Wish this show didnt turn into cultural marxist propaganda

Wish this show didnt turn into cultural marxist propaganda

got really bad with season 4 when they tried to make pedophiles sympathetic characters

>cultural marxist propaganda

What's that even mean

cultural marxists try to force "equality" on the social level instead of financial

for example, normalization of trannies, pedophiles and faggots



It's basically the rejection of Christian morality and an acceptance of an anti-scientific Marxist cult.

They reject all differences between the races except when it suits their purpose. They claim there's no difference between whites and blacks, while attacking whites for "privilege." The frame class warfare in Marxist terms without directly calling themselves Marxists.

You can see them infecting most forms of media if you're actually paying attention.



The West has been losing the culture war since the civil rights era. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you ride the tiger.


The West has been losing the culture war since the civil rights era. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you ride the tiger.

This guy has it. The goal of cultural Marxism is to erase any distinction between people.

See Transgender bathrooms. The Left is actively trying to eliminate the difference between man and woman right now.

The religion that replaced Christianity was not a wholesome one. Name one quantifiable benefit of "diversity."

Venture Bros in no way represents cultural Marxism, if anything it's a cultural libertarian show. That and the whole pedo thing with Sgt. Hatred was because of a side effect of the super-soldier serum the OSI gave him, an at the time corrupt government body. Captain Sunshine is a creepy horrible pedo in the show. There are good gay characters and bad gay characters, same with minorities. There even several examples of black ghetto trash, Mexican sleaze balls, asian yellow terror characters, etc etc.

Ethnic food.

False. You don't need to be a certain race to be able to cook a dish

Mods, move thread to please. Don't delete.

Why does everyone on all sides have to find a conspiracy in everything? Why is every single fucking thing accused of having some sinister agenda anymore? Can people not just enjoy entertainment for what it is? Jesus Christ arisen I feel like I am living in a god damn satire of the real world these past few years.

>Captain Sunshine is a creepy horrible pedo in the show

What? I thought the joke was he wasn't a pedo.

It is. People just think he is because he's all spaghetti and sparkles.

cultural marxism isn't a conspiracy if you pay any attention at all, please remember that all art is propaganda, you literally can not make art without pushing some kind of agenda.

>Captain Sunshine
Well technically he's an ephebophile, attracted to adolescents. At least according to the creators.

which is by law still pedophilia, there is no legal distinction really between those age levels, all that matters is the age of consent

Also, Sgt. Hatred was a creepy one off villain that was mentioned in other episodes then shown first during the Monarch's wedding. It was heavily implied that he molested Hank and Dean and in no way is he shown in a positive light until much later when you find out his perversions are cause by government drugs.

Exactly it's just meaningless distinction. Captain Sunshine is a monster.