literally wtf is soap, its fucking shit. why dont people just use shower jell its so much better
Literally wtf is soap, its fucking shit. why dont people just use shower jell its so much better
Weak bait /10
Try harder
It's GEL, you fucking turd.
like can't people just fucking get a grip and stop making this stuff
shower jell is shit as well bro
wtf are you talking about man, its ace. literally everything you need to keep your body nourished and clean. fucking soap is a forced meme that hasn't died yet.
Literally what is water. People should just drink piss.
Soap works because we all have natural oils on our skin. Soap chemically cuts oils and then all of the other shit we don't want goes too.
who tf takes shower
thats why kids get acne and shit, because soap removes the oils and lets the dirt in. its literally skin suicide to use soap and not shower jell
aside from this thread being bait, all you need is water m8. bath products like soap and gel destroy the natural acid mantle of the skin every time you use them
Well why do they make it then?
$ $ $
Why do they make cigarettes?
>nice pun
Also, my skin feels funny when i use this soap, dont know why.
>Also, my skin feels funny when i use this soap, dont know why.
It's a very typical cuckold reaction.
Your skin feels weird because it isn't covered in nigger cum, as you've become accustomed to.
Haven't you watched fight club?!
Tyler Durden here
yeah but it literally only teaches you that terrorists use soap to disguise bombs
wew lad, haha,