What good is it that it's the most important city in the planet, with the most economic and cultural weight...

what good is it that it's the most important city in the planet, with the most economic and cultural weight, and global connectivity, if UK as a whole is a semi-decaying shithole?

brits also have substandard quality of life with tiny houses and tiny cars, while only the elite, royalty and mudslimes enjoy the benefits

is there a way to fix uk?

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London was for the most part the "global city"
You can maybe say the same about NYC up to a point, but at least in economic terms we will have to accept a chink city as the new "Global city"

>This meme again
Places like Cumbria, North Yorkshire, East Anglia, the West Country etc. are all far nicer places than London
If anything Urban England is the shittiest part of England

so, most of your people live n the shittiest parts of england?

to which other first world country is UK's quality of oife comparable?

also I get the impression that brits are so diconnected from their elite nad political class, like they don't give a fuck about the common brit

>brits also have substandard quality of life with tiny houses and tiny cars, while only the elite, royalty and mudslimes enjoy the benefits
I can assure you we have a better quality of life than your shithole my friend

>what good is it that it's the most important city in the planet, with the most economic and cultural weight, and global connectivity, if UK as a whole is a semi-decaying shithole?
But mate, London is as much a shithole as the rest of the country

Pakis everywhere

>is there a way to fix uk?
Yes, deport all the shitskins


Probably not a shred of self awareness.


pakis are one part of the problem, your country is the seat of many globalist, pedo enabling, ayyrab loving, kike satanic rings and elites, and its politicians havent done much good for its people or care about you these last decades

do you think your quality of life is comparable to USA? or spain even? aren't most brits depressed?

ah yes, Panama
truly a bastion of development in the jewel of Latin America

You are being very rude

>your country is the seat of many globalist, pedo enabling, ayyrab loving, kike satanic rings and elites
I have nothing against British elites just for being elites, they run the businesses that make our country great

If they support mass immigration then they are cunts. Anyway it just sounds a bit like you're jealous of our success lad.

>its politicians havent done much good for its people or care about you these last decades
Firstly, Maggie was the best.

Secondly, we're fixing that aren't we? We just reclaimed our sovereign independence didn't we? Yes, yes we did.

>do you think your quality of life is comparable to USA? or spain even?
Better than Spain, yes, our GDP per capita is higher.

>aren't most brits depressed?
Britain is a gloomy island lad, you'd be miserable with this weather too, but we make up for it by founding empires and being the culturally dominant country of the entire planet.

Ask yourself what the lingua franca of the world is. Oh yes, it's English. And why is that? Because we founded the largest empire that has ever existed in human history, and because the vestiges of that empire (particularly the United States, Australia, NZ and Canada) have gone on to become the most prosperous nations on Earth (alongside ourselves)

Sorry your country's shit, Paco.


>liking Nigel
I'm all for taking the piss out of a stingy third worlder but he's a proper twat, how can you think a banker who is married to a fucking Jew has your best interests at heart? Not only that he said more shitskins could come to Britain if we leave the EU.

>being a lefty faggot

Oh boy here we go.

>Not only that he said more shitskins could come to Britain if we leave the EU.

He was appeasing a lefty in a debate, he didn't mean it you fucking faggot.

James is that you?

ok then. i had the perception uk was comparable to russia in these aspects, what with the tiny cars and houses (with average houses in city centers costing over a million bucks), so i thought there was disconnect in what is a meagre lifestyle vs the most important global city you have.

do brits enjoy london?

its ok

I'm not a lefty but okay. If there was a genuine nationalist party in the UK which wasn't as embarassing as the BNP I would vote for them.

>He was appeasing a lefty in a debate, he didn't mean it you fucking faggot.

Ah yes, "h-he was just appeasing you guise"
Note that he said India is more similar to the UK than eastern Europe.

Some of the houses here are tiny admittedly, but plenty of people live in bigger houses. Smaller houses are mainly inhabited by Pakis, immigrants and young people who are getting onto the property ladder (housing prices are high here and are getting higher).

Don't see tiny cars as a problem because some of the roads here are old and really thin but I have seen some larger American cars on the road recently, there was a big Ford Ranger parked around the road from me the other day

As for London I went down for a couple of nights last year and I did enjoy it, saw more white people than I expected to but then again I spent my time in the centre which is where all the tourists and financial workers are. Wouldn't want to live there though, too cramped, expensive and enriched

Who the fuck is James

>what with the tiny cars
Mate we make some of the best cars in the entire fucking world

All of these cars are British-made:
>Rolls Royce
>Aston Martin
>Land Rover / Range Rover

These are some of the most sought after car manufacturers in the world, and they're engineered and made right here in Britain.

