Post hot girls with heterochromia pls

post hot girls with heterochromia pls

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you posted the hottest girl with heterochromia

what does it say on her license for eye color?

huge lipped chink nigger looks like a fish

misc you eejit!

she just overshot her lips while applying the lipstick

sexy as fuck

are her nipples different shades of pink?
like one dark and one light?

Who dis?



fake lips fake tits..eye probably a fucking contact lens

neither eye looks natural..

she has brown eyes.. those are contacts.

ITT: girls who can into photoshop

looks fucking retarded


get them yourself

It's a real thing you retard I work with a chick like this. Get out of the basement.

it is a real thing.. but the chick in op is fake

even more retarded

you can see the real eye color in the middle easily.. have you fags never seen color contacts?

fun fact mila kunis has that

she looks like such a vapid vain bitch. I literally want to shit in her stupid mouth.

Has this fag ever heard of Sarah Rose McDaniel?

she's a model what do you expect

heterochromia looks absolutely retarded

those artificial nigger lips and that dumb look on her face in that image upsets me. like she is purposefully trying to look like a dumb soulless cunt.


This is how you fix it

Nice contacts.
And by nice, I mean you're fucking cancer if you wear colored contacts.

You people cant seriously believe this phenomenon only exists via contact lenses.

>all of 2 people said that

>tries to feel special by pretending everyone is saying it

OP's pic is fake as fuck, that doesn't mean they're saying the condition doesn't exist.

no, but they sure as hell don't look as real as this guy

his eye colors are the same. it's just that his one pupil was permanently dilated from a fight he got into.

I have the playboy she was in, it was the first non-nude issue, weird how she goes and does this

David Bowie....this guy? He didn't have the condition his pupil was permanently dilated from an accident!

Her blue and brown eye switched sides.
Confirmed contacts or shoop

Which condition killed him again?

other shot was in a mirror

Always thought this was attractive. Better luck just googling pictures of it


The blue still looks fake as fuck in

Liver cancer.
user is right.
His friend punched him in the eye and almost blinded it, left him with shitty depth perception
