
Trabby edition

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good edition


trabbis suck

hope they all go on the scrap heap



>he doesn't study economics/finance


top 10 for boring irish posts

>Tfw highest testosterone production on /brit/ as is evident by my superior wrists and facial growth

BA has gone down the shitter lads

Even have to pay for food and drinks on short haul flights now.

630,000 foreigners entered britain last year edition

Black Lives DO MATTER
I'm glad they sentenced Dylan Roof to death desu, this show Drumpf-tards that they haven't won just yet

35 for half a gram of charlie

commie shit

pontiac wave edition

i have a big cock and the stamina of a marathon runner lads

women cream themselves at the thought of sleeping with me


Fucking neck yourself mate, I'm sending a copy of your post to ASIO so they can work with BPOL to slam your ass in jail

>he doesn't study Law or Medicine


fiat 126 edition

audio stream input output?

This is your devil 2nite.

a gram of banging stuff costs me 80 quid. it's always the shit though so i don't even mind

having a milk

Sleepy blonde lass in the first episode was a right qt x

>he doesnt study a STEM field

Ah yes, preventing people from earning over £400,000 is a fantastic idea

the crew rolls a kilo a month

are you very attractive?

>Be Ulster unionist
>Have foetal alcohol syndrome
>Have baby hands
>Have thin and fragile wrists
>Have a 3 inch microdick
>Have size 8 shoes
>Have a frail pathetic frame
>Be a virgin
>Post about the Irish constantly on a tuvan throat singing forum


>he didn't do an anarchy/disease double degree

lmaoing @ ur life

is janny about?

have a pic of my gf i wanna post and it may or may not be safe for work haha x

They should send me over the the USA pronto. Could heem Dyaln Roof with a 1 punch K.O. and save us ALL a lot of time

Recreate vividly in imagination your first orgasm. To what extent do you still use the same accessories (stimuli) to turn you on?

Try to change your sexual imprint. See if you can reach orgasm by some method that has been taboo or unthinkable to you before.

I've been looking to find a trabant in Australia for some time now

I'm convinced that there isn't a single operational one in the entire country

armorued cars

reminder most millionaires and billionaires are self made


stop virgin shaming please

You couldn't punch your way through a wet paper bag you famished little bastard

Wish I had studied PPE

and tanks and guns

is.Sup Forums.org/gif/1484086340077.webm

I don't think any pics of your gf are safe for work mate

You never see Black Brits going on these college/ uni/ gap year trips to Africa do you?

Bit weird init

>tourist meme car
>noisy and not in a good way
>smells awful
>doesn't even look good

ah yes trabbis


roof is sentenced to death
not surprising t bh


post music that makes you feel


absolutely GAGGING

>implying STEM fields are above professional degrees
>implying you can buy fancy cars or nice suits with that shallow sense of personal integrity that comes from contributing something or other to the world
>implying women won't be repulsed by your "engineering degree" whereas they'll be extremely attracted to lawyers/doctors/etc

>a salary cap on the general public enforced by the government

RIP Great Britain

net migration is such a smokescreen

Soldarity to my boy Roofus back in the states, one love bro x

time travel is possible

I'm in northern ireland therefore i don't understand that graph

loool he's right though

Wish Susanna would intervene on my pintle if you know what I mean hehe

came to take away our gimmicks

Paddy is getting feisty tonight

what's that supposed to mean?

muh cans! muh precious antique cans!

so lads, a girl I knew moved away etc etc known her for 7 years

I know she liked me we've had skype sex, we've been talking for a while and she says she's seeing someone.

I straight up said to her, if you're seeing someone, delete me off everything.

she sperged out and said I was controlling her, we argued, she said never speak to her ever again.

was I wrong to do this?

>hello i'm retarded

genuinely aroused by this ;p

sounds like something cuckada would do

Ahh yes another absolutely captivating post, not infantile or moronic whatsoever, a truly high quality post from our good 100% authentic Japanese friend

wish I had paid attention
(we are talking about Personal protective equipmen, right?)

so many shan'ts in one URL

immigrants - pakis
emigrants - brits moving to Australia or Spain

Reminder he was right to leave the cucked throne and Britain should have sided with the Nazis with and Mosley should have been PM.

the gf

I will not stand for the mockery of the Irish rebel cause.

stop posting my frog lad or things are going to get nasty

the best blacked pictures are when the girl is perceived as "innocent" rather than a total delinquent like cara

cheers for the heads up


Fuck the Hun bastards ITT

>>implying women won't be repulsed by your "engineering degree" whereas they'll be extremely attracted to lawyers/doctors/etc

>Two-thirds of all new HIV cases in Europe are being recorded in just one country – Russia: More than a million Russians now live with the virus and that number is expected to nearly double in the next decade

will Russia ever recover?

reddit says yeah

Someone's written an article about you Rorke

muzzies need roundin up

what's gonna happen with arlene lad, and who's going to take over for marty mcg

I guess that Dylann Roof getting the death penalty means that he isn't getting offered a cabinet position from Trump then

holy shit rorkes absolutely btfo

women are vile creatures

cairn terrier sighted

the most patrician of dog breeds

just rolled a spliff
might smoke it to twos and stub it out in a paddys eye

No more power sharing we race war now

>incurable gonorrea is spreading rapid in sweden
dont know what's worse 2bh

in love

howling. rorke literally in tears.


london benefits so much from diversity xx

wow she's BEAUTIFUL

this is quite literally my frog it's my oc and i know some of you cretins have saved it because i've seen it turn up since and it's made me a tad cross


haha dumb swedes

picked up a swede on NYE and it was already the worst decision of 2017

Election in March. She'll be replaced with an exact political copy of herself. As for Marty's replacement? I'm sure they'll find an exact political copy of that traitor too.

Nothing will change.

A pathetic little druggie cunt such as yourself would be kneecapped and left to bleed out if you ever stepped foot in Ireland

rorkes in shreds here

me on the right