McLaren and Jaguar even make their own engines too. Look at pic related, one of the world's best hypercars, and the whole thing (including the engine) is designed, engineered, and manufactured right here in Blighty.

We've got big country houses too mate, don't you worry.

>so i thought there was disconnect in what is a meagre lifestyle vs the most important global city you have.
Wealth inequality has struck all Western nations in the last couple decades mate, but we'd have to have a right catastrophe to reach anywhere NEAR the levels of inequality found in your shithole.

Panama is the 14th most unequal country in the world.
The UK is the 118th.

>do brits enjoy london?
I used to live in London and there are good bits, especially all the museums which are fantastic. The British Museum has to be the best. Mesopotamian and Egyptian sculptures, the Elgin Marbles, the Rosetta Stone, etc. Probably one of the finest museum collections in the world. Some of the art galleries are great too.

But yes obviously mass immigration has been shit. And London is getting more and more expensive.

I hope that our other cities develop a bit more 2bh, like Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, places like this, but they are developing quite a lot to be fair.

Although I'm a Southerner so for me, London is the place to go. I could go to Brighton but it's full of fags. And I'm not going to Southampton because they're scum.

If you're actually interested ive answered seriously

>if UK as a whole is a semi-decaying shithole?
It's not to be honest, its just quite different to london. But there are businesses all over the country with links to the rest of the world and europe. All in all though everywhere is improving, nowhere has decayed in my lifetime

>brits also have substandard quality of life
on what grounds? We have higher than average life expectancy, GDP, great healthcare, alright education etc

>with tiny houses
Outside London houses and flats are normal size by any standards, and they are at least all well connected to clean water, reliable (aka 24h a day) electricity and heat and so on. But remember we have 1/5 of the population of the USA, but only 1/40th of the landmass, so generally speaking, less space

> tiny cars
why would that matter? We have smaller roads, and smaller journeys to make

>only the elite enjoy the benefits
same in every country


more memes

>to which other first world country is UK's quality of life comparable?

A middle income in the UK would have the same sort of quality of life as middle income literally anywhere in Europe. Low income in the UK would be similar lifestyle to low income basically anywhere in Western Europe and better social security than the US

>is there a way to fix uk?
Sure, there are lots of things to work on, but we're doing ok thanks Panama

>do you think your quality of life is comparable to USA? or spain even? aren't most brits depressed?

Having lived in Spain, definitely. Having lived in Germany, definitely.
>arent most brits depressed
everyone on Sup Forums's depressed mate, but in real life depression rates in the UK are on par with anywhere first world

>I'm not a lefty but okay. If there was a genuine nationalist party in the UK which wasn't as embarassing as the BNP I would vote for them.
UKIP is the closest we've got lad so you can either watch our country become a Muslim caliphate or you can suck up your objections and vote for them.

>Note that he said India is more similar to the UK than eastern Europe.
Yeah I dunno why the fuck he's saying that. Once upon a time it would have been true - they spoke English, they played cricket, they were loyal subjects of the empire.

But now they're not. They're fierce nationalists, and they've spent the last 50 or so years expunging all traces of British imperialism from their nation and culture.

So yeah, Nige is stuck in a time warp on that one. I agree with you he's a fucking idiot for saying shit like that. Australians, of course, are more than welcome. Same with Canadians and Americans. And Kiwis.

But I am correct, he has only said that because he's trying to appease the left. If he could get away with it he'd say "white Aussies, Americans and Canucks - no wogs", but he can't, can he?

well, 30% of panama is composed of jungle dwelling natives that refuse to integrate.. we have an excuse. but isnt that crisis happening in uk, the pakis would take that role. it could be difficult on you

btw those cars are high class cars, or youre saying me the average brit owns a mclaren?

all house ive seen in uk are lame brick closets that come in packs. that or commie blocks like in that film about hooligans

i went to london once and it was kinda empty, i had the impression not many brits went there and it was sort of a globalist theme park for kike elites to fiddle kiddies, have royal parties and drive lambos

so is uk alright? do you enjoy life? do you wish you lived elsewhere?

uk is fine, certainly no worse than anywhere else in europe.

i enjoy life alot. I plan to move abroad because that's what i've learnt languages to do but its not because UK is bad

I don't wish I had been born anywhere else, I like the UK alot, but I will move away for a few years because I can and i think it will be fun

No, does your name begin with A?

Can you explain how exactly the BNP is embarrassing? I've visited their website once and it looked like a pretty normal rightwing party to me. Beyond this I don't know much about the BNP.

>the most important city in the planet
wrong city pham 2bh

>most important city in the planet, with the most economic and cultural weight, and global connectivity
That picture is of London though