Any trippers on Sup Forums tonight? Did about 200 ug last Tuesday for the first time and had the time of my life...

Any trippers on Sup Forums tonight? Did about 200 ug last Tuesday for the first time and had the time of my life. Was planning on tripping again this Friday with my girlfriend (it will be her first time) but was wondering if a week and a half is long enough to not have any diminished effects. Also; sex on acid?

Stoners welcome too if you wanna just talk about your bud/pieces.

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I've tripped 3 times since this summer started, mixed some molly with the last one

200ug is a great dose

2 weeks isthe rule of thumb for full tolerance reset

If I were to do it Friday would I still have a pretty good time though? Got bud for days to intensify it.

I cant get hard when I'm tripping but keep me posted on how it goes

definitely, I've tripped 4 days apart on two accounts and had a great time both times.. funny enough happened to take molly with it both times, so.. that's granted

what dosage do you plan on taking next? also, be prepared for your girlfriend to possibly seem like a different person if you're both going to be tripping, it can be a little weird/creepy but nothing bad

have you mixed weed with it before? also be cautious of that

I've got plenty more to say, I'll just bang out this reply though. I can talk all night, I love acid.

i thought that picture was a morbidly obese disfigured man with a polaroid on his stomach.

Got mild hppd from 1 trip. Scared of doing that shit again.

LSD has a pretty minimal tolerance, you can dose every day for the most part.
If you had a RC, 2 weeks is the standard.
I've gone like 5 days between NBOME trips and the second one only lasted like 4 hours and wasn't strong.
But I still had a good groove going for a while.

I would wish I was welcome in this thread

I might be trying molly soon too when a friend of mine gets back in town. I'm probably just gonna do another 200 this time just to be safe, I want to still be functional in case she starts having a bad trip or something. Smoked weed on the come up last time.

I'll probably jump to 400 ug for a solo trip in like a month or so, I want to experience the spiritual side of acid and I feel like that'd be much easier to achieve alone. But yeah man acid is pretty great.

HPPD goes away with an extended time in sobriety, although visual snow can remain for a lifetime, usually people have that naturally and tripping just makes it noticeable

nice quads

ah ah.. not for everyone as least. Talking LSD, if you wanted to trip 2 days in a row, you'd have to take 2, maybe 3 times more on day 2 than day 1, just to feel the same effects as day 1

1 1/2 weeks is fine dude, have fun and fuck her brains out.

I've shroomed too and I've never suffered hddp. I guess I'm lucky as it seems to be more common than one would thank.



Gonna go down to the river this Friday with a bunch of mates and trip acid with one of them. Spending the weekend there for my friends 18th should be fucking sick

My visual snow was noticeable before tripping, does that mean I was more susceptible to getting HPPD or something? It's disappointing because I was really excited to trip for the first time and I was looking forward to it for a while, and I had a great time as well.

What do you guys like to listen to on acid? (or your drug of choice)

When candyflipping (LSD + Molly), I take them at the same time. Most people take the molly later into an acid trip, to avoid experiencing the molly comedown while tripping on acid.. for me I just don't really give a shit, other than that, I actually find that the molly clears up any issues I get from taking just acid alone (mostly the icky acid comedown), it's all personal preference and discovery however.

If you are totally comfortable with weed, then go right ahead, it'll make the visuals more apparent. Although, you might not feel the high of the weed when you're already tripping on acid, acid overpowers it for me.

200ug too 400ug is a HUGE jump, don't underestimate the potency of the stuff. You seem like you can handle it, but I warn you, it'll blow your fucking mind like never before. Alone is better for higher doses in my opinion, less distractions, but you may really wanna have another person around to reassure you of reality.. it's just a risk you'll have to take if you're willing to dig that deep into it. Be careful of what kind of music you listen to, I've had "chill" music scare the shit out of me when I've been on doses around 400ug and up.

Your tongue looks like a deflated testicle

Sex on acid is incredible, you'll have the best orgasm of your life.
Do eet.

When I'm on amphetamines I listen to EVERYTHING

Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, The Beatles

can confirm this

Man, I'd love to do real Acid, so far its just been shrooms for me which I love, I just really want to try LSD but no clue how.

Not tripping or a stoner so I might not belong here but I tried vyvanse for the first time tonight, pretty good time.

You don't need the acid it is just convenient. Life's the trip =) lsd is just a tool.

I took 100ug of 1P-LSD last Saturday night with a friend at a party. I stayed up all night and had to work the next morning

Great, I was looking for a thread like this since mine didn't get a single reply so I'm just going to copy and paste.

Is sex on acid as fun as they say? I've never tripped with lsd or any hallucinogen but I've heard sex while on it can be amazing so it got me curious. What can I expect to "see" while on it if it's my first time trying it? Would having sex on my first trip be a good idea?

