I hope Obama starts martial law so we can have him as President until he dies...

I hope Obama starts martial law so we can have him as President until he dies. He is the best president we ever had and he will make america great again

Not a huge fan of Obama, but I'd rather have him around for 8 more than either of our current options.

Need him to get on board with Automatic vehicles and create infrastructure specific to their needs.

Lol jk trump 2016 kys

Stop pretending to be me.


Wrong. I'm sure its not the first time.

Oh dune coon, your end is near

Lots of nice "facts" you got there. Too bad they're not backed up at all.

I guess since it's in a picture, it must be true though, right?

>I hope Obama starts martial law so we can have him as President until he dies. He is the best president we ever had and he will make america great again
Sad bait is sad.
Bush could have killed OBL at any point if he wanted to. You do not kill friends, you make sure their families get home safe after they kill a bunch of fuckers.

Food stamp recipients up 42%
Corporate profits up 136%
Reduced the uninsured rate by only 13% despite the billions in costs to start run and maintain bamma care

are you saying that he didn't get bin Laden?

Are you saying that bin Laden was never alive?

Are you saying that bin Laden was never to blame for the 9/11 attacks?

Are you saying that elements within the bush administration orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to secure oil in the middle east?

Are you saying that there was no George Bush? That the man was a robot built by the Soviets in the 1950's

Are you saying that USA has been under russian control all this time?

Are you saying that the russians are not even russian, but a specieces of mindworms that borrow into the cerebral cortex and gives its victims the lucid dreams that they perceives as"reality?"

Are you saying that I am not real?

Are you saying that the very concept of a personal self is not real?

How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go Jimmy?

Oh, you are just sayng that poeple with agendas create easy infographics for peasants to swallow so they can try to convince them that their political team is the better and the opponents team is just the worse. Haha I see. Yeah don't worry about the mindworm rubbish. We don't exist. Your opinion is super important Jimmy and I hope that you will live a long and productive life, wink wink. Ha ha ha. Oh hilarious stuff

But seriously though, Obama has been good for the economy. You should read some economic journals if you get a break from your busy, busy schedule

America is already pretty great

>martial law

Have fun with the second revolution overthrowing obama

Obama is a Kenyan Shia Muslim, OBL was Sunni. Gaddafi was Sunni too, BTW. Those 2 sects are like Glasgow Rangers vs Glasgow Celtic fans, but with AK47s & RPGs instead of steak knives.

Then the Republicans were right in 2008. This is exactly what they said would happen: Martial Law.
See they don't just manipulate retards by playing on fears, it is based in reality!

you will to pay for that.

have any proof for those claims kid.
thanks for saying Hillary sucks so bad.

implying obammy did.

you forgot the best part. the money you supposedly save on obammy care is taxed as income. being taxed on money you didn't earn.


You mad white boy? Then I will prescribe you Xanax. You see sometimes we are angry for reasons we no longer remember and have the hatred boil up inside us. This is not healthy and rest assured you will not have to keep ingesting it it will be only temporarily. I will make you an appointment with our psychologist and she will keep track of your progress. Eat healthy a lot of fruits you know how they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Avoid stressful situations when you can. Take 2 pills one in the morning at diner and one at evening at diner with a big glass of water.
Side effects include:
Being forgetful
changes in patterns and rhythms of speech
clumsiness or unsteadiness
difficulty with coordination
feeling sad or empty
lack of appetite
loss of interest or pleasure
relaxed and calm
shakiness and unsteady walk
sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
slurred speech
trouble concentrating
trouble in speaking
trouble performing routine tasks
trouble sleeping
unsteadiness trembling
or other problems with muscle control or coordination
unusual tiredness or weakness call me if you experience any of these.
I will see you again next tuesday at 10am or 7pm whatever fits you best. Have a pleasant day sir.

new pasta?

Do not steal.

nope. I did expect you to kill yourself before the year is out though.

Well, not expect but, you know. Predict.

You will kill yourself before the end of the year

don't think you have to worry about that.


>I will prescribe you Xanax.

Just because The Simpsons has a black doctor does not mean that any actually exist in real life, get a grip, Sambo.