How come you guys were okay with scarjo being cast as motoko but flip your shit when based Idris Elba gets cast as the...

How come you guys were okay with scarjo being cast as motoko but flip your shit when based Idris Elba gets cast as the dark tower?

Aren't Anime characters white anyway?

Because Idris Elba is a 100% LITERAL cuck

Because Motoko at least looks white.

Look at the Dark Tower comics and tell us on a scale of 1 to 10 how black Roland is.
The answer is a resounding zero.

>How come you guys were okay with scarjo being cast as motoko

Because Dark Tower is good, all anime is bad.

A lot of people aren't okay with Motokos casting

Because it's arguable whether or not Motoko is Asian or white. Meanwhile Roland is white as white can be. That being said Idris will be fine but the film will suck. Both films will suck.

I'm very ok with Elba being cast as Deschain for a couple of reasons:
Firstly, Elba is a great actor.
Secondly, King himself said it was a great casting choice and I trust man.
Thirdly, Elba is a great actor.

Please point me in the direction of the Path of the Chimp.

The problem I have with it, is Roland stands on his own. He doesn't need contrived controversy to make him great. It's a fucking distraction. We have Detta/Odetta as the strong black role. Shit give Idris Eddie Dead, the Prisoner is a much more suiting role.

Shoving Black people into roles is a form of racism in it's self. Basically saying, "Anything a White man can do, I can do equal or better." In stead of, "I am a strong black man, watch me be creative and original."