Would you watch a Waspgirl solo movie?
Would you watch a Waspgirl solo movie?
Adam Johnson
Aiden Long
>waspgirl will never flick you off her shoulder
just fucking die in my sleep already
John Davis
>make a wasp movie
>it's not about rich people living in the suburbs
why is this allowed
Lincoln Myers
I didn't even watch the Antman solo movie
Joshua Price
I really liked Ant-Man. So if it was the same people, probably, because that haircut made me HHHHNNNNGGGGG
Julian Watson
It's pretty good, senpai
Charles Carter
If she didn't shave, sure.
Jaxon Peterson
I'm probably more excited by a Wasp movie more than the Ant-Man movie.
Grayson Stewart
Does she have the same powers as Ant-Man?
And yeah, if it was made by the same people the sure.
Caleb Martin
No..no it's not.