1P-LSD is some good stuff.
We got some of the first batch ever produced.

took 3 tabs (guessing it 375ug, maybe 400ug total) and listened to this

it took complete control of me and I was taken through every part of everything.. hard to put into words. There are some terrifying parts to this mix, but they are scarce, and I felt that it was good for me to face the full spectrum of emotion like that.

Animal Collective when dissing

i like to wait at least 2 weeks, 3 weeks is better after continuous times. if you only tripped once before, 2 weeks is fine.

dont make it a constant thing, it begins to get less and less special if you dont take breaks. same visuals, but it becomes more normal and predictable.

sex on acid is AMAZING, just know you cant get as hard, and finishing is a lot harder. go in knowing you will have fun having sex, dont try and finish if you cant... i have had my dick get raw and sore from having 4-5 hour long sex marathons. it sounds more fun than it is.

nah, chances are what you have isnt actually dosed out at 200ug (or totaling that). go slowly, only do jumps if its from the same buy. and go up half tabs after 300 ug or so. 300 to 450 ug is the difference between some detailed fractals, and having your whole vision taken over by gliphs and crazyness.

also, its not bitter, is it op?

suck the anal beads out of your moms asshole faggot and kill yourself

Iv only tripped twice and only 2 notable things I really remember,fucking on acid was awesome fuckin loved it ..just could feel it more and more like intimate I guess I would say..And fuckin don't look at pictures man they trip you out faces seem morphed and some move and shits nuts kinda scary to be honest..but it was good times def would trip again..

That's the only fucking way to do it dude. Or some God damn Tame impala

Or just don't be an edgy disrespectful cunt by doing drugs. Basically you are telling the family of every fallen law enforcement officer that their loved one did not matter.

Are you on drugs right now?

Haven't done acid, but took 3.5 grams of mushrooms this summer as my first psychedelic experience. Can honestly say I was unable to wank, or even keep an erection. I just got so weak and I felt like I was getting sucked into the bed, and I laid there staring at the roof for 6 hours at least. That's just me though, psychedelics are different for most people.

Deakins new solo album is absolutely perfect for dissing if you haven't tried it yet. It's the shit.

I'm definitely gonna wait till I'm a bit more experienced before doing the solo trip, it's something I want to do though to have a more introverted experience, I've heard it's a great tool to work on one's self when used correctly. I feel like lower doses are for groups and higher doses are better alone, due to ego death and what not.

I love me some shrooms. Been thinking of growing some since the spores are legal to purchase online and it seems pretty low maintenance.

Tried vyvanse a couple times in high school cause a friend had a prescription. It was alright. Pretty much just smoke bud regularly and use psychedelics every once in a while.

a billion fucking fascist pigs can choke on their own blood and it will never end people's right to explore their consciousness, nor should the government or law enforcement be attempting to prevent people from exploring with psychedelics. kill yourself.

That edge. How is 8th grade?

Nice quads bro

Sex on acid doesnt sound pleasant to me

Not bitter at all. It's on candy which concerned me a little at first but no bitterness whatsoever and I trust my guy. He's pretty knowledgeable on what he sells and he's been my weed guy for quite a while.

hey guys, I'm looking to get into lsd, but I don't know where to find it. im not that into the drugs around my town, since I would always buy from my friend. he moved and we lost contact. how do I go about finding a dealer?

I'm about to trip for my first time on acid or shrooms this weekend. What would he a good dose for either of those that would cause me to trip but not be overwhelmed, will he smoking weed too

Soberfag here. Never done drugs except for a single bong-hit of weed/tobacco mix. Didn't feel anything but friends told me the first time can be like that for some people. Interested to get into this kinda shit tho. Where's a good place to start?


Last time I took a high dose I was with someone, except we were in a room with just black lights on and I was so in my head that it was as if he wasn't there for most of it. If you're gonna do a high dose, try to have your girlfriend be around in another room just in case, I think that'd be your best bet. At times when I'm alone on high doses, I may miss people with such an intensity and it will distract me big time. When I'm tripping that hard, I'll even think that I can make people appear just by thinking about it, but I'll become frustrated when I realize I in fact can't do that.

Heroin is usually a good starter drug. Just ask around.

so, the most important thing when smoking, is to breath in like normal. when you breath out, you should be able to exhale out your nose, see smoke, then breath the last bit out your mouth and bearly see anything.

smoking is a good start... 1 or 2 puffs only your first time though.

try not to mix drugs.

as for harder drugs, dark net markets are great, and are easy to use... just read up what your getting on erowid. read trip reports so you know the effects, read dosages, get a good scale (gemini 20 pro is a good one), and start low. dont mix drugs... it can get way too intense or dangerous. if you feel experienced enough, the tripsit community has a good drug interactions chart

Personally, I don't like sex on acid. It's just awkward for me. Plus I'm tripping hard all the way and can't concentrate on what I'm doing. I wouldn't recommend it for a first trip unless you're in a very good place with yourself and your couple.

