraft story can't be turned into a movie

why are you so fucking scared of liking something just because it comes from a video game?
you are literally the same as people complaining that video games are sexist or that they spark violence but calling it childish or stupid shit like that
how do you know? have you fucking read or try to learn about the story?
most people I know that like it don't even play the games any more and just follow the story through the books or other sources so you are just full of shit thinking the reason people like it is because it comes from a video game

>worth anything

wut? can't anyone make an account on there and spam 10s?

>weak stories being propped up by distraction and unrelated dopmaine is irrelevant to why people think these stories are good

I see you lack some basic cognitive ability. Explains why you think the warcraft movie will be good.

>just follow the story through the books or other sources

You mean like Illidan getting redeemed by the naaru and becoming an uber paladin?
Yeah great story there.

You've gotta maintain a mostly even ratio of scores to other movies for your ten to matter, but that's easy enough to maintain.

>scared of liking something

I haven't seen it. I have no idea if its good or not. Neither do you. Neither do the people who are spamming tens to it's IMDB. As all that's out right now is marketing. And the marketing makes it look like shit.

that hasn't happened and it is not going to, there a lot of prophecies in warcraft that were irrelevant in the end and never happened
arthas was supposed to take over the world according to ner'zhul, I don't see that happening
just because you don't like something it doesn't anyone else can't like it, get the fuck over yourself, fag
>I haven't seen it. I have no idea if its good or not. Neither do you.
of course not but you do know there were pre-screenings? people have already watched and most of them liked it, it is not impossible for people that already watched it to rate it
I know I would be naive to think that those marketing strategies don't exist but it doesn't fucking mean that the movie will be the worse thing to come out

Resident Evil has been insanely financially successful.

>implying I don't like video games

I love video games. Just don't like warcraft and it's shitty universe.

Again, you can't explain anything

It has a better story than 95% of all blockbusters

Son, you're just making yourself look like an idiot.

>I love video games. Just don't like warcraft and it's shitty universe.
and that is your shitty irrelevant opinion, get over yourself

Even BvS and X-Men got good ratings in there.

>that hasn't happened and it is not going to

Except it did happen. In the latest WoW expansion.
Warcraft has been shit for a long time.

t. WoW neckbeard

what possible reason could you have to defend a movie that you haven't seen? hell, even if you did see it and liked it, what does posting like this accomplish?

you come across as an early teenager with horrid taste, at best.

The fact that this is the most shilled movie in Sup Forums in years.

what possible reason could you have to shittalk endlessly a movie you haven't seen?
you are doing the same fucking thing, if you really just don't like it then a normal person just ignores it but you go out of your way to insult it without pointing out any problems you have

Wait so is this movie actually going to be good or what? I haven't been following the production but I saw a few posters and they looked terrible.

It's not.
Every single movie has a good rating in imdb.
Batman v Superman had a 9.7 at some point in there.
Plus, making an account is so easy that you can just spam and derail scores yourself.

Not surprising.
Look at the amount of shilling Blizzard did for Overwatch over on Sup Forums.

>the neckbeard is getting angrier and angrier as he sees that people don't share his view on the Warcraft universe

mad shill is mad

Anyone can literally vote on IMDB

Reminds me of how hard Lords of the Fallen was shilled in Sup Forums

I have literally never said that the movie will be good, I only disagree with these retards saying that a Warcraft movie is impossible or that a videogame movie can't possibly be good
It's just bullshit

nice explaining

>dude, this movie is going to be AWESOME!! look at this trailer wow!!
>uh, that actually looks really shitty

lol, shills


Just like Lords of the Fallen no one is falling for this shitty shilling. If you shill it helps to have a decent product. Warcraft looks mediocre at best

at 66 posts and only 19 IPs, that's statistically impossible.

Not to mention your half-literate writing style is very easy to identify.

where the fuck has anyone said in the thread that it is going to be awesome you fucking sperg
you are literally fucking making up shit
all people said is this that it is not impossible for it to be good just because it comes from a video game, stop making up shit for no fucking reason

No, people are saying that it looks bad because the trailers look bad.

Are you retarded? Nice math you got going on there

Once again I haven't said the movie will be good because I, just like everyone else in this thread, haven't seen the fucking movie and got no idea

All I've argued is that making a good videogame movie isn't impossible by any means and nobody have explained why it would be impossible yet

>it is not impossible for it to be good just because it comes from a video game

a year ago, sure.

at this point its impossible it will be good because it looks like shit.

Warcraft is one of the more popular universes so it'll be successful no matter what, the question is how much it's going to beat Avatar by....

so you're not defending the movie?

The masses know Warcraft because of WoW, and they think of WoW as the stereotypical game neckbeards play.

Can you read?

At least 2.3 billion, I think Warcraft will be the first film to break the 5 billion barrier.

stop falseflagging you fucking fag
yeah, according to who, you?
are you retarded?

>trusting movie rating websites, or any kind of critics
literally retarded

why does it upset you so much that all the promotional material for the warcraft movie looks like dogshit?

He's probably a huge blizzdrone.

because not all of it looks bad and you are just spouting bullshit for the sake of spouting bullshit
you are the kind of people who calls everything shit without looking at it with an unbiased standpoint

Yeah, the Jews did that, they're behind everything amirite?

>unbiased standpoint

But YOU'RE not looking at it from an unbiased standpoint.

check em


You're both fucking retarded

I am not the one calling it the worse thing to come out just because it has a couple of shitty trailers or that it is going to be bad JUST because it has a video game attached to it
at least if you fucking gave your opinions instead of spouting bullshit insults you wouldn't come off as biased

>ITT: Dumb shit Marvel drones who don't realize that every chink, mudshit and Arab on the planet played this shit
>They don't realize that literally every single one of these people are going to see it
>"Muh American box office"

It's going to be an absolutely terrible movie, but the lesser races are going to love it. Get ready for Disney to shit the bed and "absorb" Blizzard.

>implying Activision would sell Blizzard to Disney

>"lesser races"
>it's going to be an absolutely terrible movie

Wow what a surprise, only racist pricks think this movie is going to be bad.

Welcome to Sup Forums, enjoy your stay.

Do you really trust any kind of vote or review in the internet ?

Listen. Movie marketing is all about showing what they feel are the best parts of the movie, in order to put asses in seats.

Which means the warcraft trailers have been, what the marketers feel, are the most impactful parts of the movie.

And the trailers have all looked awful.

So, it stands to reason, the movie will be awful.

chinese wow accounts are free for the first couple hours, yo. So if you're dirt poor (read: chinese), its one of the very small number of free things you can do for a few hours.