
>watching the news

>being controlled by Jews

You fought a war against Hitler in the interest of the Jews you cuck.

...yeah, and so did you. Are you a moron?

Anyway, look at pic related. Oy vey.

My grandfather's seed was still in Germany fighting the good fight.

>mfw i'm one of the 5-6 million
Feels good man.

Can you believe some people out there don't celebrate the 4th of July?

Damn you smut peddler.


Sorry I don't talk to goyim :^)

god bless

I'm a Jew.

Talk to me yedidi.

that's canada lmao

>ameriblubbers will defend this

Looks like your average Irish American.

>Not on the chart
Looks like old Benito did something right

>Ashkenazi Jews

Why are there so many Jews in Argentina?

They were probably Nazi officials.