On the other hand, sex on MDMA is AWESOME.

Start with weed and if you like that you should branch out to psychs. Just make sure you're getting good stuff and not research chemicals. Experiment a bit if you want but I'd stay away from amphetamines and what not.

Hell yeah bro I love tripping.

Done shrooms a few times, 4-aco-dmt is my favorite RC. I've done lsd 4-5 times. most recently was 3-4 days ago at 150ug of some of gammagoblins shit. Fun stuff

with LSD, just take 1 tab your first time and be around people who are experienced trippers and will have a good idea of how you're feeling. It's a great sign when the tab has absolutely no taste. Keep it mind that you will feel the trip noticeably for up to 12 hours, then the next day will be "off" and weird. You return to normal after getting a good night's rest the next day. While tripping on acid, remind yourself that you are tripping on acid, the awareness is good.

shrooms, take 2 grams, make sure it's a normal mix of caps and stems, the cap of a shroom makes you trip harder than the stem, it will most likely be too intense if you eat all caps

weed, just fuck around with that, try it when your friends offer. wait 15 minutes per couple hits, in the beginning stages of smoking pot, it can be way too intense out of nowhere if you smoke a bunch all at once

only mix stuff if you're completely comfortable with both substances

Not retarded
Have a friend who can get me anything I ask for as long as I pay up. Im loath to use the deep net, don't try and convince me, it's like convincing a child theres no monster under their bed.
I've been wanting to try weed again but haven't had the opportunity, in a few months when I move out I should have heaps more time

Saving this somewhere for future reference. Thanks user

take my words with a grain of salt. you should do your own extensive research before you submit yourself to things such as psychedelics, look online and ask friends about their experiences.

Tripping is a vulnerable experience, a good rule of thumb is to trip around people you'd be comfortable with crying in front of. However, make sure you actually like these people. People who kinda annoy you will REALLY annoy you if you're on acid.

Good advice. Also, do dissociatives if your want to trip without getting emotional. They can be pretty psychedelic if you dose right, though it's more of a solo, leave the universe experience.

anyone want to share stories of trips they've had?

greentext or whatever. fucking love trip stories, and there hasn't been a thread like that in forever

So here's a view of psychadelics that I heard from a random guy at the club which makes sense to me:
Shrooms raises questions
Acid answers questions
DMT IS the question
Any agreements here? I've done the first two working on the third. Eyyyyy

and weed makes you forget what the question was

Lmao yeah hahaha really it's alcohol that makes me forget shit all the damn time. Although I've been weed free for like 7 months not so I don't really remember. Was trying to smoke tonight but my homie is a dink.

>plants are so friendly
>lay down with plants
>death by fractals

any tabs that big in real life are usually not real lsd

>Be me at home
>On acid
>Need to take a shit
>Go to my bathroom and stay for maybe 10 minutes, sitting on the toilets
>start seing my shower melting and lots of colors
>Start laughing
>Notice a little insect just in front of me
>Friends in the living room start pulling some Tribe (if you want to, I can give you a youtube link to the music)
>Continue gazing at this little insect mother fucker who heads to the doorframe.
>Begin to see somme little dune of sand and some with blowing little particules at the back of my new 8 legged friend
>While i'm looking at it, hear a voice teeling me to "touch the particles", very reassuring voice, calm and warm feminine voice.
>I'm touching them. I'm litteraly felling all the particles under my finger and I can play, with them.
>While i'm taking a shit.
>A huge one.
>The particles now become some lines I can grab and slide, as if they were files in a draw.
>Music intensify ( or maybe friend put it lounder)
>The deeper I "dive" my and into those lines, the better i'm feeling.
>Start laughing of pleasure.
>Friend opens the door and sees me, taking the funiest shit ever, my right hand in front of me with some fucking mickey mouse style eyes.
>"user, you are tripping... right"
>Look at him, tell him what happened.He smile and left.

I finish what I had to do and go back to the party. LSD is a really great drug! (sorry for all the mistakes, my english is a bit rusted)

how much acid did you take?

1 tab of 250µm (according to the guy who sold it to me)

wow, I've taken that amount and higher and I've never seen crazy shit like that, I've heard the voices though

µg sorry ^^

Well, i'm glad to have a pretty shitty tolerance to this. The musics I listen helped a lot to, really trippy/high bpm. Sometimes, it's just a question of ambiance.

Was it everything I ever dreamed of? I can't get those drugs here.