Are there problems in the 1st world?

are there problems in the 1st world?

can you have difficulties living there?

basic needs satisfied at almost all times = a lot of free time = overthinking shit = massive depression percentage

also extrem individualsim who isolate you and make tyou socially inapte wich lead to depression ; nobody can live without human contact some time to time or conversation, some need more warm connection bit it hard and people are really on the defensive. People are happier in 2st world than in 1st world, we work harder and life is stressful.

>we work harder
kek literally only the US japan korea and anglo countries do this

First worlders are soulless

we may work less hour but the we are more productiv per hour than this insect, we are more efficient, it's extremely stressful

Emm why poland itt?

People who end up unemployed here usually refuse to do low wage jobs.

The minimum wage is 1550 euro + 8% by the way.

Most of peoples problems here are the result of pride and greed.

i would gladly work in mcdonald's there until I die

You can also become a bus driver. Hand out new marketing products on the street. Show people parking spots. Fix light bulbs at schools. Refill coffee machines at businesses. Etc.

I can't, nobody would issue an working visa for someone to do these things

Then you go around town with a partner in a car to refill empty coffee machines. You'll never get tired.

you have to interract with niggers sometimes

this thread is for 1st worlders

>first world

Living in the 1st world is horrible because your life serves no purpose. I can sit for the rest of my life in my parents property shitposting on Sup Forums and the government would support me until the end of my days.

Whereas in Brasil you will get sent to favela if you don't work or have the luck of being born into an extremely rich family.

Suicide rates are higher than normal. Social awareness and isolation. Ignorance (we have everything we need within our borders, so we know shit about what's going on outside).

Lack of Wifi/Internet connection is by far the most prevelant normie 1st world problem

I have unlimited data on my phone. 6GB fast and unlimited slow.

Fuck you

I have 2GB and that's it. Fuck you.