Pokemon go?

Pokemon go?

Do you think the government is using this to spy on people's activities?

sure thing fam

They would be gathering data on the movements of the least important people to track ever.

apple already does this

Absolute dog shit since they ruined the tracking and then got rid of pokevision



Definitely. But just imagine a terrorist cell in your country being discovered just because Ahmed had to catch a weedle

What would they gain from spying on kids?

This is always the point - people worry about the government 'spying' on them as if they're important enough for anyone to give a shit about.

All your friends and family hate you user, why would the government care what you're up to?

Hey I'm 42 and I play Pokemon go all the time! The best pokemons are by the elementary school's play ground

Why would they need pokemon go to spy on you? The hardware that allows you to play pokemon go is already sending metadata to the NSA. So yeah

Pokemon Go is this years My Little Pony. It's entertainment made for children but old weird faggots play it themselves.

>Pokemon Go is this years MLP
>Harambe is this years Cecil the liom
Memes are gettin recycled in 2016

Of course, and at every scale :
- basics cops to chase tyrone tant
- feds (all kind) to watch on your guns/pills/bodybaginthebackyard/fluffy in your basement
- CIA to jerk on your mom's photo
- and Nintendo wait a bit more for tuning control of your domotics shit

Are we really still arguing that video games are solely made for children?

Of course, because they don't know we use facebook, and they can see or internet ip....

Go is made for people with autonomy who care about Pokemon.

That's not kids.

No, but pokemon go is

Not really sure a game was designed with the intent of children walking for miles upon miles.

cool pokes
oh jeez, I didn't realize you were on team fagor

Are you just mad because you're too fat to walk around so you can't play?

The government can't run an email server properly.

Corporations, on the other hand, most assuredly are spying on you.

>video games aren't for kids
>except for this one because I don't like it
>I r very smart
>pls an hero

The data they receive from tracking would be skewed anyway. People have changed their habits. ... they are going to places they haven't been before. .... the more likely is the data will be used to generate a "terrorist" attack sponsored by the government. ...although tbh it wouldn't be hard for a terrorist to use the game to figure out where large groups of people are. It will all depend on the narrative the government wants to spin.

>>Sup Forums

Government is already far up your ass even without Pokemon go

I just have 0 interest in it. Maybe if I watched the cartoon as a kid I would be invested in it, but it is hard to care about something you don't know

you dont need pokemon to check out where large groups of people are.

Niantic was a part of google, first member of PRISM, of course this data is collected.

but seriously are you all using a gps hack of some kind, because darkpokemongo in xposed is the easiest tbh